African American
Related: About this forumI do not want to hear WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS.
At what cost will we see our way through? How many lives will be hurt? How many will be sacrificed and die?
How many f**king minorities will once again pay the price?
Why do we have to fight so hard over and over for the right to be accepted as an equal human being.
____________________________ oem_by_Martin_Niemoeller_at_the_the_Holocaust_memorial_in_Boston_MA.jpg
A partial list. Please add.
Native American
trump and the white nationalists are coming for us all.
Then They Came for Me.
and by that time there was no one left to speak for us.
There was no one left to speak for me.

liberal N proud
(61,087 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,967 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)
(6,409 posts)I forget who said it, but we will not just wake up some Wednesday morning and realize we are living in a dictatorship. The changes will happen bit by bit, just as Niemoeller said. I suspect they will begin with Muslims, since many Americans feel hostile toward them already.
(90,503 posts)We elected a Nazi and the KKK. They are here. They are not even in office and they are coming for us. The violence is escalating rapidly
Also....all social safety nets will be disabled. Paul Boy must be wetting his pants in pure joy at screwing us all.
It is escalating and they will do everything they can with their hateful rhetoric to see it continues. They want us dead. That is a Effing fact.
(18,124 posts)we will one day wake up to the orange fascist fuhrer's dictatorshiop. With Sessions in there we will see every obvious minority at risk. The rest will fall in line or be a 'resistor' at risk like all of the rest of us minorites in the coming months and years. Muslims, all PoC, will share that "first" spot on the brownshirts list of enemies.
(90,503 posts)be at the bottom of the list. I am sorry for all those ahead of us.
However none of us will do this alone, we can't. We stand together or we sure as hell will die together. My opinion, the loss of social programs, Healthcare Medicare Snaps HUD will be a big factor. Then the escalated violence, yes in the end...many will die.
Martin Eden
(13,993 posts)Much easier said than done, but what other course do we have besides surrendering to it?
(90,503 posts)Yes, we need to rise and defeat once again. My concern is how many bodies will be left behind.
Also how many rights will be taken away again and how many years to get them back.
I weep for America, we just took our Country back several hundred years.
Martin Eden
(13,993 posts)We should look to Doctor King and the nonviolent Civil Rights movement.
How that translates into action in a wide united front remains to be seen.
(18,124 posts)these people do not respect non-violent. Guaranteed. But some will just have to see and suffer to understand. MLK was murdered by one of these clowns.
Martin Eden
(13,993 posts)... and Luck, as well.
(90,503 posts)We need justice.
Martin Eden
(13,993 posts)It won't be achieved unless we make it so.
(18,124 posts)but preparation to turn back the tide is in there somewhere. We have seen the opening shots of the 2nd Civil War in this country whether any want to face that reality or not. Ft. Sumpter 2 was Nov. 8th, 2016.
(17,493 posts)Take back the House and the Senate. Elect a Democrat President in 2020. We can do this.
What exactly do you mean by "rising up"? I hope you are not advocating violent demostations or an actual rebellion. I didn't want to see the Trump supporters rise up if Hillary had won.
In my opinion it is fine to peacefully demonstrate and to get involved in politically supporting your party and definitely to vote.
Let's not tear our nation apart simply because Trump won. I would hate to see more violence in this already divided nation. Innocent people will end up hurt and property destroyed if we launch a violent uprising or violent demonstrations. The ultra right was firmly convinced our nation would be destroyed by eight years of Obama and they were totally wrong.
It will be a rocky road but we will make it through. Our nation and system of government is far stronger and resilient than many believe. We have faced tough times before and emerged a better and stronger nation. The Civil War is just one example.
Martin Eden
(13,993 posts)I do not advocate violence.
Organize and agitate!
(17,493 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)that is spreading against minorities in large numbers already and the number of incidents are growing, believe it or not. SPLC has some recent numbers? We shouldn't defend ourselves, violently, if necessary?
