African American
Related: About this forumCan I have, from any interested parties
the reason(s) for this rabid attempt by the RW clowns running this nation into the ground, as to why we have this insane drive to dismantle every EO from and the total legacy created by our first great AA POTUS? An individual and First Family that was/is Light years ahead of this potus and family of individuals shitting in the WH everyday, stinking the whole place up. AmeriKKKa has sure shown it's true nature by allowing this administration to happen to all of us and the world at large.
Just hate, hate, hate spewing from the mind and mouths of bannon, miller, ryan, oconnell, whitewing nazi type fascists and KKK assholes hating, hating, hating. No one in this current administration has repudiated the nazis or KKK that have put their imprint on us fact the trump and his chumps gladly have had them at his current 'rallies'...all that's missing is the candlelight processions marching past him, Nuremburg style.
I bet bannon, miller and even jared put on their nazi uniforms at night and sit in front of mirrors praying to the damned soul of Hitler and the six who founded the KKK in 1866.
I knew ameriKKKan culture was kept racist by the progeny of the group that came out of Pulaski, Tennessee post Civil War I. Yet while not fading, because americans, for a while, kept growing more civil, intelligent and equal, now the culture and a HUGE portion of ameriKKKans are the epitome of that group that came out of Pulaski, Tennessee, post Civil War I.
Civil War II, I sense, is brewing and that since the Civil War I we have been in the eye of a storm of the magnitude to be able to tear the torn and tattered fabric of a woefully divided nation, racially and culturally, asunder......I fear we are just beginning to really see, without the bullshit of the Norman Rockwell "white Picket fence" painted 'rose colored glasses', the destruction of this nation as we have watched it slide into obscurity since Civil War I.
Not a rant, just would like to hear other peoples opinions as to how we arrived at this time and place politically. You see my observations.

(9,540 posts)told me "now you know how I have felt for the past 8 years" I told him DT was insane, he said "no more than Obama". I cut them off because those two statements cannot be reasoned with.
This is the pent up backlash of aggrieved lower class whites from all the progress made over recent years, racially and socially.
it's just unimaginable, the hate of these trumpchumps.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)the obstruction that has never been seen before in history.
He literally saved their bigoted, revanchist conservative asses from complete financial destruction, and they couldn't hate him more for that.
Imagine your worst enemy saving you from yourself, you resent them forever.
Any black person with any power is their natural enemy
(9,540 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)Obama saved the country from certain financial ruin brought on by another corrupt republican who had to steal two elections.
Obama accomplished things in the face of obstruction that were thought impossible, like ACA.
They hate him for that, your average white trump voter hates that he was so incredibly successful and now they want to destroy the country to get back at him. at us. They hate us equally.
Paul Ryan wants to kill you and me. I started a thread about how he has dreamed of doing that since college.
Oh, and they really hate women and gay folks, not as much maybe as black folks, but treating women and gays equally pisses them off.
BTW the "Lets kill old and poor people republican healthcare bill" would end all access to Planned Parenthood and basically drive them out of existence, like they did to ACORN.
I want people to get real mad, I mean REAL mad
(18,124 posts)driving force these days and may 2 we had a special millage precinct, 105 people voted, out of many, many more eligible. Saddened me. People still haven't still counts....millage for school funding passed. 9% of registered voters all precincts voted. lazy, cynical, just giving up? true americans better wake up
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)is the most destructive and harmful group in history.
No matter how hard a white male liberal fights for the fight, we receive the benefits of being that person.
As much as we "say" we understand your position or condition, we dont. We cant.
I hate this.
(18,124 posts)All we can do now is try to influence rational, reasonable men and women to enforce Constitutional checks and balances as intended to promote the welfare of the many.
(25,177 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)that's for goddamn sure......arrogantly so. So many hateful ameriKKKans after all these years since Civil War I.
(90,520 posts)In 2043 White will no longer be the majority in America, they are terrified to lose what they believe to be their God given right. They see 'majority' as 'superiority', ridiculous I know but there you have it. That is the simple answer.
As for the attempt to overturn/destroy Obamas work... It is jealousy and festering racist hate. They can't stand that an 'uppity' black man lived in our White House with dignity and grace. They can't stand that he performed better than his predecessor and gained the respect of many world leaders. They are appalled at his popularity here and around the world. They are trying to destroy his legacy along with the man, not happening. I see him getting stronger, I see us getting stronger, our resistance. Will it be enough? I do not know. How many have to die before this is done? I do not know.
(18,124 posts)Last edited Sat May 6, 2017, 09:37 AM - Edit history (1)
you are correct in the "stronger" part. Will it be enough? That's anyone's guess.....americans are awakened to danger only when it personally affects them or some major calamity happens. I'm worried.
(90,520 posts)I am still trying to get over a nightmare I had last night.
(73,759 posts)To see anyone get some fair and just equality in this country.
They're simply the worse people ever.
(18,124 posts)to others what they feel entitled to and just take for granted from their youth.....sad indeed, the built in seeds of of hate, misery, death and destruction sown by slavery and its aftermath.....those seeds have been growing for generations and now have become full bloom weeds in this current political and racial climate.
(9,540 posts)snip
So the naked truth is that racial resentment directed toward Obama set off a chain of events that will likely cause 20 million people to lose their health insurance and ignite a public health crisis of unimaginable consequence. Some time ago, I wrote about one of the myths of white supremacy: the idea that its ill effects are limited to targeted groups. I explained, What white supremacy does, eventually, is normalize and spread the abuse, trauma, and destruction initially prescribed for targeted groups. The damage prescribed by hateful ideologies is most severe within targeted groups, but it is never contained.