African American
Related: About this forumBlack Conservatives Who Support Donald Trump are Racial Mercenaries and Judases to Black America
Cable news medias coverage of Donald Trumps reaction to the white supremacist terror and mayhem in Charlottesville has been an emotional spectacle. Hosts and panelists have cried, yelled at each other, become unhinged, hurled insults, acted stunned and displayed almost every range of human emotion. This is the tragic melodrama that helps to define a medium. America in 2017 may not have a Hindenburg disaster but it does have Charlottesville.
I must confess to a guilty pleasure. For me, the most entertaining part of the post-Charlottesville TV spectacle has been watching black conservatives with all their tears and feigned outrage and surprise at Donald Trump and the white supremacists, neo-Confederates and Nazis he coddles. The cognitive dissonance of todays black conservatives in Trumps America is almost awe-inspiring.
For roughly the last 50 years the Republican Party has been the United States largest white supremacist organization. To that end the Republicans have tried to keep African-Americans and other people of color from voting, relied on an electoral strategy of both subtle and overt racism to win white voters, supported the racist conspiracy theory of birtherism against our first black president, and advocates a range of public policies that disproportionately harm nonwhites.
Republicans are also much more likely than Democrats to hold racist attitudestoward African-Americans. And of course, the Republican Party is led (at least nominally) by Donald Trump, a man who by virtue of his words and actions has repeatedly shown that he is a racist.
In todays Republican Party, black conservatives especially the professional cheerleaders who are trotted out on cable news shows occupy a very specific role. In the post-Civil Rights era, displays of overt racism have largely fallen out of favor. However, the Republican Party is addicted to using white racism to win elections and advance its policies. To help make this strategy viable, black conservatives serve as a type of human shield for the cause of white supremacy. In essence, they are professional best black friends.
As they blubber and bemoan their pain about Donald Trump and Charlottesville, black conservatives face a basic question which they will likely never answer.
Oh please read it all. Chauncey DeVega nails it once again.

(11,119 posts)GaryCnf
(1,399 posts)When we prostitute ourselves to white authority in exchange for power we step backward into darkness.
(90,520 posts)Shame on them.
(7,805 posts)Is education.
Chances of churning out more Clarence Thomas 's or Ben Carson's is 1 in a million.
I'll take the otger 999,999 highly educated ..white man equalizers
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)that guy is part of a group, heard it on Stephanie today.
Forget the name of the group, whackadoodles.
(90,520 posts)I read about the group here, not sure where.
(73,759 posts)Chauncey Devega pretty much mirrors my own opinion of them and he does a much better job of writing about them than I can.
Thanks for posting this.