African American
Related: About this forumI want to start placing bets on what excuses the alt-left will use to not vote for Kamala in 2020
What do you think will be the top 10 excuses.
(I posted this in AA for a reason. Are you a frequent poster in this group? NO? then consider moving along)

La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)something about sex workers
(47,209 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)bettyellen
(47,209 posts)HopeAgain
(4,407 posts)I know that's not what happens, but threads like this make it sound like it is...
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)
and because i am personally anointing her she is sure to win the primary

(45,728 posts)They'll be lots of folks running in the primary, primary voters will choose the nominee.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)when white male candidates are being discussed, they are not anointed.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)HopeAgain
(4,407 posts)You wrote a post attacking people for statements and actions they might possibly take against a presumptive candidate that hasn't even announced. The term alt-left has little meaning and is being used to paint a broad brush against people left of moderate center. If you think someone in particular is a bigot, just say so. Personally, I prefer Elizabeth Warren and hope she runs and it has nothing to do with race or sex.
I just noted how the OP sounds. You want to accuse me of bigotry, I would hope you have a little more evidence than that.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)She's an evil corporate sell-out in the bowels of Reddit's overheated subs like wayofthebern.
I am a Warren supporter, so that bothers me and I assume it bothers you.
Leftists know exactly how hard Warren fights for us.
As to your strawman about "broad brush against people left of moderate center":
The vast majority of DU'ers are left-liberal/progressives. That's a fact. Everyone posting in this thread is on the left.
George II
(67,782 posts)brer cat
(26,858 posts)enough that when there is a clear difference in the treatment of PoC and/or women, we recognize it ... despite what white men tell us we see.
(34,596 posts)Please go. No one accused anyone of being a bigot.
And - In this Group? Race IS an issue.
It was an issue the entire primary.
(967 posts)yardwork
(65,857 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)"threads like this make it sound like it is..."
How so? Specifically?
(10,533 posts)as though they are being forced on everyone without earning their stripes.
What is it they all seem to have in common? Hmm.
(47,209 posts)Probably princess though. You know how nasty the misogynists get with their coronation bullshit- even when they know that's not how it's done.
(967 posts)pirateshipdude
(967 posts)"anointed" While the men earn it? I have yet to hear about a man anointed. But here we have another woman, and you pull out that term. I kinda figure Sanders and his supporters made the demand, had the expectation of "anointment". Not Clinton like so many accused. Or your comparison with Harris.
(45,728 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)especially those who are firmly committed to gender equality
(45,728 posts)See how that person immediately smears her, and gets all Bernie/Tulsi or bust.
This will be the basic playbook. Neon-liberal corporoapparatus blah blah blah.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)yet at the same time yell about the party moving right. LOL
(45,728 posts)Some people definitely pushing back hard on the "Tulsi is a Progressive!1!" nonsense.
(21,646 posts)JHan
(10,173 posts)It's all about who endorsed their hero or who their hero likes.
Response to JHan (Reply #73)
betsuni This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,173 posts)Gothmog
(160,079 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 19, 2017, 03:49 PM - Edit history (1)
Evidently you cannot be a non-white female and be a progressive on JPR
(34,851 posts)So limited, only my view of perfect is acceptable, paraphrased. There were members here I enjoyed reading, so different over there.
(16,104 posts)"Clinton donors" and "the Hamptons."
Can't imagine where that comes from.
I'm all in, by the way! I think she is perfect!
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)but many Democrats i will happily vote for
(45,728 posts)Too vile to repeat verbatim but basically saying she made her way to the top by having sex with corporations.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)yallerdawg
(16,104 posts)I don't pay attention to 'that one thing, that one comment, that one post.'
I pay attention to that one thing (and many things) that makes them a Democrat - like me.
"Progress, not perfection."
And I will accept no substitute (another thing I share in common with most Democrats ).
