African American
Related: About this forumNah, White Women ... You Cant Have This One
In the aftermath of black people showing up out of nowherelike little Kenard who snuffed out Omar on The Wireto kill Roy Moore and the alt-rights dream of making the documentary Mr. Molester Goes to Washington, everyone wants a little bit of credit. The Democratic Party is saying, I told yall. The pundits are giving the entire state of Alabama the credit. Even mainstream media has decided who was most responsible for Doug Jones victory over the John Wayne of alleged pedophiles:
Yep, according to everyone, women are the ones who pushed Doug Jones campaign for U.S. Senate over the finish line. Not black women. Not even black people. Just women.
Then there was the venerable political reporter Beth Clayton, who became the mouthpiece of the white woman savior class. Immediately following the election, Clayton appeared on MSNBC to explain how white women had saved the world. She tied the election to the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal and the #MeToo movement (started by a black woman). She proudly explained to Chris Hayes:
Black people are 26 percent of the population in Alabama, but the Washington Post says they were 29 percent of Tuesdays electorate. Conversely, whites are 68 percent of Alabamas population, yet only 66 percent voted in Alabamas Senate race.
Lets put it this way: Using AL.coms raw vote totals and the Washington Posts exit pollsif every woman in the state assembled themselves and each one of Jones black female supporters stood beside a white woman who voted for him, there would still be 82,278 black women standing by themselves wondering Where the white women at?
Now, explain to me, again, who showed up.
Not white women. That is a fact. Again ... numbers.
Read More, who is no more. Moore defeated by black people and the largest percent was black women.
White woman here standing with my black sisters. You did this, you always do. Thank you.

(6,455 posts)And since you said
"Where the white women at?
There is the obligatory cultural reference of
(14,249 posts)Ive been trying to get this point across for two days and have been feeling pretty lonely ... a whole lot of people are people/all votes matter posts ...
So, thank you.
(90,726 posts)I know Effie. You are not alone...
"Where the white woman at?"
(7,934 posts)10 African American ALABAMANS to go on TV and tell us how they pulled it off, what they expect from their country and what we can do for them.
And let them pick the next nominee of the party.
(6,281 posts)I do feel grateful that the black Alabama voters delivered for Doug Jones. But in return for that, they are owed. Doug Jones and the Democratic party need to step up and acknowledge black issues like police brutality, voter disenfranchisement, and the pollution and water toxicity in poor communities AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Black people are Democrats, not because our grandfathers were - our grandfathers were Republicans. It's because we've looked at Republican policies and platforms, and they are harmful and detrimental to our fundamental well-being. We really have thought about it. We are not blind followers.
So, even though many black people are pro-life, even though many southern black people are homophobic, overall, and especially based on economics, the Democrats are more likely to propose policies that benefit us. So that's how we vote.
Now, we do NOT like being taken for granted. That's why people like me are Independent. That's how the Republicans are siphoning off one or two of us. So, it's time for that to change. Don't take the black vote for granted. Deliver on the platform, and create the America where African-Americans can thrive, live freely, safely and in good health.
(7,934 posts)The AA community did not go for Trump's very, very unsubtle attempt to get AAs to pile on Mexicans. He tried many times and used real AA victims of crimes perpetuated by Mexicans in order to entice black Americans to go all out racist on fellow humans. He desperately wanted the black vote but very very early on, black Americans told him to take a hike. They're not getting pretend ahead by stepping on other people. As absolutely f'g horrible it was in 2016 I saw a full on smack down of Trump by African Americans. It really was a complete rebuke of the historical assumption that you always can turn oppressed people into fascists if you just give them a scape goat. Did.not.happen.
(47,209 posts)In DC. She should interview campaign workers in Va too during the march. Id like to see some real celebration these victories. Im texting her now- brb.
(7,934 posts)Good luck and congrats to your friend starting media school
(5,730 posts)we need to elect them!!!
