African American
Related: About this forum"i hate black people. Like fuck them all . . . I hate blacks. End of story . " -Pro Trump Non Profit
its funding and its donors, raising the prospect that dark money may now be shaping not just state and federal races but ones on campus.
Turning Point touts its close relationship with the Presidents family. The groups Web site promoted Don, Jr.,s appearance for weeks, featuring a photo of him raising a clenched fist. Its promotional materials include a quote from the younger Trump praising Turning Point: What you guys have done is just amazing. Lara Trump, the wife of Don, Jr.,s brother Eric, is also involved with the group. In West Palm Beach on Wednesday, she hosted a luncheon promoting Turning Points coming Young Womens Leadership Summit. The groups twenty-four-year-old executive director and founder, Charlie Kirk, told me that he counts Don, Jr., as a personal friend.
Perhaps most troubling for an organization that holds up conservatives as the real victims of discrimination in America, Turning Point USA is also alleged to have fostered an atmosphere that is hostile to minorities. Screenshots provided to me by a source show that Crystal Clanton, who served until last summer as the groups national field director, sent a text message to another Turning Point employee saying, i hate black people. Like fuck them all . . . I hate blacks. End of story.
Economic anxiety, my ass...

(10,645 posts)Seriously, wtf?! We must get money out of politics immediately. It needs to be the core of our platform. All "regular" Americans understand this and believe it - R or D. It must stop now. I'm to the point I think we should have almost no other agenda. It is pure legal corruption and it is absolute.
(21,646 posts)They are known in Illinois at least I assume there are groups like this in red states too
Oh and tell me again how the women only voted for trump because thier husband made them do it
(20,161 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)think4yourself
(854 posts)Seriously.
(21,646 posts)And extremely anti government . Everything should be privatized they will treat government workers as dirt to thier face ....while using thier services !!
There was a crowd of these idiots of that age at an airport once shouting all thier crap to each other about the airport service and facilities government etc. I wanted to ask do you know who is bringing in your plane right now ?FAA and stopped you from sitting next to someone with explosives ?
and planned your runway construction etc. etc .???
They could have very high GPAs in academics but when you hear them or have to interact in exchanges etc. there is something very off about them .
Head hollow mouth breathers indeed
I want to add the person who founded this group is from a fairly middle class established suburb of Chicago not rural Illinois
(18,124 posts)hidden themselves among the general population. Now, theidiotboypotus has given them green light to openly hate. Fine, hate on you stupid, ignorant white bantustan idiots, you WILL NOT prevail. They are cowardly POS with no conscience...they'd be better off just killing themselves, they are of little use in a democracy struggling to be, hey donnyidiot, DIVERSITY!!!!!!!!!! Merry Xmas, assholes.
spike jones
(1,840 posts)November 7, 2017
CLEMSON, S.C. (AP) Clemson University's student body vice president narrowly avoided impeachment after an 11-hour trial. News media outlets report Clemson's student senate voted 42-16 early Tuesday in favor of impeaching Jeran Stewart. Forty-four votes were needed for impeachment. Stewart is black and has previously said the effort to remove him reflects racism on campus. He was among a dozen students who sat during the Pledge of Allegiance earlier this year. He says the impeachment effort began shortly thereafter. The student who led the impeachment effort has said it had nothing to do with racism but rather began after Stewart was fired from his position as a resident assistant and charged with trespassing. Stewart said that matter was resolved last summer. After Tuesday's vote, he said he was glad he hadn't been removed.
(2,858 posts)He'll claim ignorance -- which, of course, is generally true of him and the whole family -- but will he repudiate and pull away from this racist group of petulant honkeys?
(6,906 posts)I'm just as sure that the moon is made of gorgonzola.
marble falls
(64,122 posts)Ilsa
(62,627 posts)Build a long, deep background establishing trust with these assholes so we can take them down when we get clear evidence that they hate the Constitution, hate non-whites, non-WASPS.
(21,646 posts)
(48,178 posts)Eventually their few black Republicans might speak out.
But they say terrible things about women all the time and female Republicans seem complicit.
(30,267 posts)i have more to say but just goddamn these people.
(13,913 posts)TSU was LBJ's alma mater. LBJ was widely attributed as the second president who contributed most to improving civil right and improving the economic plight of black americans during his administration. The Texas State University system is second tier to Tx A&M and UT systems, and are not as well funded.
Note: none of the other Texas public campuses, including more conservative Tx Tech & Tx A&M, are on the list. The racist bastards keep trying but haven't been able to get a populus foot hold at these locations, thank goodness.
(8,611 posts)but she's over 60.