(90,520 posts)the old, very old bullshit that women can only get ahead by sleeping their way to the top? OMG! I need to go toss up my dinner.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)She'll be attacked as "establishment"
After all the only way to prove you aren't an "Establishment Tool" is to cash a Congressional paycheck for almost 3 decades without any of your bills getting passed.
That is what this country needs -
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)Sorry having a bad day not usually this way. Just depressing we're gonna have to go thru another smear campaign against good Dems.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)Senator Sander was in Congress for 27 years and counting = not establishment
At least the Republican Pravda operators won't have a couple of decades head-start to beat their lies into the narrative
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)reason it stuck to HRC was because there was truth to it, i thought her experience was an asset, they weaponized it.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)
(28,151 posts)Clinton was unique in that there was a massive attack on her for decades. Millions had been programed for "Clinton" and/or "Hillary" to their "rosebud". It apparently worked on many on the left too.
(1,112 posts)Wicked bern there.
(21,646 posts)3San Francisco politics California politician 4. That points 2+ 3 show coastal elitism . 5 A lifelong public safety and civil rights leader which means she has an identity agenda. 6 Lawyer 7. Has vocal past in an era of Black Lives Matter. 8 6+7 prove #5 9. Secretly being anointed and predetermined hand will try to place her don't fall for it 10 the women could enslave you!
I was eating lunch hope I don't offend but kinda stuff I hear from people of that slant
Also any one who focuses on Russia is a tool and being distracted which I hear often . Perhaps may apply to her not sure . I get confused when following the line cast out
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)sheshe2
(90,520 posts)Don't vote with your vagina! I think I will have a monologue with mine and see how she feels about that.
Great OP, Pri.
(45,728 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)and the so called alt left, progressive movement headed up by a well known US Senator.
When we are allowed to talk about it around here, I will, but right now we are not.
(70,845 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)i would suggest a du search of the term.
(45,728 posts)msongs
(70,845 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,544 posts)I find that I get my posts removed for supposedly refighting the 2016 primaries. Sheesh!
Apparently, the slightest excuse will do once one is alert-stalked.
I'm sure the Alt-Left will think of something spurious to use against Kamala.
They are NOT Democrats.
I am thoroughly tired of those of us who ARE Democrats having our voices silenced on "Democratic" Underground. That includes too many erstwhile great posters in this group.
While I don't post here often and am not AA, I find that the AA Group expresses thoughts much closer to my own political views than any other except for the HRC Group. Long may you reign!
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)If you support the party to the extent that you are willing to call out those who dont but pretend to, you will be silenced here.
Sadly, the owners of the board dont want that but since they allow this nonsensical jury system, that is what happens.
We are going to NOT gain back EITHER House in 18 because of the alt left.
BTW, I proudly voted for the most qualified human being to ever run for the office of the US President, too. I did not just vote for her I told everybody else to and I chastised those who said they had to "hold their noses".
(15,544 posts)Same here in re the most qualified human being! I also got some feedback from some who had been on the fence, who told me that they enthusiastically supported her because of information that I gave them. That was encouraging.
The fight is a good one and we will keep on.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)thanks
(15,544 posts)I "stole" it from someone else! It's there to be shared.
brer cat
(26,858 posts)identity politics for the #1 spot. We all know pure Democrats don't go for that.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)Identity politics - It's the whistle that brings all the dogs to the yard
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)can fuck themselves seven ways from sunday for all i care
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)are identified as white.
Now, not all white people are bad or fucked up, but pretty much all white people BENEFIT from the fact of being white.
(6,450 posts)So we will be introduced to a whole new set of far left wing dog whistles.
(160,079 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)too much experience. not enough experience.
cannot connect to real american. coastal liberal.
lacking a message. not inspiring.
only winning southern states.
(10,173 posts)Plus she brings the Clinton donor milkshake to the yard ( like me - proud to be a Clinton donor! ) which will make them lose their irrational little minds.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)amazing democrat, but as much as i like her she doesn't make me flutter quite the same way as Kamala.
