African American
Related: About this forumAf Am Group - Anyone else getting sick and tired
Of people asking us to be tolerant, kind, and agreeable with fucking racist Trump voters who need to be brought to heel?
I'm done.
We won an election here with a new Governor who is willing to say his state is 'BETTER THAN THAT' and now I'm being asked to be kind to the type of people that called me a nigger the day after the election last year and told me 'this is revenge'?
Nope - this is.
It is not my President.
And you racists in NJ just got your asses handed to you two days ago.

(15,359 posts)describe Obama in a post. He went on to call me a PC fairy, then posted some crap about the problem with Weintein being people going to Jews to get their movies made. I didn't report or remove any of that. I think it's better to leave it for our other friends to see.
In fact I told him I'd buy him a beer for that! That I appreciated him saying it out in the open because I know that's how the racist speak among themselves. He actually even added his having black friends, and for some reason knowing Native Americans that liked to be called Indians. They are really too dumb to know they are racists in some cases I guess. It's been a long time since I heard a Native American refer to themselves as Indian people, but I actually have heard that. I wouldn't say that now.
He called the wrong guy a PC fairy. I could really give a shit if anyone thinks I'm gay.
(29,440 posts)No one liked being called Indians, "I'm not from India" whenever a white person would ask what they prefer to be called.
(73,759 posts)I dont have any time for that noise.
(90,726 posts)Fugg his supporters.
The Polack MSgt
(13,539 posts)Sane people to redeem the rest of the state.
My home is Trumpistan - and they don't care who knows it
They all knew he was a lying sack of shit. They knew the mill and mines were never coming back.
They just pretended that was why they backed Trump - But a year later they have no cover to hide in. They love him because he hates who they hate
(23,340 posts)Most of these people have no idea what Trump is doing.
I like the guy who thinks Trump golfs less than Obama.
They are getting played, and they don't even realize it. This is all white identity politics.
rogue emissary
(3,226 posts)The DNC had a lot of candidates win with so-called "Identity Politics." Those candidates were a direct opposition to Trump's racist voters.
(35,236 posts)of Kamala Harris wiping the floor with trump in 3 years.
brer cat
(26,866 posts)I have zero tolerance for trump voters.
Wounded Bear
(61,608 posts)Nobody should have their very selves attacked.
Trump is indefensible and I would never ask someone to "act nice" about him.
(9,426 posts)I have never seen so much divisive politics before tRump arrived on the scene. Most of us want to get along, live in a peaceful country with all sorts of citizens being treated equally. That is how it SHOULD be, since we are all human or at least I thought so until this last horrible "election" President Obama is well respected, a true gentleman and highly intelligent. How could ANYONE think he could be replaced with an orange turd like the fat ass tRump?
(256 posts)They are shit.
Treat them like shit.
Who cares if they get all angry and wave their klan gear all around.
Time is marching on.
(7,888 posts)<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>kwassa
(23,340 posts)Trump came to power over the racist birther movement, and his entire platform is white grievance.
No need to do anything to them but ignore them. Trump supporters are a minority of the population, he gets no support from independents or Democrats. Ed Gillespie tried to use Trump's playbook in Virginia, and he lost by the biggest margin in decades. His tv ads were just despicable.
Trump's support is a white identity movement of the throwback variety, fossilized in the early '50s of Trump's childhood.
(42,618 posts)I have no intention of cultivating, reaching out to, spending money on or tolerating racist shitheads.
(31,443 posts)patience for those who decry "identity politics" while lecturing me to reach out to the assholes. Fuck 'em!
raven mad
(4,940 posts)Racists everywhere got their asses handed to 'em!
(91,595 posts)as long as he keeps the N....... down . yet people continue to insist they are the victims and minorities are the problem for bringing up the bigotry.
(48,745 posts)(Self-invited at
I'll say here the same thing I said there: I don't care why they're racist.
I'll also say here the same thing I said in the other thread, the one about the White Working Class: "They're working class, until you call them white working class. Then you're talking about something else. White Working Class is no different from The Rest Of Us Working Class, unless you're talking about white instead of talking about working."
I've had it up to fucking here.
(37,468 posts)I am always in solidarity with PoC here and in RL, and this grieves my soul.
The thread in GD about the Alabama election needs love. I think we white folks need to be educated about the facts on the ground for PoC in Alabama.