African American
Related: About this forumShit just got real (AA Group)
Last night I told you about a friend of mine whose tire was shot out as he was driving down the highway through Trumpland (rural Ohio). Last night I thought about him. I thought about why. I thought about what was going to be done. Most of all, I thought about his kid in high school.
I've posted a little about my past and now I think I should fill in the blanks because to know where I am now you have to know where I came from. At 18, I left Sunnyside (Houston) to move to Oakland to join the Panthers. I walked those streets with a cut-down 870 in my hands and not an ounce of fear. There were no Michael Browns lying in our streets and no one was getting their tire shot out. You may say what you wish about us, but those were the facts. After a handful of dumb asses decided they were bigger than us and they'd just take off on their own and attack the cops head on, we pretty much had to split up. Thanks to the two exceptional human beings who were my parents, I ended up in Paris getting a fancy undergraduate education in what was then the most religiously, ethnically and culturally diverse educational environment in the world but also following Eldridge Cleaver. When he left, I became involved in what we call now global social justice and far left politics. After I got my degree, I joined a lay Catholic missionary group called the Maryknolls and moved to Guatemala to spread something many of us know about from our churches here, liberation theology. There, what was a religious belief in the inherent "goodness" of socialism as a tool to restore equality was cooked in a stew of whole families being murdered by US-trained right wingers and I picked up a gun for the second time and moved into the jungle. It wasn't to protest and we did not. We did what was necessary.
I probably should have died there, but then again I probably should have died before my 18th birthday or when I was with the Panthers. In any event, it was the looming death of my father that brought me back to the United States. It was because of his faith and hope, the faith and hope my mom and he shared with people like Dr. King, that I stayed, broke down every gun I owned, gave away every bullet, dressed for the part and went to law school.
Over the last 30, now almost 40, years the arc for me has bent toward justice. I have been fortunate enough to be able to take massive amounts of money out of the hands of the masters and turned it over to their victims. I may have not been able to stop them from lynching us on gurney-trees, but I have made them spend millions on the rope. Despite the undeniably continuing injustice, I have believed in the direction of the arc.
Let me return to yesterday. The ******* cops who "investigated" that attempted murder wanted to know first why my friend was there. They wanted to see all of his rental car documents. They searched his car for a gun. They told him that there was no way these would-be murderers would ever be caught. Last week that pile of human excrement who sits in the White House announced that white right wing terrorism would no longer be a priority of the DHS. The groups to which these shooters undoubtedly belonged were not the "threat" that Obama and his anti-white Justice Department (should I put a "sarcasm" smilie in here, or is it pretty obvious?) claimed. He defended the "right" of Richard Spencer to whip up these racists and that POS Milo to intentionally destroy the lives of undocumented non-citizens, invoking the First Amendment as if it was without limits. Sadly, dozens of DUers joined him. That's fine for them, their privilege makes Spencer's and Milo's dog whistles to violence nothing but "objectionable speech" in the worlds of them and their friends.
They are not "just words" for my friend, for me, for the people who look like me. They are not "just words" when his child is the next black person driving the car down the highway. Trump's free pass for white supremacists is not just a policy we can point to in the next election and say "Vote Democrat." It is a license for them to kill us.
As I said before, I have spent a large part of almost 4 decades litigating the scope of self-defense. From today forward, every time I talk to a group of young people, I will not talk about an arc which now bends toward the chains of slavery. I will not talk about the luxury of claiming that hate speech is "free speech." There are plenty o people out there to do that already. Instead, I will pass along what I know about their God-given and LEGAL right not to have their child end up rolled over in a ditch at the edge of an Ohio road, or, for that matter, laid out lifeless on a Missouri street.
As for me, I will defend myself and the ones I love to the full extent that the law allows.
This shit just got real.

(10,173 posts)tblue37
(66,283 posts)built up support for murdering Jews and others by first riling up the "good Germans" with hate speech.
(2,230 posts)And, yes, Trumpsters now think they have the green light to do whatever they want.
Hopefully, justice will step in and teach them otherwise. My fear is that orangeboy will replace justice with his ilk, and then we are pretty much doomed.
