African American
Related: About this forumThose poor, poor white kids
Having so much trouble getting into college with their "C" average grades. How in the world are they going to join ITAPPAKEGA if they are constantly discriminated against just because they are white? What's wrong with Harvard and Princeton and Stanford that they want a little diversity in their student body? Don't they realize it's their job to admit those C average legacy students instead of admitting a Black student with a 4.3 grade average? After all, it's been that way for 200 years and Sessions the great white elf said so.
Left of Cool sarcasm included
PS There are some days when I just want to bend over a puke. There are some days when I feel like I am still living in 1954.

The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)Can ever beat any white person no matter how average.
It's an American tradition. Hell it's THE American tradition.
But you can't call out racism because that would be "Identity Politics" and that is why Democrats lose.
Must be true. Read it on DU every damn day.
(19,460 posts)azureblue
(2,363 posts)The fact that, right there in the records of academic achievement, some person of color proved to be smarter than them. In spite of their money, their status, their white privilege, all they could do was C's, but yet some struggling black kid shows up with an A average. It just makes the rich kid look pathetic, and they know it. Can't have that....
(21,646 posts)have to get over a system that keeps them ( not others who historically have been discriminated including NAs) down and that's not right.
I was once in a coffee shop in an entitled white area and some really stupid ones were discussing if they could get away with saying they were part Mexican or should just stick to saying Cherokee or something . One said to another you could be black and another said FU
The racism alone made me angry and I had to leave the area I was so pissed because I was also well aware of the use of these race lies on applications even in elementary public school sought after programs
The white lies start that early
(19,460 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)secondwind
(16,903 posts)FACT
(4,558 posts)Even after being hired the standards one is held to is disproportional.
The black worker will be more harshly judged on attire chosen, and heaven help them if their attire shows any hint of ethnicity or enculturation.
If there's after hours socializing going on, take one guess who's more or less likely to be invited. After hours socializing also often plays a very significant role in who is or isn't chosen to advance when openings occur.
If time off to address family emergencies is needed, one guess on which race will get the time off needed without negative impact to their career path.
Guess which one can also occasionally allow a little profanity to slip without being judged. Also affecting the general perception, evaluations, and availability of career advancement.
This list could go on ad infinitum.
If it only affected getting hired, it might be a little more palatable, but it doesn't stop there. it never stops.
(9,426 posts)had miserable grades, yet had an interview at Yale. He showed up DRUNK. Then his father made a large donation, and he was accepted. Look where THAT took us! The repub. governor of Illinois Bruce Rauner has a teenage daughter, who wanted to attend a prestigious HS. Her grades were not good enough, so daddy payed for a sport stadium at the school, and she is now attending. He ran for office, stating he would serve one term, then get out. He is now running for a second term. Likely a presidential candidate in the future.
(139 posts)prestigious school!
(91,558 posts)Lucky Luciano
(11,593 posts) kids with 4.3 GPAs getting into the Ivies?
I definitely don't like legacies with C averages getting in - though I could let it go with a huge donation to pay the tuition for less privileged kids.
(21,646 posts)the grade wasn't enhanced for affirmative action! They are that delusional

(73,759 posts)For keeping them out of college, when the real culprit here is rich white people.
But they can't bring themselves to stand up to these rich whites who are standing in their way because they want to join them instead.