(17,493 posts)you use reasonable force. Nor do I see any problem with coming to the aid of someone who is being attacked.
I do not support attacking innocent people in violent demonstrations or destroying property. That would only fuel the flames and foster even more violence in retaliation.
If some white racist bigot hurts someone that doesn't give you the right to target some totally innocent white person who has done nothing to hurt anyone and injure them or burn their house or store down.
If we start going down that path we are headed for anarchy.
(90,503 posts)spin...
you use reasonable force. Nor do I see any problem with coming to the aid of someone who is being attacked.
Hey, with all due respect. I posted a lot of pictures during Ferguson. The use of EXCESSIVE force by police where over the top. They were in military gear armed to the teeth.

This is coming to town with Donnie and his gang. Black Muslim LGBTQ...then the rest of us. Are we just suppose to roll over and die?
(17,493 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 21, 2016, 07:09 AM - Edit history (2)
I personally suspect that much of what Trump said during the campaign was because he was trying his best to look like he wanted to win the Presidency but he really didn't want any part of the job. He went out of his way to insult everybody, even other Republicans. Anybody with any common sense who wanted the job would never campaign like Trump did. Trump loved the attention he received and maybe after he lost he planned to set up an alt right cable channel to fight the liberal media. That would explain why he appointed Stephen K. Bannon, chairman of the Breitbart News website, to be his campaigns chief executive.
Unfortunately for him and for us he pulled off a victory. He's stuck with the job and we are stuck with him. He may turn out to be a terrible president but at this time at least until he is in office at the minimum he deserves a chance. He may change considerably when he takes office. There are some indications that this will happen. For example he has changed his views on deporting all illegal aliens and has said he only intends to deport violent criminal aliens at this time. I don't count on this changing by any means but it is slightly possible.
The majority of the of cops I've known during my lifetime have been retired from the police force. Most I met at a police pistol range open to civilians that I I used to shoot at. (Perhaps I should mention that I have been a registered Democrat for many years and I come from a long line of Demorats who owned firearms, some who successfully used their weapons for self defense.)
One day several retired cops were talking about the members of the force who replaced them. The consensus of what they said was that they felt the newer members of the police force were basically a bunch of "gorillas" (that is an actual quote) who really shouldn't be cops period. When I asked why they said this, they told me that it was most likely because over the years the job had grown so difficult and dangerous that most really good people would rather work elsewhere. Consequently a high number of people who ended up hired enjoyed power and bullying others. This obviously includes white cops, black cops and even Hispanic cops.
The white range master said that sometimes he ran into problems with his supervisors because he would be called out on an altercation in the black area of town and not arrest anyone. He stated that often he could get the parties involved to tell him what their argument involved and talk them into a fair solution. Unfortunately when he tried the same approach in the red neck area of town it failed as found these people impossible to deal with.
I have also known several cops who were currently or recently in the police department. Two roomed in our home for several years. It had once been a hotel. (In passing we also had a black older teenager who roomed with us for about two years. He was a friend of my grandsons but had been kicked out of his home. We helped him get a job. I used to drive him to work which was about a 30 mile round trip. I understand he turned out well although I have lost contact with him. He lived for free in our home.)
One of the cops who roomed with us was what I consider a really good cop. People from the black community near us would often show up at our door to talk with him about problems in their community. There were times I had to wake him up when he was sleeping as he working on the graveyard shift. He was more than happy to help those people although they probably ruined his sleep for the day. He has moved out of our home and is still In law enforcement although he has often irritated his supervisors. For one thing he would write a ticket for fairly important people and their kids if he found them inebriated while driving. Of course they always were white. Not good to do in a small rural southern town if you wish to advance in your job. I believe he now works in the local prison.
The other cop had just lost his job but while I don't know for sure it seems he might have been a little corrupt. He did take some advantage of us while he was here which we found out about later. One other cop that I currently know who is obviously a racist as he absolutely loves to tell jokes about black people. If I were black I wouldn't want to have him pull me over.