Faux pas
(15,577 posts)Eyeball_Kid
(7,604 posts)blame his white supremacist inner circle for pushing THEIR agenda on a hapless illiterate. But Trumpy's got a whole shitload of evil of his own, and he'll be showing it more and more.
El Mimbreno
(793 posts)when it advocates taking away the rights (or lives) of others.
I will not talk about the luxury of claiming that hate speech is "free speech." There are plenty o people out there to do that already. Instead, I will pass along what I know about their God-given and LEGAL right not to have their child end up rolled over in a ditch at the edge of an Ohio road, or, for that matter, laid out lifeless on a Missouri street.
Middle-aged white guy on your side.
(25,541 posts)The right to life doesn't end at birth, and it sure as hell doesn't depend on the color of your skin, or the size of your bank account!! I will fight Trump's brand of evil and racism to my dying breath.
(38,846 posts)(Long post deleted)
Thanks for coming here.
(4,481 posts)Thanks for your work and dedication.
(34,595 posts)We stand. I've never hidden the fact that my home is armed.
I would submit to any mental health exam, register every bullet, etc etc. I'm 100% for background checks.
A lot of these white supremacist types have criminal backgrounds. Since they are hell bent on letting those thugs have guns - we've no choice.
(18,124 posts)Uponthegears
(1,499 posts)That many months ago you welcomed me to this group.
I have not forgotten.
I have wasted far to much time in GD.
After this came down, I read the Leonard Pitts article linked in TexasTowelie's post and it just struck home
While all suffer under this despot, it is different for us.
(34,595 posts)
My dad - most likely a contemporary of you and heaven05 used to say - You are the company you keep.
There are very few I will keep company with around her these days.

(30,249 posts)question for you: I'm scattered, distraught, looking here and there and everywhere, but what i know is I must be active. I must resist. Do you have a suggestion for an organization, which i can support financially and by action, that directs its energies straight at the menace to the country this administration represents?
I will march. I will call. I will donate. To be working on the edge of that arc and forcing it to swing toward justice, to be militant but NOT armed, NOT violent in any way, but supportive and hopefully, effective.
i read the other day that trump made another executive order aimed at sanctuary cities that required periodic reports of any illegal acts occurring within that sanctuary. i think it was monthly. All i wondered is where is the fucking executive order demanding periodic reports on white supremacist, nazi, gun violence, racist crimes?! But i think i know why that order will never be written. this administration is okay with those crimes.
i've racked my brain trying to divine their end game, and i asked my 24-year-old son his opinion. he said, to make a country for white men. it could be that simple. it's dark days. Thank you for sharing your dramatic life story, and know that you are not alone.
(11,628 posts)I understand why you moved into the jungle, Sir.
I can never fully understand but I can support and be your ally. My friend is truly afraid and concerned for all of the reasons you wrote of.
I will be protesting outside of Richard Spencer home Just as they did last week:
and as we will on March 11:
(2.4 miles away from mine, BTW) He is not welcome in our city.
(12,428 posts)You've fought injustice in many different forms, for which I'm definitely grateful. I think that many of us who have been busy working, raising children, and just living our lives have assumed that justice would be carried out without a need for us to get involved. Now we clearly see that fallacy and know that it's time for action.
I have joined a local Indivisible group with the aim of unseating our Republican Congressional representative and also electing more Democrats to state government.
To Barbtries (and anyone else looking for local groups), go to You can search for local groups by your zip code.
Bear Creek
(883 posts)Which county? The stupid deputies arrested a man I work with because he was changing the tire on his car. They thought the car was stolen. He and his wife have very good paying jobs.
(149,089 posts)for the first time. As many might know, it came out in '69 and showcased up-and-coming actors Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, and Jack Nicholson.
When I read your story, it made me think about the ending - mainly because it is talking about the same kind of people who attacked your friend -
They were around back then, are still around now (along with their grown kids and similar familial ilk), they came out in hoards to vote for Drumpf, and they are still "huntin'" (more so because Drumpf has emboldened them).
(3,396 posts)La. The house on the left was owned by my future wifes grandparents. She and some cousins watched the scene from top of the levee and knew the locals in the pickup.
