African American
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many here, both AA and other decent people, knew just what to expect with this racist clown and said so, many, many times...those who came into our group counseling patience and 'splaining' that we didn't have the proper context in which to demonize their then upcoming boy-potus didn't and don't understand the experience of oppression and how easy it is to feel a racist...yes feel. I didn't understand bannons role, but I do now-he is the potus...trump is front boy for this racist administration...well my conscience is clear and ALL feelings of the true nature of the RW in this country have been shown to be true. AmeriKKKa has finally shown the world its true nature....I just hope we have enough people of strength and conscience to be a proper counterbalance to that nature this culture has been producing for generations.

Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)"I voted for Hillary, but I am still sorry and I am still to blame"
Because I am...Personally I told everybody all day everyday for a year that Donald Trump was a liar, a racist, a homophobe, an anti semite and a major league criminal.
Few actually believed me that he was all that bad including lots of liberals.
To show you how misogynist we are, we had an election with on paper the most qualified human being to ever run for the presidency, a woman, and a man who was an obvious piece of shit asshole. And the man won, sort of.
But I am as guilty of this mess as any as my category of person in this country could have done more, I could have done more.
(18,124 posts)no one can blame you or any other decent american for what this nazi administration is all about. You know as I know, the ameriKKKan voter has been duped by the boy-potus and his main minion bannon. A hard core majority of those voters will never admit they have been chumped and will go down with the ship proclaiming the boy-potus and his high nazi minion as the greatest team since sliced bread. Others I hope are beginning to see the light and will come out and denounce the racist, sexist nazis as we have been from the beginning.
Regardless of the past, our real work now lies ahead of us....
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)Heard that somewhere, i dont give a good god damn if that is supposedly low in comparison, I am SICKENED AND DISGUSTED that it could ever be over 25% at any point.
FUCK these people!
(18,124 posts)when the line in the sand is truly drawn.
(15,544 posts)who has been inspired by so many posts in the AA Group.
I was for Hillary from the get-go and got tired of the "splaining" I had to put up with from so many whites - male and female - that Hillary did not meet Bernie's "pure standards" and thus was the equivalent of Trump.
Some STILL will not admit that they were wrong.
Like you, I hope that we have enough people of strength and conscience to counterbalance the ongoing horrors of this Amateur Hour total mismanagement by Man-Baby and his controllers.
Putin would almost be a relief in comparison to Bannon. Putin is NOT stupid.
(18,124 posts)they were wrong about these sexist, racist clowns actually running our country now Well both HRC and Bernie DID NOT win and we all have to put that campaign situation well behind us and get onto the real business of trying to save this country and the world for future generations. If enough people peacefully resist until they start killing us, which I think is coming with the brown shirts emboldened now (KKK-White supremacist militias)by their hero...bannon..he still has contact with them and is guiding them, guaranteed, we will win or go down fighting
Our work is beginning to take shape...and I at 69 and diminished physically will do what I can at local demonstrations and in speaking out against the nazis at every every venue I'm in..
We will win, decency does have a place in the human history of cruelty and inhumanity that we have shown to each other based on some very trivial criteria, race, sex, religion, national origin ect. We have started greatly and significantly with the Women's March day after inauguration and the ongoing demonstrations and outrage at the boy-potus and his head minion bannon's edicts about muslims. And have no doubt that as soon as they have put immigrants under subjugation, women's rights will be attacked, minority rights both racially and sexual orientation will be attacked.
We are legion also...
(15,544 posts)

Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)than idiot boy.
Putin is also a murderous dictator and has no laws or politicians or citizens to stop him.
Now, given that much power of course Trump and Bannon would be as bad as he is.
But I get your point, looking for any ray of hope or sunshine, anything to save us from this nazi.
(15,544 posts)I agree that Putin is awful, but the odds on his physically being in the WH - as Trump and Bannon are - are nil or less.
I have been writing to my Congresscritters, begging them to begin impeachment proceedings or getting colleagues to begin removval proceedings under the 25th Amendment, Article 4.
We really canNOT continue as we are. When even Darth Cheney and the Kochs are appalled, as they apparently are, things are truly dire.