George II
(67,782 posts)....that Kirsten Gillibrand got the appointment as "just another pretty face", but she has been an awesome Senator from the very first day!
I'd take either over many potential candidates, including.................
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)Just here to K & R
(4,702 posts)I wish there wasn't so much divisiveness center to far left.
If trump can't bring us all together we're truly fucked and it won't matter who "our" candidate is.
(10,173 posts)I have no zero interest reaching common ground with people whose world view align with the right i.e anti globalist, anti internationalist, fascistic clowns who complain about "identity politics" , insult core tenets of liberalism and enable the election of right wing authoritarians.
We who point out their fuckery are not the problem.
(4,702 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)awesomerwb1
(4,702 posts)Gothmog
(160,079 posts)The JPR idiots are really sad people and it is a sin to talk to anyone who supported Hillary Clinton
(11,353 posts)not a frequent poster but an admirer, I'm guessing coastal midwest voters won't vote for her.
I've voted for Kamala and would happily vote for her again.
(57,596 posts)JHan
(10,173 posts)Gothmog
(160,079 posts)JHan
(10,173 posts)So it goes like: Kamala - Hillary , Clintonism, establishment pick, corporatist, coastal elite, .....this is what they'll come at her with. So predictable
(55,715 posts)She's not one of "us."
I have little doubt that they don't know anything about her record. One can't be informed and maintain a Manichaean worldview. And theirs isn't ideological. It's team Bernie vs. the rest. Being a corporatist has nothing to do with policy or voting record, as we learned all too well from Jaime Harrison's treatment during the contest for DNC chair.
(10,173 posts)betsuni
(27,640 posts)The alt-left makes me physically ill.
(10,173 posts)Clinton donors will morph to "corporate donors" .. it's inevitable.
All of this negativity and Kamala hasn't even given any public indication she wants to run for Prez in 2020.
The people who do this shit are the GOP's fifth column. They need to constantly be called out.
(967 posts)It has nothing to do with her as a woman.
(55,715 posts)Suddenly the term has disappeared with the exit of Clinton. Funny how it's never used to describe Republicans or billionaire hedge fund guys who back their guy.
(27,640 posts)But we shall see, won't we! Naturally, all the real corrupt corporatist Republicans are never called that. If the reason they aren't ever called that has ever been explained, I haven't heard it. I'd like to know.
(967 posts)All for voting for a woman. Voting for a black. BUT... Not that woman or that black. Always. Really the issue is voting for a Democrat that these people have an issue with. Meh, screw them.
(10,893 posts)same complaints as with Corey Booker and Hillary Clinton--that she's somehow a corporatist, and she is evil because she happened to be speaking with a certain group of people.
(55,715 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 19, 2017, 06:32 AM - Edit history (1)
The only reason anyone supports her is because she's a (black) woman.
Gender (and race) isn't enough to qualify her for the presidency.
Then the standard, neoliberal, corporatist shill (which translates as not being Bernie and not having endorsed him in a long distant primary.)
Basically, she's not one of "us."
(44,203 posts)just not this woman"
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,613 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)you know AA anger at whitesplaining from those who can't believe that an AA does know what racism and the consequent anger are grounded in.
These 'splainers' just can't get away from their racism in seeing us as a bunch of children who must be guided by them.
Response to La Lioness Priyanka (Original post)
Post removed
(5,714 posts)Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)I have promised myself in a spare moment to assemble her list of accomplishments, which are breathtaking, and anyone cherry-picking her record for anything negative have truly jumped over a list of incredible left-wing milestones in CA.
I really like her. I was sad Boxer retired, but Kamala Harris as a replacement Senator is awesome. Watching her make Sessions turn into a pile of runny Brie didn't make up for Hillary not winning, but it did warm my chilly heart a touch.
(91,558 posts)too bad priyanka can't post while we get the constant "yeah, but " concern shit from certain postesr.
(2,897 posts)JI7
(91,558 posts)on edit, i see you noticed that. but yeah, i can see this one being used the most if she is the nominee.