African American
Related: About this forumHow "Strange Fruit" Killed Billie Holiday
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At times, her performance of the song was met with fierce pushback. Though many people knew that lynchings of African-Americans in the South were common, there was resistance to ending the practice among Southern whites. Racism, combined with a popular desire to limit federal power over local concerns,kept people in the North from making any successful moves to end lynchings in the South. In the end, Billie Holidays insistence on performing Strange Fruit may have been responsible for her demise. One of the primary attempts to silence her came from a man named Harry Anslinger, the first commissioner for the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and an extreme racist, even for the 1930s. As Johann Hari details in Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs, Anslinger claimed that narcotics made black people forget their place in the fabric of American society, and that jazz musicians were dangerous in particular, creating Satanic music under the influence of marijuana.
Holiday, who throughout her career called public attention to the devastating impact of white supremacy, was also a drug user. She drew Anslingers notice, and he ordered Holiday to cease performing the song. Holiday refused, and Anslinger ramped up his efforts to silence her. After one of Anslingers men was paid to track Holiday and frame her with buying and using heroin, she spent eighteen months in prison. Upon her release in 1948, the federal government refused to renew her cabaret performers license, mandatory for any performer playing or singing at any club or bar serving alcohol.
This utterly undermined her career. Although Holiday was able to perform multiple sold-out Carnegie Hall performances over the next several years, she could no longer travel the nightclub circuit. Unable to perform regularly at the venues she loved, and to stop remembering a childhood that included being raped at age ten, and working in a brothel with her mother, Holiday eventually began using heroin again. When she checked into a New York hospital in 1959, her liver was failing and cancerous. She was emaciated, and her heart and lungs were compromised. Despite her condition, she didnt want to stay there. Theyre going to kill me. Theyre going to kill me in there. Dont let them, she presciently told friends and family. Indeed, Anslingers men, sensing a macabre opportunity, showed up at her hospital bedside, handcuffed her to the bed, took mugshots, removed gifts that people had brought to the roomflowers, radio, record player, chocolates, magazinesand stationed two cops at the door. Even so, as doctors began methadone treatment, Holiday began to improve, gaining some weight and improving slowly. But then Anslingers men prevented hospital staff from administering any further methadone. She succumbed to death within days.

(18,123 posts)niyad
(122,908 posts)Blue Owl
(55,713 posts)
(122,908 posts)Dennis Donovan
(29,834 posts)He worked to have cannabis made illegal so it would give him an excuse to bust African-Americans and Mexican-Americans for using it (or, many times, they were FRAMED).
(122,908 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,492 posts)niyad
(122,908 posts)They_Live
(3,332 posts)and this story...I never knew.
(53,410 posts)He would make it to the top easily, and hob nob with Republican governors, congress people and the President as well as our Attorney General. He would be an important Fundamentalist Church leader and would have his own radio or tv talk show. He would be a regular guest on Fox, or maybe even a host.
(122,908 posts)potone
(1,701 posts)This is heart breaking. She was such a talented and brave woman.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,782 posts)NOW
(122,908 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,782 posts)vile and disgusting human beings known to humankind showing support for Rump and Rump not denouncing said support.
Rachel reported this with a dropped jaw BUT with a tone of reassurance that no matter how bad this is, ultimately we wont have to deal with it because Hillary will win. She never said that but we felt that.
We knew Rachel believed that and we believed it and so on.
Hillary did win. The KGB flipped the counting of the votes in 4 states enough to make a difference.
The thing about this living nightmare are the alleged people on the left who say Rusher not so important but UNSEATING democrats is important. Those people are working to keep the GOP in power either on purpose or through ignorance of the system.
Right now as I type this women and children will be turned away at the border, some will die and we will do this to them ON PURPOSE.
(122,908 posts)people I would not draw a deep breath until HRC was actually sworn in (I am cynical and suspicious that way).
and now, that bloviating shitgibbon says we don't have ROOM for asylum seekers? I wish there were someplace worse than hell for him, and all his supporters.