African American
Related: About this forumI could be wrong but...
I was listening to Joe Scarborough this morning and he was criticizing the crowd at the Alabama game (because he was being boo'd and hackled) saying that's one of the reasons why Republicans constituents don't care for Liberals, they look down their noses at them and show no respect.
I feel as an AA woman, Im fed up with hearing that B. S. since Republicans have done all they could do to keep our community from voting (let's not forget the gerrymandering). So am I wrong? Help me understand this.

(18,212 posts)It seems they are all for free-speech, states rights etc as long as they are in lock step with them. Pathetic little snowflakes.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,099 posts)even though he doesn't seem to like the current holder of the pResidency, he will always be one.
(17,639 posts)had him on the show frequently, called in all the time. Basically sucked up to him completely during the cmpaign.
Joe finally became annoyed when trump wouldn't take his advice. Trump then got into pissing matches with them.
He only turned on trump when trump went full tabloid on he and mica.
He is a complicit in trump as fox news is.
(2,961 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,612 posts)Trump types EVER shown us respect?
Treated us with basic human dignity?
At this point I'm pretty quiet at DU because you know what? I don't like having to hold back and be tolerable of the idea that working class white male voters have to be tiptoed around and that their internal prejudices and bias is because The Wealthy Manipulate them.
Fuck that - fucking snowflakes.
It's been 153 years since the Civil War has ended and I'm sick to death of black folks in America having to tip toe around ANYONE.
Fuck that noise!!!!!
(5,644 posts)Thank you! (((JustAnotherGen)))
(34,861 posts)
(1,045 posts)steve2470
(37,468 posts)uponit7771
(92,609 posts)saidsimplesimon
(7,888 posts)I do not watch morning blow unless there is a guest worth the time. Joe had dump on air every day for months before the election for ratings or....?
(5,644 posts)that was station it was on when I turned it off last night. Believe me... I'm no morning joke fan.
(21,646 posts)path, as they come forward you move off the path on to the dirt with eyes down and they get to spit some tobacco off the path near your feet and you just carry on your way
Sorry but these types are extremely disrespectful already to POC. My opinion is the last thing they are thinking is they want respect from me. I am pretty sure they could care less.
Maybe he means they want white liberal respect .
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)I think, though painfully slow, some white people are waking to the fact that institutionalized racism is not just the damage they do to PoC but the damage they do to themselves in maintaining the system. They're feeling racism as nearly a high cost to them as it is to us. And no matter how much in the past they've forgiven and compensated themselves for their "loses," some white people are not buying into it and dis their racist brethren.
As an aside, early on in life - having been brought up to be very polite - a friend opened my eyes about just walking down the street and many, many white people simply expecting you to move when we clearly had the right of way. Amazing.
(35,454 posts)
These people can't take responsibility for anything
If he's getting boos from that crowd, he's in way deeper than he thinks.
(3,123 posts)Irish_Dem
(66,759 posts)gordianot
(15,558 posts)21st Century Republicanism is based on prejudice where ever they can find or source it. Who ever booed Trump the crowd called it correctly and an Alabama Georgia football game is not a magnet for Liberals.
(55,269 posts)
Fla Dem
(26,388 posts)How does he know it wasn't Trump fans booing him because he's dumped on Trump since the election?
(85,527 posts)You guys deserve it! YOU made this bed.
Around our house, we have an even coarser version of "YOU made this bed": "YOU crawled into bed with him. Now he gets to fuck you."
(27,566 posts)rarely show respect to Democrats or Liberals. Worse yet, they want to run our lives in ways we don't want to run theirs.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)Jon Fogerty
(45 posts)The "hatred" and negative perception between liberals and conservatives has been around forever, and a war was fought over their opinions on slavery. Liberals perceive conservatives as being backward and uneducated, while Republicans see progressives as arrogant and disrespectful. Conservatives long for the way things were, while Democrats see disasters ahead. I do believe that cultural/social liberalism will always win, it just takes a long time, many lives, and, especially this day and age, lots of dollars.
(91,595 posts)so POC look down on poor deporable racist bigoted assholes ????????
Response to JI7 (Reply #23)
Stellar This message was self-deleted by its author.
(5,644 posts)Although I still feel the same.
Andy Scholes
(13,819 posts)When the picked-on kid fights back, the bully whines, "But, but, you HAVE to be nice to me!!"