African American
Related: About this forumYou know why, we know why. Let me say it plain out...
I was listening to the local sports radio station on the way to work this morning. Typical sports talk FM station with a local columnist doing the 7-10 slot.
Here is something you gotta know about where I live; if you take a 10 minute drive from the city in any direction you are in the prairie and it is corn, soybeans and white folks as far as the eye can see.
So, the announcer/morning show host decides to do a hot take on the NFL protests. So topical!
Fresh thoughts from a middle aged guy the same color and consistency as a tube of Pillsbury biscuit dough! And guess what? You will be shocked to learn that this doughy creature feels that the protests are
Wait for it
MISGUIDED! What are these guys trying to achieve? Why are they doing this in such a divisive way?
They are protesting, and this is a direct fucking quote Which I suppose is their right to do, but (there is always a fucking BUT and we all know what lays behind a BUT A pile of shit) they are slowly killing the golden goose.
Yep he put out a 20 minute segment that can be summarized as "Shut up - you're getting a paycheck"
Now I wrote that little anecdote as an introduction to laying out this little pearl of knowledge Which we all know, but seldom just state out loud and in plain English -The reason white people are offended by the protests has nothing to do with the Flag, the Military or any other smoke screen tossed out in the media.
They are pissed off because they completely support brown people being brutalized and treated as second class (at best) citizens by the American Justice System. They would also like you all to kindly shut up about it.
They are not bothered in the least by a 12 year old boy being killed without repercussions.
Or a man choked to death for selling cigs.
Or a man shot dead while buying a BB gun in Walmart.
Or any other event that leaves a high melanin citizen bleeding or dead.
Let me be clear. They support the status quo and are pissed about ANY protest against it. The actual mechanics of the protest are unimportant. Whatever action a protester takes, in their eyes it will be disrespectful, un-American and treasonous.
Here is the bottom line.
Beatings and killings and unwarranted searches are fine. The majority of white people will always support these policies.
Because brown people are semi-human and violent - threats to Law & Order.
Buttressing this belief is why racist shitheads bring up black on black crime. This belief is the dog that the what about Chicago question is whistling for.
This white supremacist core value is why at the end of the day, we have Donald Fucking Trump as POTUS, and all this dancing around the edge of addressing it will not do a fucking thing to change it.

(20,039 posts)They are ingrates because we white people let them live among us, they should take whatever we give them and be grateful they are not still slaves....
(35,236 posts)lack empathy to the hilt. Back in the mid 60s my teacher had the class read a book Black Like Me. Made a huge difference in my life. I'd love to try the experiment followed in that book on the guys you are talking about.
(18,124 posts)it also made a huge difference in the sense that I got it, all people don't hate or follow the crowd, I learned to try to see both sides, also.
What's going on today is just wrong and fear generating unnecessary fear behind ideology's of white supremacy and the live and let live folks....
(5,730 posts)the ocean. As between the RW, we are already divided, and I don't see it getting better. Maybe a Civil War in 10 to 20 years. I'm not black, but I know who I am. I don't have to identify my friends as black friends, Hispanic friends, whatever. My friends are just my soulmates, though of course I know their race. Almost all white, but the RW hates me, and the feeling is mutual. It has always been that way, though more are out of the closet now. There is an immediate sizing each other up for his or her values, and we are polarized, like tribes.
(42,618 posts)brer cat
(26,866 posts)K&R
(73,759 posts)Because they sure need to read it.