(30,618 posts)you/they showed incredible skill in organizing and defeated a nasty slimy monster that apparently many stupid White Women for. Thank all of you. I know that this involved much work and time away from many things including home and family.
It is my belief that if we are to save our country, it will be because of the courage and skill of the Black Community.
(90,726 posts)Here they are voting against a white man that preys upon white children, not to save theirs alone but to save all children no matter their color. They are brighter, kinder and have more compassion for our humanity than the 'supposed evangelical Christians'.
(30,618 posts)was...."and it was as cold as Christian charity." So true that it has stuck with me.
Thanks for appreciating my comment. I am so aware of my white privilege that I am shy to speak. Who am I to say a single thing? Except of course, Thank You.
(90,726 posts)So true. Cold and devoid of humanity. They are not Christians.
I am white as well, WhiteTara. I posted this in the AA Group tonight. I have been welcomed as a group member and have many friends that use to post here. They are mostly gone now...I know some of them still read and am in contact with them on other sites. They were not welcomed here.
Some of us try to leave a light on in case they return...
(19,037 posts)sheshe2
(90,726 posts)It infuriates me that so many white women would support a white politician over their own children. I just can't wrap my head around that. Forget the fact that they do not support children of color ...they DO NOT EVEN SUPPORT THEIR OWN! Sorry for yelling there, it makes me angry.
(35,454 posts)WOC
Amazing Grace, me.
(24,999 posts)sheshe2
(90,726 posts)Thank you for responding InAbLuEsTaTe.
(3,702 posts)No
2/3rds of white women who voted, voted for Moore. They turned their backs on the women who were brave enough to tell their story of his sexual assault and harassment.
This is why I get so upset when women say ...get rid of all men and only elect women. No. Women make bad choices too. Women make sexist comments ... even Democrats like the woman saying women ask for it by showing too much cleavage.
But African American women came out...they stood in line, they drove each other to the polls, they came out against all the fucking obstacles and voted
They voted for those 4 little girls who were killed by the KKK and for the man who got justice for them
They voted to protect other women from a predator
They voted for justice and against a lunatic
A shit ton of white women who voted, voted against their own interests and that of other women.
(24,347 posts)And they did all of this in the face of massive voter suppression. Impressive doesn't even cover it.
On another note, as a mother, I can't get it out of my mind that Alabamans would even think of voting for a pedophile. White women excused it and turned their backs on their fellow women who fell victim to a predator. It is disgusting and I don't understand it. It was women of color who drew a line in the sand for all women and girls. I for one stand grateful.
(3,702 posts)(In a cynical way...I mean their actions to take away voting rights are abhorrent)
White lawmaker "hmm I know let's make them stand in line for hours or have to go out of their way to vote...that will repress them. I know if it takes longer than 5 min for me to vote I won't bother"
Women (and all people) of color "oh please, we have had to wait in line and jump through so many damn hoops for our rights, we got this"
I don't mean for a minute to make light of the supressing of rights or suggest that because they have fought these battles for so long they should continue. I mean that they severely underestimate the fortitude and determination women of color have to make their voices heard and to ensure a better life for their children.
(90,726 posts)They could be next, MountainMama. White women turned their backs on their own child and Black women said no for all our children.
Your comment plus 1000.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,782 posts)Turn on family for any number of reasons.
They are simply bad human beings.
(90,726 posts)When their child is next, they will turn on them as well. Must be their fault.
(85,527 posts)GRATEFUL for their efforts and how they shouldered this sacred duty as valiantly as though they were Joans of Arc. THEY made this happen. As for my white sisters, What. On. Earth. Were. You. Thinking????
(48,178 posts)and replicate it in other elections going forward.
brer cat
(26,866 posts)and massage the numbers to fit. "Black women kick ass in AL" was not the one they wanted to sell.
That was a great read, sheshe. Thanks for posting it and setting the record straight.
(9,967 posts)

(3,459 posts)
(5,505 posts)I am not sure what in context this is meant as some modifiers seem to be missing if under half of all registered voters voted in Alabama. Given the number of 40.4% voter turnout (which is real sad), a minority showed up to vote.