I watched the riots in Ferguson while they were in progress. I too am not fond of the police in our nation turning into an army. Still the riots were not peaceful and burning down buildings is not peacefully demonstrating. The lives of some totally innocent people and their jobs were sadly ruined. While I will agree the cops overreacted I can understand why they felt the way to deal with violence would be overwhelming force. If I would have been a cop in that situation I would have wanted to see a strong response that would quell the riots so I could go safely home to my family. If I owned a store and seen others on my street in flames I would have wanted to see it stopped before it burned my store down.
Still I see your point. It's valid.
There is a time and place for violent demonstrations and even a violent uprising. I understand you do not like firearms but if Trump turns into a Hitler or some future President aspires to become a dictator with a tyrannical government such actions may be the only choices left. We are not yet at that point. In fact in my opinion we are far from it. However I may be wrong. An uprising would most likely fail unless the majority of people in the nation supported it. Even so realistically it would nearly impossible but if the civilians in our nation still have the right to own firearms the odds of success would increase somewhat.
While few people know this Doctor Martin Luther King owned firearms for for self defense of his family and himself at one time.
If you went to Kings house in 1955 or 1956, there were guns, Cobb said in an interview. When they bombed his house in 1956, his first instinct was to apply for a gun permit. He moves toward nonviolence slowly. By the 1960s, he abandoned the idea of weapons for self-defense.
However firearms have sometimes played an important role in gaining equality. One example is Robert Williams. I personally view him as a hero.

Robert F. Williams
Robert Franklin Williams (February 26, 1925 October 15, 1996) was an American civil rights leader and author, best known for serving as president of the Monroe, North Carolina chapter of the NAACP in the 1950s and early 1960s. At a time when racial tension was high and official abuses were rampant, Williams was a key figure in promoting armed black self-defense in the United States. He succeeded in integrating the local public library and swimming pool in Monroe. He helped gain gubernatorial pardons for two African-American boys convicted for molestation in the controversial Kissing Case of 1958.
He obtained a charter from the National Rifle Association and set up a rifle club, which became active defending blacks from Ku Klux Klan nightriders. He used the NAACP to support Freedom Riders who came to Monroe in the summer of 1961. That year he and his wife were forced to leave the United States to avoid prosecution for kidnapping, on charges trumped up during violence related to white opposition to the Freedom Ride. The kidnapping charges came after a white couple sought shelter in Williams' home when they were confronted by black protesters while driving through Monroe's black community. A self-professed Black Nationalist, Williams lived in both Cuba and The People's Republic of China during his exile between 1961-69.
Alarmed at the violence that civil rights activities aroused, Williams had applied to the National Rifle Association for a charter for a local rifle club. He called the Monroe Chapter of the NRA the Black Armed Guard, made up of about 50-60 men, some veterans like Williams. They were determined to defend the local black community from racist attacks. Newtown was the black residential area. In the summer of 1957 there were rumors that the KKK was going to attack the house of Dr. Albert Perry, a practicing physician and vice-president of the Monroe NAACP. Williams and his men of the Armed Guard went to Perry's house to defend it, fortifying it with sandbags. When numerous KKK members appeared and shot from their cars, Williams and his followers returned the fire, driving them away.[6]
"After this clash the same city officials who said the Klan had a constitutional right to organize met in an emergency session and passed a city ordinance banning the Klan from Monroe without a special permit from the police chief."[5]
King realized that violence would not achieve his goals so he favored peaceful demonstrations as the better approach. It worked. We have definitely made considerable vprogress in this nation to insure the equal rights of minorities and that has made our nation better and stronger. Unfortunately we still have a ways to go. Trump may or may not threaten those right. Time will tell.
Robert Wiilams used violence to oppose violence and it also worked The KKK rode high in the saddle until they encountered armed resistance. That stopped their bullying.
