African American
Related: About this forumGOODBYE AMERICAN EMPIRE
kinda slow sometime, dropped on my head as a baby....I guess but I just realized we now have our own Nero, Caligula and of course Hitler all in one person. He's a pervert..."grab em".....ect, since he will be a handsoff fuhrer those around him appointed or otherwise will run rampant with our economy, pocketbooks and the military, he'll be in the Rose Garden....grabbing and playing his violin. Hitler?....he is a fascist, most billionaire CEO's are.

(113,131 posts)I've also been rereading a lot of Roman history, from Suetonius on forward and the parallels are astonishing. If you don't have the time to plow through Gibbon again, I suggest looking for the Mary Beard BBC histories on You Tube and keeping them on in the background while you work or play. Her hour long documentary on Caligula is especially enlightening. Fortunately, Orange Cal has a bit less power than the original did.
Empires go in two ways, either trouble at home causes them to be abandoned or they're wrested away in war. We're showing all the signs of being a mature Empire, something it took Rome many hundreds of years to do. It won't be long until we lose it, one way or the other.
(5 posts)Empires conquer. I respect other nations and view them as equals.
(34,590 posts)We were great once. Come January we are just one big piece of shit used car sale.
That nasty maggot will turn us into a bucket of nasty maggots.
I hope his Maggot 'Merica fails.
brer cat
(26,858 posts)One big pos used car sale...and to the lowest bidder. He will fail; the only question is how many of us will go under with him? Severe and irreversible damage can happen very quickly.
(18,124 posts)I always hoped for a leader that would come into office and be the type that would finally put racism to rest.....Obama did some of that just by his winning two elections, but now we went 180 degrees in the other direction. I always suspected that this culture was schizoid, just because of the ebb and flow of racist ideology in this country and racist behavior behind the actions of RWers in this country. Now I'm sure this, trumpfuhrer and his chief WH strategist white supremacist steve bannon, is what they have been striving for since the first slave was deposited on ameriKKKan soil. VERY SURE.
(90,503 posts)all rolled into one. My, ex insisted we see the movie Caligula when it first came out, early 80's? Jeez, it was vile. I always wondered why he was so anxious to see it, or not.
So come new years eve I think I will buy some black candles and mourn for our Country as the evil madman readies to enter our White House.
(10,173 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 26, 2016, 01:06 PM - Edit history (2)
but Iran is in his and the republican party hawks sights, guaranteed. He eventually will stand alone as the worlds premier fascist, racist, sexist, anti-semitic leader of THE most powerful military machine of modern times. I am truly worried. The recent uptick in racist/antisemitic behavior by people in his base who feel he has given them a free pass to normalize abhorrent behavior is deeply troubling. The only hope decent people have is that we won't be cowed by being shot down in the streets during demonstrations against our new hitler, yeah I will hobble along best as I can. Emails, texts, voluminous letters to the editors of major media outlets, yes CNN, MSNBC, Rachael Maddow et al., crashing Foxsnooze with hundreds of thousands of letters, email, texts showing disapproval with their obvious partisanship toward trumpfuhrer and their enabling of the normalization of racist, sexist, homophobic antisemitic behaviors by 'the deplorables'. It has to get LOUD around here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Otherwise america truly will become ameriKKKa with a confederate flag with swastika flying over every government building and deplorables home either literally or figuratively.