African American
Related: About this forumoff my chest
I sat this morning wondering how to frame this query. So I'm just going to put it out here.
AA are going to lose valuable progress in racial relations and gaining a stronger foothold on equality of life in a racist culture, yet 8% voted for the incoming white supremacist(s) and this immediately after 8 years of an AA POTUS who worked wonders with an unprecedented willfully, strongly obstructive, House, Senate, Tea Party, Ryan, McConnell and the rest of the racists. David Duke and the KKK was not disavowed as supporters of the incoming fuhrer.
30% Latinos voted for the wall builder white nationalist(s).
29% of Jewish voters gave the nod to a man with two known anti-semites in his personal circle of friends and administration. Well known, openly anti-semites Steve Bannon and Alec Jones.
51% of white females voted for someone and a Party who will try to take a women's right to make decisions concerning her own body and throw that choice out with the dishwater.
This election has put some individuals into the WH that are known to lie, cheat, grab...well you know what...con, deny black folks a place to live based on their skin color all in the name of the bullshit excuse of needing "new blood" in the ever growing, not draining swamp of D.C. We have an arch conspiracy theorist who has the ear of the incoming potusfuhrer-in-waiting, white racist/supremacist/nationalist(s) roaming the hall of the WH. A white privileged family that will get even richer playing with the influence granted them by the potusfuhrer-in-waiting. Ivanka sit in anyone-japanese prime minister meeting sit in while she is actively seeking business dealings with that country.
Why are the hate filled ameriKKKans so hard to eradicate when it is obvious that color of the skin is ALL that counts to 99% of them. NOTHING ELSE. Rust belt crybabies, AA, immigrants didn't send your manufacturing out of this country, high union wages and CEO's whose only god is the bottom line, did. This liar-in-chief WILL NOT return high paying jobs to america. The whiners just need to gird up, take some classes on the changing technology and pull themselves up by their bootstraps
The rich people, hell they know that in their little safe enclaves they can enjoy the show of all of us at each others throats fighting for the crumbs that the massa, wall builder, male supremacist(S) are going to THROW at us all, women, AA, Latinos.
What is wrong with americans that they hate each other so badly. Slavery? Segregation? 64-65 Voting and Civil Rights Acts, immediate response to those Acts from white people with 'Southern Strategy' all the way to Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and now our real enemy in the WH, Trumpfuhrer? American of color and the rest of the liberal/progressive Left have been slowly pushed into the RW toilet, now that it is full, I am just waiting for the trumpfuhrer to flush and create dangerous, hungry times for millions, black and white and especially seniors depending on Medicare and Social Security.
Is there a way out of this morass? 2018 is not promised, I mean now!!!!!!

(90,503 posts)The one that truly breaks my heart is that 51% of woman voted for a know sexual predator. They voted against themselves and their daughter, sisters and mothers. It isn't just about choice they voted against basic life saving preventative healthcare for women. The man and his party wants to close PP, because, well ABORTION and that is just a small part of what PP is about. I am ashamed of these members of my sex.
To all the other groups that voted for the man, you are willful enablers of all his and the administrations sexist, racist and bigoted policies. You all own him.
Yes, we need to focus on 2018 NOW if we have any hope for survival.
(15,544 posts)getting over that one myself. In fact, I never will get over it.
(90,503 posts)It is a betrayal, Blue.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)how the "voting against ones own self interest" was on steroids this time. All groups have done it this time. Sad part to me is we all go down with the ship this time. Maybe bacteria will survive.
(90,503 posts)They proved me wrong and yes, they are taking the rest of us down with them.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)In fact I've been attacked in DU for overstating how all white folks are on a spectrum of racist and white supremacist beliefs - That it isn't a binary yes or no when it comes to bigotry. Guess what? I was wrong. America is way more racist than I thought.
Also spare me the fucking "NOT ALL WHITES" screeds.
Spare me the "THERE ARE RACIST BLACKS" bullshit.
The majority of American white folks are racist enough to disregard all - ALL - other factors and elect this fucking festering chancre.
They are willing too risk pissing away SS, Medicare, or anything else to have the chance to erase the legacy of a black man
Every other thing s rationalization of the evil in the heart of a white supremacist America.
(18,124 posts)succinctly put.
(11,833 posts)As for your questions heaven05, I have no idea. Other than continue being our selves and finding friendships wherever we can.
(18,124 posts)