There are times when peaceful demostations work well but in some cases armed resistance is more effective. In my opinion this is the time for peaceful demostations coupled with political activism.
My son in law was raised in a racist family. Today his best friends are black. That is due to some degree to my daughter who married him. My wife had close friends who were black.
I had little experience with black culture until I joined the Air Force being raised in a rural community in Ohio. But even so I was raised by parents who were not racist in the least. The two black students in my high school were well liked. The boy was the quarterback of our football team and his sister a cheerleader.
My first real experience with racism was while riding a bus from Lackland Air Force Base after I completeld basic training. My destination was Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi for training in our career fields. We passed a laundromat with a sign on the front door that read "White Only." I asked the guy sitting beside me was who was from the south, "What the hell does that mean. You can only wash white clothes there?" He replied, "You dumb Yankee. That means white people only." I was stunned.
I actually became friends with several black airmen and consequently found myself ostracized by the southern airmen because I had the gall to sit with them and eat. That didn't bother me in the least.
Over the years I have other black and Hispanic acquaintances who I have taken to the range to introduce them to firearms and the shooting sports. Several have obtained concealed carry permits in Florida.
If Trump becomes a truly serious threat to minority rights I will support whatever measures are necessary to stop him. Until he does I back peaceful demonstrations and political activism. If he turns out to be the total ass he acts like we can take back both houses of Congress in two years and replace him with a Democrat in 2020. Let's wait until we see how he acts while actually in office. If he refuses to represent all the people in this nation we can first demonstate peacefully and turn up at the polls to vote in two years. Perhaps we can elect a congress who will curtail his power and then replace him with someone who actually cares about everybody. The founders of this nation might have been white but they were not total fools. They established a form of government that has survived many troubled times. We have means to change our government so it better represents us and if absolutely necessary to attempt to overthrow it if absolutely necessary.
(18,124 posts)tell that to the brownshirts of the trumpfuhrer. I would never just randomly strike out at innocents even with trumpfuhrer voters. But word WILL BE met with word, rock for rock and every increment after that. Can't play nice in a political atmosphere asis in ameriKKKa now. They are attacking innocent PoC and gay and tran people. I grew up looking up Stone Mountain and seeing the klan rituals playing out. It was evil, not christian. Violence WLL BE met with violence. This is my america, I have no other country in which to go.
(17,493 posts)One time before I retired I attended a diversity class at my work. The instructor was a black man who said one of the most profound things I had ever heard. It applied to the company I worked at but it could also apply to our nation.
He said, "This company is like an old Roman galley that we are attempting to row to the other shore. If we all row together we will reach out destination quickly. However if some of us row, some of us don't row and others are busy drilling holes in the bottom of the boat we may sink or end up going in circles but at a minimum it will take us far longer to get to there where we want to go."
I sincerely want this nation to become a better place to live in the future. Over my lifetime of 70 years I have seen a lot of positive change but we still have a long ways to go.
I believe in equality and fair treatment for all races, genders and sexual orientations. The problem is that far too many people are racists or bigots.
Hopefully we can all learn to get along with each other and accept the fact that those who differ from us deserve the same respect that we wish for ourselves.
I have no problem with using violence to fight violence as long as it is not against innocent people. One of my heroes is Robert F. Williams who in 1950s and early 1960s formed an armed group of his neighbors and friends to stop the nightly KKK rides where he lived.
(11,379 posts)It is NOT ok, and too many will be hurt "through this." We cannot get over this if even one person is bullied, terrorized, or brutalized in any way. Too many have already suffered in only 12 days.
The wicked have climbed out of the evil box. And it's NOT ok.
(90,503 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)Five trans committed suicide after the election.
More that 400 reported cases of violence. A woman in Boston was accosted on a train by 3 fifteen year old girls. They told her to go back home because she was not white. They punched her in the face several times with a cell phone. Stupid children. They have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Gee, wonder where they learned that? Oh wait, Mom and Dad.
