African American
Related: About this forumbombs instead of nooses
Amazing how stupid and ignorant a sizable minority of white ameriKKKans continue to remain. The present day white racist pig along with his/her generations of predecessors have tried subtle genocide, destroying of whole communities Rosewood and Oklahoma come to mind, lynching, burning, castration literally of the AA male and the murder by lynching/burning of AA women and children. And I will mention the Tuskegee syphillis experiments on AA as a way to rid themselves of the AA male whose strength and perseverance these cowards all truly fear. Now instead of the noose, it's homemade bombs.
One yesterday even killing an 80 year old grandmother in Austin TX. The police chief says the bombings, all at homes of AA's", appear to be linked". No shit sherlock
I was in the hospital yesterday waiting for a full body CT scan. I was the only AA in the waiting room. During the two hour wait having to get up constantly because of the contrast die I had to drink, when I reentered the waiting room I was consistently "eye fucked" by idiot assed trumpers. I'd smile, drop the smile and give it back to them, the same hate they gave. Then I would chuckle at the ludicrously idiot notion of their hate for my skin color. White men and women were both culprits. Here we all are, I assume seriously ill, and all they could do is hate me.
Well as I tell myself when faced with Mr. Charlie looking for me to be intimidated by their total stupidity and base ignorance, nah, ain't gonna happen. Short of rounding up all non-caucasian people, which the Klansman Sessions, the leaders and followers in the GOP and the POS potus have in motion as an administration priority, which would, if continued, precipitate...well we won't talk about that at this time...
NAH!!!! Ain't gonna get your wish...I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon.

(21,646 posts)it of course has to be a safe space like an anonymous waiting room where I will not encounter them later or again
They usually stop that shit then.
Oh and for the nonexperienced I assume you mean not the occasional glance but a locked down steady focused rude stare of your actions
Out on the street I just ignore them after a look back too dangerous
You know you are one of the reasons they are sick and Obama is the reason they have to be in a waiting room don't you???
(18,124 posts)Yeah usually in that type of space. Grocery stores ect. But I give back to all in any space. I just never fear these cowards.