One black child saved by cop goes viral. Deaths of hundreds by cop...silence.
Kudos for that cop saving a child's life. He was doing the job he was hired for. To serve and protect. It was his job.
So where were the viral threads about the deaths of hundreds? Why no outrage? We applaud one man for saving a life when so many have died unarmed for being black. They walk while black, play music while black, sell cigarettes while black, play with a toy gun while black, car breaks down while black, take a fucking u-turn while black. Why does the pain of their death not go viral. Families in shock, beyond grief, why does that not go viral.
The only concern is from the blessed media. They are thugs and drug users. They deserve to die. No way was the cop responsible, he feared for his life. He was quaking in his boots, highly trained armed to the teeth and quaked in fear of an unarmed black man. They are not fit for the job.
Then when the black community protests the police come out in force with their military gear...
Melissa Harris-Perry listed the dead here. It was heartbreaking.
In a short but powerful segment on Saturday, Melissa Harris-Perry connected the recent police killing of Michael Brown to the deaths of other black men at the hands of police and to Americas history of injustice towards black people.
Harris-Perry read the names of some of the hundreds of men who were killed by police across the country in the past decade alone, from Sean Bell to Oscar Grant to Eric Garner to Brown. All of the men she mentioned were unarmed at the time of their death.
In the past decade alone, these men and hundreds of others have lost their lives to police.
From 2006 to 2012 a white police officer killed a black person at least twice a week in this country, she said.
She then noted that Ferguson, where Brown was shot dead, is close to the place from which the slave Dred Scott waged a legal battle for his freedom. She quoted from the notorious Supreme Court case which rejected Scotts claim because, in the infamous words of Chief Justice Roger Taney, he had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.
Harris-Perry repeated that last phrase over and over again, as images of police in Ferguson flashed behind her.
Militarized Ferguson

Then this. Yes they are Americans too. I would say wake up American, yet I think you died on 11/08/16 The day the music died.

I had so much hope for us...............fade to black.