FYI This Is A Blue State!
(17,991 posts)and I do not think we will make it through this and this quote has been going through my head over and over since election day.
This is not OK in any sense, it is an obscenity.
(23,221 posts)what is going on in the Country is not normal, is not right and we will not be ok...
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few. The manna of popular liberty must be gathered each day or it is rotten. The living sap of today outgrows the dead rind of yesterday. The hand entrusted with power becomes, either form human depravity or esprit de corps, the necessary enemy of the people. Only by continued oversight can the 'democrat' in office be prevented from hardening into a despot; only by unintermitted agitation can a people be sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty be smothered in material prosperity. Wendall Phillips 1852
Eternal vigilance is not only the price of liberty; eternal vigilance is the price of human decency. Aldous Huxley 1965
(6,273 posts)msongs
(70,843 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)Yes I know they are white supremacists as well.
Thank you so very much, msongs for the admonishment and no comment that people are going to die under trump and his KKK. It has already begun.
(7,930 posts)If one stays in the cities one can probably find safety in urban settings with like minded individuals. Cities are a lot more fun anyway with way more culture and intelligent conversation plus interaction with diverse individuals to be found fairly easily.
But step out into the country and there's just no telling what one might run into. Probably nothing but trouble at some point.
Stay safe people. Peace.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)The not wealthy.
This new administration is about to empower businesses and banks to provide faulty services and products and to take away any recourse we have to fight back when we are ripped off.
(90,503 posts)Thinkingabout
(30,058 posts)Can not imagine what will need repair after Trump. We have wounds to repair from Trump running, I do not know what he and a Republican congress will do.
(5,714 posts)justhanginon
(3,357 posts)We will NOT all get through this! In my opinion Trump cannot be allowed to implement the policies he is presently espousing and have them furthered by actions of his prospective picks. There are many people who could die from these actions and many, many more who will be hurt. He is playing with the very basics of life for millions of people. Healthcare in general, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all programs that cannot be eliminated on an ideological whim. I don't have the answers but somebody damn well better come up with something or it is going to get really, really messy.
saying goes along with what I have been saying for years but no one listened or it seems no one thought the same thing. I have for years been saying that the middle class needed to work harder at protecting the working poor but they didn't they just looked down on them. Now the middle class is where the working poor has been and they just do not understand how they got there. That saying is their answer.
(18,124 posts)they just want to blame, and the orange fuhrer tapped into that. The 'others' are to blame for the slow demise of a very healthy, at one time, middle class. Not Nixon and his opening the economic door for China, not Reagan with his fucking "trickle down economics". Not cheny and bush giving the banks carte blanc over all people with their crooked ways. RepubliKKKan greed destroyedc the midddle class, but the orange fuhrer points to the "takers" and whites turn on everyone not with em. Well I'm agin the brownshirts and their fuhrer and we will just have to fight our way through or die. Just watch they will come in speaking softly, reassuringly and BAM!!!! the lion will start feeding on the lambs. Well the trumpfuhrer was right about one thing, I have nothing to lose anymore with HIS ascenion to the ameriKKKan throne.
(20,037 posts)Animals....vegetables......minerals.
Planet earth
Stand and Fight
(7,496 posts)With the electoral college once again overriding the popular vote, many are asking what's the point in voting if a vote in one state counts more than a vote in another state?
(1,151 posts)I really hope i get through this.
(5,714 posts)I have no respect for the shameless concern trolls in the media who rant and rave about protests (which are almost EXCLUSIVELY nonviolent) but are silent (or worse) about all the violence inflicted daily on black people and other PoC, the poor, the homeless, and the mentally ill, and the fact that so much of the violence is inflicted on them by those who are sworn to protect the public. And these concern trolls are almost to a person, rich white assholes. They have no shame, no class, and no respect. Fuck them.