African American
Related: About this forumMy thoughts on Emmett Till's memorial sign.
Let it stand as a memorial to the white supremacists and their racist hate that defaced it with bullet holes. Let it stand as a reminder of the cowards that came in the darkness of night and boldly shot up the memorial sign. They must have felt so powerful, the sniveling bastards. They are nothing more than weak cowards. Did they wear their white hoods as well?
Second amendment rights allows you to buy AK47's to crawl out of your festering hole in the darkness of night to shoot up a memorial of a 14 year old you lynched SIXTY ONE YEARS AGO!
Please raise that money, yet let the sign stand in memory of Emmitt. LET IT STAND! In his memory give that money to the children that are in need. Money to their schools, their education, their future. I am sure Emmitt would have wanted that.
We have had far to many Emmitts. This needs to stop.
It is time to raise the money for the sweet children that are ALIVE. Emmitt does not need it anymore, nor would he want it when there are so many more needy.
White woman's opinion here.

(13,797 posts)while we do need money for the living children, not fixing that memorial would do nothing but encourage the scum who frankly, not only are proud of shooting that sign, not only proud that they shot Emmet Till , but are actively planning to shoot more black people. Please, do not be fooled by "history", there are people who would not only bring back the CSA in it's full glory, but they would use Modern technology to do things that would make even Nathan Bedford Forrest vomit.
(90,503 posts)rusty quoin
(6,133 posts)They, today, could not even respect Emmet Till, which means those people are as bad as the past.
I have no words.
(11,856 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)make America Great Again.
Pretty sure he meant white.
rusty quoin
(6,133 posts)Trump made it happen. The Rebublican party sowed the seeds, and here we are again.
(6,592 posts)Response to sheshe2 (Original post)
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