The cafe scene was filmed in Morganza, La at Melancon's Cafe (now demolished) using all locals except for Fonda & crew. The "Sheriff" was a Deputy at the time. The crusty old guy (Mr. Hayward Robillard) he was sitting with was a heavy equipment operator and was working for my father's construction company. Peter Fonda wanted Mr. Robillard to come to Hollywood to act in other movies but he Respectfully declined.
(149,089 posts)
I remarked to myself that these folks seemed too "natural" to be "actors" but then I sortof dismissed the idea. Glad to know that they were locals!!!
I always wondered why the film was continually referenced but the plot was rarely described (at least in any meaningful way). I can see why. It really is a tragic movie. The underlying theme is analogous to what is going on right now where there is a strong disconnect between rural and urban. IMHO, urban dwellers are the way they are because of the circumstances of their environment and rural dwellers are the way they are, again because of their circumstances of their environment. The "young" of both want to experience the "other side" but if they miss the opportunity to "get out", they eventually end up only reinforcing the differences and the disconnect.
(3,396 posts)
(221 posts)I always wondered if the two that shot the bikers were ever caught, or if they got away scott-free. (I leaned toward the latter. I know how much local law enforcement coddles these people).
That and one of the bikers giving the finger to a guy when he has a shotgun pointed out the window at him was just plain Too Dumb To Live. Hit the brakes and get out of range!
Then, I tend to take armed yahoos a whole lot more seriously then they even take themselves.
(149,089 posts)what they said - that they did it to "scare" (which was probably the intent). However after that huge shotgun took Billy out and one of them exclaimed "What happened?"... the resulting "We better go back" made it seem like they were going to return to try to help, and of course, that did not become the reason for that remark. I knew it as soon as they turned around and knew what the result was going to be when you see Wyatt charging at them on his bike (the same conclusion that actually appeared a few times during their LSD trip).
I think what you wrote about why would someone would give those guys the finger, can be explained as being due to that "disconnect" between the urban (drug trafficking) Billy and his inability/refusal to judge the intent/humanity (or lack thereof in this case) of the rural folk who he insulted. They don't really give the character much of a backstory but you could deduce that he had seen some things being in the business that he was in. But then the character was usually the more belligerent of the pair in general (although he was also the sillier/more fun-loving one too - which made him a sympathetic character).
(16,903 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)Sunlei
(22,651 posts)nolabear
(43,634 posts)If I live to be 100 I could never make up for what I know they did. The only benefit to having a mother die young is never having to see her SOB father again.
I am so sorry. And I'm happy you've got those kids' backs. ❤
(114,022 posts)TranssexualKaren
(364 posts)Go to a mosque and place a flower and chalk a compassionate message on the sidewalk.
(85,452 posts)That's a great idea!
I did find that the Indivisible Guide includes a page on which you can click, fill in your zip code, and it will show you a list of groups near you (at whatever distance you specify - within 5 miles, to within 100 miles) that are active and sponsor events and marches.
I started scrounging around the local Democratic clubs near me and found several interesting ones. Went to one of their Facebook pages and sent a message. That got me into conversation with one of the club leaders who sent me this:
Vigilant Love is a good group that's been organizing a lot of the marches. Follow them on fb for now to keep track.
But this person also said he was in the midst of trying to keep track of these events, himself. He said he was going to start compiling a list - based on my suggestion!
Not to pat myself on the back here, but see what YOU can kickstart, on your own - by reaching out, connecting with some people, and getting an idea where to start sticking your toes into the water? I learned that this same group was having a casual get-together at a local restaurant later this week, and I was invited to attend. You should definitely start looking around! Here's a link to that specific "find a local group" page:
Lately, I've found that MANY groups are either gaining strength or at least getting started, and are EAGER for members! They'll welcome you with open arms if you decide to take a crack at it! And YOU might end up really making a difference for them. New blood, new ideas, new perspectives, new energy! The whole notion of activism just got a HUGE B-12 shot in the butt, and now, it's truly a happening thing!
We've needed this, rather desperately, for YEARS!!!