" whites are 68 percent of Alabamas population, yet only 66 percent voted in Alabamas Senate race. "
(23,340 posts)58Sunliner
(5,505 posts)My point is that people keep making statements based on part of an equation. Voting statistics are just that.
Percentages have at least two parts. The constant threads about most voters are truly inaccurate and I think we are smarter than that.
(37,173 posts)As an African American man, I get tired of being ripped apart as a man when African American men vote more to help women in America than White women do themselves. If only African American men could vote, Hillary would be president right now.
(34,612 posts)Jim Crow ain't so new and . . . We have to set some convictions right.
If only a black man with a tiny rock for personal use was not a convicted felon. Then he could vote.
The Polack MSgt
(13,539 posts)Response to Yavin4 (Reply #25)
Eliot Rosewater This message was self-deleted by its author.
(18,398 posts)Thanks, sheshe2!
(4,516 posts)and that made the election a success for Dems but when are we going to be just Dems turning out?
None of us can pull off a win by ourselves because as individual groups we don't make up enough voters to win.
And generally we all have the same opinion on the issues.
In this case Moore saying the slavery era was good was a personal insult to Blacks but we all were offended by that statement.
In 2018 we all need to turn out the vote no matter what race religion sexual preference male or female far left or center left.
(34,612 posts)Not you per se - but there has been a lot of attacks in the real world against black folks supposedly not turning out for Clinton. It's an absolute utter lie - but in my opinion - it's a slur to DIVIDE DEMOCRATICS!
Alabama just showed how you get black voters energized.
You think the Moore Type only exists in AL?
Think again.
Google Johnstown NFL N*ggers For Life.
If the door knockers in Pittsburgh and Philly don't go armed with that article into black communities - they are idiots.
Words matter. And - when used to mobilize certain groups can be used as a hammer.
Asking us to pretend to Not Be Black In America and to make decisions under that guide is stupid (not you - the concept).
We have heard ad nauseam about White Working Class People since the Russkies handed 45/140 the WH on a silver platter to go with that silver spoon Pootie Poot Red Russian feeds him with.
How they were forgotten, lost, angry etc etc.
Uh - guess us black folks are in a rage and the Democratic Party should not only acknowledge that - but tap into it to win.
I believe your vision will fail in 2018 and 2020. No offense but it will fail. Your Utopia can come later, you are going to have to wait.
(4,516 posts)in Washington.
It is not utopia to understand that with the majority of issues we all agree.
What you are doing is helping to divide us.
It is not Black turnout or Hispanic turnout it is Democratic turnout that is needed.
(34,612 posts)We flipped two seats in our Borough, kept on D assembly member, flipped the other, and got Murphy in the Governors mansion. I run an indivisible group
We can't afford to stick our head in the sand.
I'm a black woman who is in her 40's - product of a black/white marriage in the 60's married to an Italian immigrant.
I might know a little more than you on this subject.
I've experienced America in a radically different way than you.
(34,861 posts)Does it make an essential difference to you that AA Women & Men are getting credit? Asking this in a neutral calm voice
(34,612 posts)
(1,399 posts)but there is a real danger in denying the FACT that we did not turn out for Senator/Secretary Clinton across the upper Midwest and down the East Coast from North Carolina to Florida and if we had it would have done more to change the outcome than every other factor that has been mentioned. In fact, other than "re-educating" white folks (a task which I have come to believe is impossible), increasing black turnout is the single most important objective for the Democratic Party.
Before I get to that, however, I want to talk about one other thing I find notable in the post-victory celebration in Alabama . . . did Alabama's black men all die right before the election? That's sarcasm, of course, but as glaring as is the implicit racism in the statement "Women put Doug Jones in office," at least SOME people (Example: this OP . . . thanks sheshe2!) are pointing out that every time 10 white women went to the polls in Alabama, Doug Jones got 4 votes further behind. What almost NO ONE is talking about is that it wasn't just black women who turned out in droves for Jones, it was also black MEN.
