African American
Related: About this forumThis is for 1StrongBlackMan. Kudos. Best thread ever
He is my friend. I miss him. This thread. He nailed it. Perfectly. Boom. Some have no clue. Most had a hell of a lot of fun.
1StrongBlackMan (31,849 posts)
367. It's pretty simple ...
I posted a thread thanking, en mass, a group for their input they provided me on a question I was considering ... and DUers took/are taking offense because I did not include them in the initial consultation, nor would I pose the question to them.
It then, spun into a "Look at Me!" post (which I claim and accept) and that became the out-rage and great sin ... except calling President Obama a POS Used Car Salesman, while mischaracterizing that Democratic President's signature legislative achievement, and another "Look at Me!" thread that blatantly made fun of Black folks, in general, and Black DUers, in particular, remain perfectly acceptable.
That is what this thread is about ... it is a mirror for self-reflection. that is not being met well.
Brava Bella~
We need you back
It is both hilarious and enlightening. Hmmm and much more.
This is for my friends at AA.

(90,503 posts)MOrpheus? Heaven?
It is so quite here. Obama is leaving. I lost the BOG. I lost the HC group I do not want to lose you as well. I am scared too.

I'm scared too.

brer cat
(26,858 posts)so many gone or seldom seen, and they were among the best we have.
Sheshe, I don't remember where I was at the time, but I missed that thread. I am so glad you reposted it!
(90,503 posts)Ha. Glad you enjoyed it, brer.
(18,124 posts)the ones that voted for the trumpfuhrer are the worry. They, by and large, have no good common sense. Just driven by anti-everything that is decent, equal and good......hateful roof type people.......
(90,503 posts)What an incredibly sad way to go through life with so much hate in their hearts. You nailed them perfectly "anti-everything that is decent, equal and good."
That is not for me.
(27,637 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)SunSeeker
(55,175 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,505 posts)"flagged for review" and apparently have never been reviewed.
It's simply not right. He, and all of the others should be allowed back.
(31,758 posts)about him in ATA, the thread was alerted. We can't even talk about our absent friends?
(27,505 posts)Another thread that mentioned him by name was shut down.
I'm quite saddened by what DU seems to have become.
(15,544 posts)1SBM STILL not allowed to post here?
I also miss Suraya! Too many good ones are still in limbo.
(90,503 posts)Though she is doing well, I have seen her around.
(11,833 posts)He should be allowed back.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)I can understand if AA DU no longer felt safe or supported here though.
(90,503 posts)Sadly many women I talk to feel the same way.
Hugs Starry~ love ya.
(885 posts)And as one of the "10 trusted DU'ers" it was soooooo much better this way!
It was hilariously painful watching people contort themselves into angry pretzels trying to figure it out.
There's also the added benefit that on reading this 2 years later.... I crack myself up!
Cheers 1SBM, JAG, 23, bravenak, and to you, sheshe!
So good to see you. I miss you.
That thread was a thing of beauty in motion. You all cracked me up, it was inspirational. You and JAG, sweet Jaysus... and 23 went cra cra not being able to see your gifs. Brava Bravo. Keep up the good work.
Dayum that pissed people of..."well you could have just PMed them and not made a whole thread about it."
Shocked that I was one of the '10' as well.
Ooooh and I reread the 'Counter' post as well from Quinnox...they are long gone now. Geeze more butt hurt.
Thank you, MO.
Thanks MO, cheers to you as well.
(91,558 posts)no sense to keep him blocked from posting.
(18,124 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 13, 2016, 03:38 PM - Edit history (2)
been a place where true equality is respected. Trolls are known for who they are and thusly allowed to stir the shitpot while adding their poisonous ingredients. Someone comes along with true spice and flavoring of truth, the RW trolls alert and we're off to the races, usually to the detriment of the truth. NO ONE said it would be fair as the history of ameriKKKa has proven right up to today.
been a place where true equality is respected.
The site, no you are correct. Equality, no you have never been totally respected.
This group? AA? One of the most diverse and accepting on this site. I have watched the hosts, JAG, Starry, Number23 so fair when they have to block someone. They talk to them and they tell them why. They give them a chance. This is one of the most accepting diverse groups on this board and one of the most maligned.
You all welcomed me here. I thank you. I know that has been an issue for some incoming peeps. They think I pretend to be black when I have always said I am white.
This is my home. I am sticking until someone tells me otherwise.
(27,637 posts)I see them accuse you, sheshe, of pretending to be black. Sigh. And then some of them doubt that 1StrongBlackMan is black. All projection, of course, because they pretend to be what they're not online all the time.
I forgot they have said that to 1SBM. Go figure, betsuni.
(18,124 posts)for how long? Times are in flux, not in a positive manner either. When NPR went center right, in 2003-4 I knew nothing on the left was guaranteed to stay the same.
(90,503 posts)The rest, I just don't know, we are about to get 'fluxed'.
(18,124 posts)the gullible and naive will be going OMG!!!!!,he lied. We'll be saying...."we tried to tell you". We're in deep kimchi.....
(18,124 posts)
(27,637 posts)gwheezie
(3,580 posts)I miss so many from the AA, BOG & Hillary groups. It's where I stayed during the primary. I'm mostly on twitter now. I think with fake pres trump I might come back here more often because I'm one those old liberal dems & I might have jump back into the fray.
(90,503 posts)Have missed you gwheezie, good to hear we may be seeing more of you.
(160,029 posts)I miss him
(90,503 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,612 posts)Such a good guy.