African American
Related: About this forumMaybe I'm being overly cynical and unfair, but why are so many white people are only now waking up?
Since black people and others who don't fit the normative "white" ideal of American society have been dealing with the likes of Donald Trump and the "Alt-Right" since...well, honestly ever since the ancestors of black Americans were brought here against their will through unspeakable coercion and violence.
And even then, a majority of white voters are voting for Trump. Just like they have been voting for Republicans in record numbers ever since Barack Obama was nominated and then elected as President.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that more of white America is seeing the light, so to speak. But still, I can't help but worry that it might be "too little, "too late."

(13,304 posts)in record numbers since Lyndon Johnson's Voting Rights Act and other Civil Rights legislation back in the '60's.
(6,592 posts)Empathy, it seems to me, has always been in short supply.
(47,209 posts)SusanCalvin
(6,592 posts)I thank Highlights and Scholastic Books for helping me not become a racist like my dad. (And he bought them for me and then was puzzled by the result!)
Edited to add: Apparently I was supposed to become smart but still remain a racist.... ;->
(9,976 posts)Add right wing radio and internet sites that have stoked racism since 2009 and upped it in 2012. Once Romney lost, they gave up any idea of changing their platform and furthered voter registration restrictions from the SCOTUS to state's atty's general.
Add rising gun violence and targeting blacks by PD, it is then regurgitated on the FNC and right wing radio and internet sites.
Repeat. Et voila. Civil War.
(91 posts)Faux news and right wing radio have done more to divide this country than any other thing. IMHO. Then of course along comes their orange poster boy and here we are....the country could be ruined or we could be sane and pick Hillary.
(9,976 posts)Had Ailes' sexual intimidation and assaults been exposed 10 years ago, we might never have had the anti-Obama at all costs strategy. They literally wanted to ruin our economy rather than work with Obama.
They're traitors and don't care about America.
(35,157 posts)A lot lot of really close minded, older White folks now have grand kids that were born with a nice golden tan. Seems the more racist they were, the more likely that will happen.
50 some years ago I read a book that shaped my thinking forever, Black Like Me. Should be required reading.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)true nature of our Country. Have a closed minded Relative that has come to grips with reality. When his only son told him that his new partner in life was a guy,well that changed his being once and for all. The Racial crap stopped and he now avoids most social issues until he comes to grip with his demons..
Ellen Forradalom
(16,179 posts)And got called some choice names by my classmates for my taste in reading material.
The police shootings and protests have made it impossible for us to avert our eyes.
I would also credit the rise of blogs, forum posts and other alternative publications that permit a white person to read up on POC's view of events as they happen. I credit such sources, including this forum, with helping my understanding evolve. It is so very easy to remain in the white bubble.
(35,157 posts)I have been lucky enough to live and work with many different cultures in my life. Also, my minor in college was Cultural Anthropology.
Response to YoungDemCA (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(546 posts)Where is the evidence that "so many" white people are "waking up?" Trump stands a good chance of exceeding McCain's (55%) and Romney's (59%) white voter totals.
(6,592 posts)Alice11111
(5,730 posts)I, and all my friends, taught and lived our values, that racism, sexism, anti gay, and other discrimination was wrong, evil, and ignorant. Our generation fought it and experienced it. (Of course, there were always those on the other those days, military.) Many of the mellenials take these beliefs and rights for granted. It's taking a loud mouth bigot like Trump getting so close to having power to wake them up.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)Is grasping reality for the "1st time".
I don't believe it for a second - Perhaps the spectacle of the GOP's true colors being shown - in public and out loud - is finally waking them up to the fact that racism lite is still evil
(29,047 posts)Black Lives Matter, social media, adult cartoons (Family Guy, etc.), socially aware music, the resurgence of anarchist philosophies, and probably tons of other things I'm not thinking of right now. That's my guess.