(90,520 posts)calimary
(85,452 posts)You remind me of the uproar that these jackasses shat out, during the first year of the Obama administration, when the Justice Department issued a credible report about radical white groups posing the biggest threat domestically. Remember how the far-right (actually I think they're nothing but far-WRONG) just absolutely went thermonuclear about it? They raised such a hissyfit that the Justice Department withdrew that study.
But that study was ABSOLUTELY SPOT-ON. And I don't give a crap how badly these vicious assholes get their widdle feewings hurt. Fuck 'em.
And frankly, I'm one who doesn't believe that hate speech should be automatically and casually lumped in with free speech - any more than one should feel free to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
(1,017 posts)We will have your back (and others) whenever and wherever we can.
(1,499 posts)My life, maybe because of its ups and downs, has left me with rewards that the people who I started with never saw. Among the best of these are knowing that people like you all are still out there.
Among the others is that I rarely have to look twice when a Ford 4WD with an "America First" or Stars and Bars sticker on the back window comes cruising by. (I think a lot of white folks buy into what they hear from the Spencers of this country and figure that any black man in a decent car must have three other guys in there with him and a gym bag of Tec-9's). Folks like my friend, or Michael Brown, or Sandra Bland, or Trayvon Martin, or Tamir Rice, or any of the other hundreds of black men and women who are intimidated, bullied, arrested, and shot by people in positions of authority every year never got those rewards.
When I hear your words, I know that there are people standing behind like them too.
My blessings go out to each of you.
Some people have asked me what to do and all I can say is that, if you have a moral code which allows you to strike back with equal force, do so. If you do not, do what you are doing here. Speak out. Stand. Do not fall.
(59,261 posts)A friend and I left school and also moved to the Bay Area, San Fransisco, for similar reasons (1970), but by that time Cointelpro had devastated the SF chapter of the Panthers (we had founded the Black Students Union at the college we attended) .
The reason we chose SF was not only because I had an older brother there who would put us up but because during our BSU days David Hilliard, Chief of Staff of the party, and Big Man (Elbert Howard), one of the eight founding members, were in town for a campus rally and we asked them if they had time to please address/advise us. They graciously came to our apartment and talked to us. The big message we got from them was to "get off campus and get into the community". As a result we started what we called The Black Peoples' Community Organization as we lived in the community, even started a fledgling newspaper. We also kept the BSU going. We protested a game with Brigham Young University by walking onto the court and stopping the game as BYU at the time didn't allow black men to join their priesthood.
We were inspired by our contact with David Hillard and Big Man and eventually because of the impatience of youth, left school and went to the Bay Area to get involved in the movement. Once in SF my friend and I went to the SF office to stay in the movement but the members we talked to were so paranoid, and rightfully so, they probably thought we were undercover Feds or some kind of cops and nothing came out of our approach.
We weren't undercover, just radicalized students wanting to do what we could. I eventually moved across the bay to Oakland to scatch out a living driving a cab at night while I finished up the six credits I needed for my degree. By that time the Oakland office, then on Telegraph, was still open but not occupied by the Panthers because of Hoover's Cointelpro devastation.
I admire your continued dedication to the cause.
(113,131 posts)and I don't think we're going to have to wait long to see it.
Driving a rental car? Suspicious. Driving a car nobody in the small town or rural area knows? Suspicious. Got out of state plates? Doubleplusungood, especially if those plates are from one of them "librul" states. I got a small taste of this driving through Alabama in 2003 with NM plates. Fortunately, they were on a battered pickup truck, so mostly I blended.
I'm afraid you're going to have more business than you and ten like you can handle.
brer cat
(26,858 posts)they are egging the deplorables on.
Thank you for sharing, Uponthegears.
jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)I certainly hope you have more over there....dying to read are magnificent.
radical noodle
(9,620 posts)It inspires me to do more.
(2 posts)So on target!!! The threat in America for Black Americans has always been the same not outside terrorist but home grown (White Supremacy). Let their 2 Amendment give us the God-given Legal right to defend our freedom. EMPOWER,INFORM,ENFORCE.
(895 posts)Thank you for sharing your journey and for fighting the fight.