African American
Related: About this forumthe Guardian, today has an article titled
"sadism of white men": why America must atone for it's lynchings". Great article, yet meaningless because ameriKKKa does not know how to atone for it's sin(s) associated with the mindless racist slaughter of AA men, women and CHILDREN during the Segregation Era and into the latest embodiment of racist 21st century ameriKKKans practicing racism as fervently as any 'fundie' in a southern baptist church on Sunday. Now I understand that sadism is not confined to one race or gender, yet in the case of lynchings of AA in this country, white men were, by and large, the vicious culprit who lynched many more than an arbitrary 4000+ number quoted by sources looking to downplay evil.
The opening of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama, the unofficial seat of the new Confederacy in D.C. led by AG sessions and d. trump, along with the Legacy Museum has finally pointed to the reason we have 66million plus in dertrumpenfuhrer's political base and also to the fact, lynchings are still going on, ropes replaced by bullets and the state authorized agents gleefully doing the 'lynchings'. They are doing the 21st century lynchings along with those who call the 21st century lynchers, anonymously, about some threatening black man, woman or CHILD, 99.9% always unarmed, who needs to be put down like some rabid dog and who are, with disquieting regularity, being shot and killed for being black in ameriKKKa. Trayvon Martins name along with Tamir Rice come immediately to mind
So I hope no one is patting themselves on the back and pointing to a 'museum' and memorial 'wall' such as this as an atonement of continuing 'sins' of racism and hateful bigotry of all not classified white in the ameriKKKKan aparthate system. Don't get me wrong. This memorial is a good start to educating those who want to be educated about the continuing sadism of men and women who are the 21st century vanguard of a caucasian RW movement, worldwide, to restore white supremacy as the main segment of any country's population.
Ain't going to happen and anyone with sense knows it.
Finished with this Guardian article, because I know with an extremely sad heart, racism will be here, ALWAYS, especially in this mean and vicious ameriKKKan culture that can't shake it's evil, racist past.
This world's a vicious mean slaughterhouse peopled by perpetrators of the most heinous exterminations, liquidations, massacres, genocides and ALWAYS has been.

(43,493 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)I have tried to master that failure in a tech challenged individual such as I...
(43,493 posts)to copy & paste a Link a couple years ago I didn't know how to do it either. I was quite reluctant but so glad they pushed!
Have a beautiful day, heaven05.
(90,726 posts)Thank you, heaven.
(1,731 posts)I'll be sure to visit the Guardian today. Racism will always be here because it has always been here. Our forefathers made sure to put it into our constitution and enshrine it deep within our society. Our task is to insist on changing policy. Focus not on evil hearts and sadistic minds (although that would be okay in addition to other work), but rather on the institutions that allows racism to thrive. I'm not all that sure that white women are any less sadistic than their white male counterparts.
Historical pictures of trees bearing "strange fruit", often show women dressed in their "Sunday best" smiling brightly while standing next to their husbands and family members. I think one doesn't have to place the rope on the neck to be a part of the lynching. White women have taken advantage of that sadistic system on many occasions. Just ask Emmett Till. Without getting too deep into black feminism and mysogynoir (that's not what this is about and I'm still learning as much as possible myself) but society makes it easier to see white ladies in a sympathetic light.
Why did Carolyn Donham lie on a young black boy named Emmet Till? Why did the white neighbor scream when 14 year old Brennan Walker knocked on her door to ask for directions? Why did the white female juror see that George Zimmerman was scared for his life, but not an unarmed teen named Trayvon? My guess is that they have bought into the very system that oppresses them too.
The system breeds sadism among some of our white brothers and sisters. How many "studies" have been done on penis size by race and ethnicity? Why? How many lynchings involved sodomizing and/or castrating the victims? How many of these incidents were sparked by a woman saying that she had been ravished by a savage, taken against her will by someone who (truthfully or not) was endowed with a larger penis? Why would the county prosecutor say such a thing? The language surrounding these incidents of injustice were rife with resentment! So white society had to punish somebody for their own insecurities and secret desires.
If you choose to watch, pay attention to the faces in the crowds.
Okay, it's too deep before my coffee. I don't know how to end heart is super heavy right now. I always appreciate your posts, heaven05. I look forward to checking out the Guardian today. Peace and blessings to you and yours!
(18,124 posts)salutations back atcha!
(23,673 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,782 posts)Michael Brown, lynched.
Jordan Davis, lynched.
Eric Garner, lynched.
I could go on.