That is important and you really talk about it later in your post so I know you get it. Here though is where the danger I spoke about earlier comes in. Yea, white folks who want to BLAME us for not turning out for Hillary can pretty much ***. I'm f'ing over that. When there is low turnout, that is on the f'ing PARTY. On the other hand, when we deny that we didn't turn out for Hillary, we give the party an EXCUSE to not talk about the difference between what we did in Alabama in 2017 and what we didn't do in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, etc. in 2016.
I came down from Memphis to Montgomery twice to try to get our folks to vote for Doug Jones. I am talking from first hand experience when I say that two months out from that election, Doug was going to lose and he was going to lose bad. He was going to lose because, even though he personally had only a fraction of the baggage we had in urban communities in 2016, his campaign was a mirror of 2016 . . . he was running on the despicability of Roy Moore and his supporters. Now I understand that the conventional DNC wisdom has been (at least since McCaskill came from behind to beat Akin in Missouri) that white women are so fired up about issues like child molestation, sexual harassment, misogyny etc. that if we have a sick mf running as a Republican we can run on the "he's despicable" platform and they will carry us to victory, but regardless of whether that is correct, what the people I was trying to get out to vote were saying was "Are we invisible or do you just think you are entitled to our vote?"
I tell this story only partly as criticism, because the party deserves criticism for those kinds of campaigns, because the real story of victory in Alabama was what happened next. Black leaders, and by leaders I don't mean black folks who are leaders just in the eyes of white Democrats, came to Alabama. They talked about issues that were unique to black voters in Alabama, issues that white people don't want hear about AND they talked right out in the open and unfettered (and unfiltered). By the next time I got to Montgomery, the week before the election, everything had changed. I honestly had not seen people that fired up since 2008.
That change in strategy, that respect, that not taking us for granted is what won in Alabama AND it can win all across the country (although it's an uphill battle in Missouri after McCaskill sided with Ferguson DA Bob McCullough). I fear though that no nationwide change in strategy, no PUBLIC acknowledgement of our unique interests, will result in the same FACT we saw in 2016, low black turnout in key states and losses that should have been wins.
I know I've gone on for a while but I wanted to end by saying thank you for your posts in this string. I am that former generation and to see you stand up like this means a lot.
(162,779 posts)Moore, defeated by black women - I LOVE IT
(21,077 posts)EVERY time I have discussed Tuesday's results with anyone, I've said three things:
1. THANK YOU to the BLACK WOMEN who made this happen, especially the families, friends, and neighbors of Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Carol Denise McNair.
2. Pleased as I am that Jones won, and that Alabama will be represented by a Democrat in the US Senate, given who the GOP was running, the results should have been closer to 70-30 Jones.
I'm pleased to say that mostly, so far, I've gotten nothing but agreement. But then, I haven't discussed it with any media poondats or Party flapdoodles.
radical noodle
(9,700 posts)and many thanks to the black women who were once again the most educated, responsible voters.
As for the white women (especially the one who, with her daughter in tow. said that the allegations against Moore were "bull crap" they will never be smart enough to understand what they've done. They will whine and cry about the unfairness done to Roy Moore by "those people." Those people being Yankees, liberals, Democrats and the Washington Post... but they will likely never admit Moore was defeated by black women.
Watch out though, I worry about more efforts to suppress the black vote there.
BTW, some thanks are due to black men too... I saw many waiting in line to vote.
(34,861 posts)Thoughtful & educational articles that can & do teach.
And again AA Women & Men are doing a hard thing very well.
(90,726 posts)It was a great article that clearly pointed out the facts. I never understand why pundits feel the need to twist the facts to suit their own agenda.
(18,124 posts)for many more victories against the sexual predators, fascist and racists in the near future....
(73,759 posts)Now, more than ever.
Im sure that more creeps will be crawling up from under rocks.
(90,726 posts)They breed in darkness, that is their element. We must be forever vigilant.