African American
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My sister found a good man later in life, after suffering through more than a decade of belittling and occasional physical abuse from her 1st husband.
1st hubby was a typical hill country backwards thinking good ol' boy, who only walks the earth today because he's my nephew's father. Had I been present during a few events in their marriage, he'd be dead. That is not hyperbole - I hate the man down to the last skin cell in the callous on my feet - and it would not have been a stretch to testify that I feared for my sister's life.
Well, then she met my current BIL and he's been a solid dependable pillar in the reconstruction that has been her life these last 8 years.
Today, hubby 1 posted this nonsense on my sister's FB wall:
You've probably already figured it out, but my good BIL is black.
so I tagged his Klanish ass and posted this:
I know right.
All those black owned banks squeezing yer loans.
The all black zoning board fucking with you.
The way that 92% black police force is forever hauling you into the 99% black court system.
Have to speak Spanish every time I go to the City Council meeting
It's hell brother, no one ever suffered like we do

brer cat
(26,862 posts)That particular statement turns up on my FB wall occasionally, although I try to keep these folks' feeds hidden. It really burns me up to see it.
It's really great that your sister found a good husband. So often abused spouses aren't able to break away and later form a healthy relationship.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)A healthy marriage looked like.
But I found a solid marriage, my youngest sister and younger brother as well. We are fine
Unfortunately my oldest sister won't speak to us - what with the white genocide we're committing (my wife is Asian) and the fact that I refused to stop talking to her children even though I WAS TOLD THAT I WAS NEVER TO SPEAK TO THEM!!!1!!1!
Her hubby's convinced that femnazis are stealing the righteous power from white men.
My oldest brother died in prison serving 25 - life as a three time loser.
So, a mixed bag really
(90,535 posts)Then she went on to find someone good and caring... this is a good end to that.
Thanks MSgt.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)I was overseas for most of their marriage, and I occasionally daydream that if I was part of their everyday lives rather than so far away, that I could've helped.
Then I recall every interaction I had with that POS and think - NAH I would've beaten that man at least to 3/4 dead.
It' hard to recover a career with that on your record
(90,535 posts)I know you would have stood for your sister and yes you may have been able to get her out sooner. To many lives are destroyed in situations like this. I am glad yours was not. Your sister made the right choice and that was to get the hell out....and happy now.
I was in an abusive marriage myself, few knew because I did not talk about it. Yet I got out as well.
Best to you and yours, MSgt.