African American
Related: About this forumAmerica's first lynching memorial results in some local residents filled with ire, resentment<snip>
Its going to cause an uproar and open old wounds, said Mikki Keenan, a 58-year-old longtime Montgomery resident, who was eating lunch at a southern country-style restaurant a mile from the memorial. Local residents, she said, feel its a waste of money, a waste of space and its bringing up bullshit.
It keeps putting the emphasis on discrimination and cruelty, chimed in her friend, who asked not to be named for fear that her child would disapprove of her remarks. The memorial, she added, could spark violence.
Wow. So many astonishing things about these quotes...
1. She wants to remain anonymous because her child would disapprove of her remarks? Just Wow.
2. "We have moved past it..." Who is "we"? The white people whose ancestors committed the lynchings, and then presumably taught their offspring their own special brand of hatred and cruelty? So big of you to have "moved past it"

3. Who is "them"? Who is it he's trying not to "entice". As if this memorial is intended only for "those people" whose immediate families were devastated by these horrific crimes. As if "they" are going to be so angered by this poignantly beautiful memorial that "they" might become violent? Sorry, sir. That's what YOUR ancestors did, not "theirs".
4. And as if "we" can't all learn and ponder and meditate on the causes and repercussions of such violence. Certainly this memorial goes a much longer way toward healing and growing as a nation than some idiotic statue of Stonewall Jackson.
I grew up among people like those quoted in this article. Sadly, I'm not surprised by the ignorance displayed in their comments. My hope is derived from the acknowledgement by the one woman that her children are vastly smarter than she is.

So far past it that I tell reporters that I pay to be a member of a group that is based on white washing the history of it.
(4,066 posts)They want to cover it up and ignore it like it never happened. Then they can try to ignore it and it will be easier to do again in the future.
(54,770 posts)

(28,151 posts)randr
(12,530 posts)kag
(4,155 posts)All I see in these comments is intolerance and impatience.
(18,124 posts)is their problem???? They can't understand this is a counterbalance to the freewheeling hate pot that trump and the GOP minions have been stirring for a couple of years now along with MSM, Fox news especially, along with hate radio/internet the RW, GOP, KKK, Nazi(german-Amerikkkan bund) giving an almost continuing diatribe of the dangers inherent in an all-inclusive America, racially, gender-wise, culturally.
At last! This all I have to say. Recognition of having committed a grievous offense to others is the first step in healing the hurt caused by the offense(s). While people like this cause me consternation in the reading of their ignorance, I just hope "Peace and Justice" for all, happens one day.
(34,612 posts)Is all I can come up with. Like their worthless mamas dropped them on their heads or something.
(18,124 posts)yep haven't heard that one in a while..."dropping".
Brain damage
for sure.
Response to kag (Original post)
irisblue This message was self-deleted by its author.
(34,861 posts)It'll be online soon. This tweet is from a man whose ancestor escaped lynching at 11 years old.
Link to tweet