African American
Related: About this forumA statue
revering j. marion sims, our very own ameriKKKan Mengele, was removed from Central Park in New York yesterday. While I applaud the action I would like to ask why it took 8YEARS to get this statue revering a probable murderer removed?
This statue, among many in amerIKKKa, is a perfect example of the tainted, vicious and meanly racist history of this hypocrisy called a democracy that is PERFECTLY represented TODAY by 66milion+ people more or less and their shithead potus.
That's the problem. Still today ameriKKKans want to look at a statue representing a monster and fall to their knees, not because of his work done in the area of medicine concerning women, by operating on AA slave women, usually without the benefit of anesthesia, but many are on their knees because he caused so much pain, misery and death to a black person. Those who didn't die from this original Mengele, how many died later from advancing infections from this ameriKKKan Mengele and his experimentation(s)? Where is his family of origin today? They are mighty fucking quiet on this one
So back to my original question, why did it take 8 years to remove a statue of a monster after being objected to by borough president of Manhattan, Matthew Washington? This is the problem with ameriKKKan racism, people fight to hang on to their hate as evidenced by the first ameriKKKan Civil War, segregation practices that took 100 years after slavery to address, massa's 64-65 Civil and Voting Rights Acts giving minorities, AA predominantly, the right to vote in rigged elections and not just be snatched off a street and hung by white people looking for sport. It took eight years because the white people in charge, with their lackeys, do not ever want to be seen as immediately capitulating to the wishes of an abused minority such as the large AA community. They want to stay in charge and laughingly, I'm sure, pick dates and years where they will, barring any riots and threats to property and profit, 'give' rights to americans of minority status. Just his statue being revered, NATIONWIDE speaks volumes to why racism hangs on in a hateful despicable minority? AmeriKKKans just don't want to stop hating. But it is understood with the hateful, mean and viciously racist culture that is particularly ameriKKKan.

(90,726 posts)
J. Marion Sims was a gynecologist in the 1800s who purchased Black women slaves and used them as guinea pigs for his untested surgical experiments, they wrote. He repeatedly performed genital surgery on Black women WITHOUT ANESTHESIA because according to him, Black women dont feel pain.
We cannot get over our history of white supremacy until we acknowledge it, she says in the video.
When we say that this country and its institutions are literally built on the bodies of black people, were not exaggerating, and were not lying.
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Response to heaven05 (Original post)
sheshe2 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(90,726 posts)Posted twice.
He was a monster heaven. Just like Mengele.
Mengele received doctorates in anthropology and medicine from Munich University and began a career as a researcher. He joined the Nazi Party in 1937 and the SS in 1938. Initially assigned as a battalion medical officer at the start of World War II, he transferred to the concentration camp service in early 1943 and was assigned to Auschwitz. There he saw the opportunity to conduct genetic research on human subjects. His subsequent experiments, focusing primarily on twins, had no regard for the health or safety of the victims.