African American
Related: About this forumnever in my lifetime
have I seen a Potus like the potus we have now? I never thought I'd see a leader wanting to destroy his own country so badly since Hitler. With the RWGOP as his Bundestag, rubber stamping his every word and action. Having the highest court in the land in his pocket, white supremacist brownshirts roaming the streets like rabid animals doing the trump's, bannon and gorka's racist bidding in spreading their viral racist, bigoted, sexist hate everywhere in this society. And to have a propaganda arm such as Fox news, already in place as a personal platform of trump and GOP hate-filled indoctrination against all human beings in this country who aren't white, male/female or uncle tomming for him, all things seem to be in place to set this coup, abetted by Russia, in stone.
Don't get me wrong, things are different here in the 21st century than in the early to mid 20th century, yet racist, sexist, fascist demagogs are the same any generation. Except this one has nukes, fellow crooks and conmen/women in important administration positions, racist murderers calling themselves police destroying citizen trust, NATIONWIDE, brown skin and minority people primarily, and the treasury of a nation to loot among many other options. FUBAR
GOTV. We liberals and progressives of the Democratic Party are this country's only salvation. We must fight fire with fire. Get mean. To hell with RW shitheads.

(72,836 posts)But shes corporate.
But she doesnt smile enough
But shes shrill.
But she has a nice house.
But she got the flu.
But her husband had affairs .
But she didnt divorce him.
But she doesnt bake cookies.
But she worked her entire life.
(25,239 posts)
(2,678 posts)Bill. So she was also an enabler. At least thats what the RWNJs say.🧐👹🤧
(18,124 posts)
(11,927 posts)It's so awful - in a bizarre way - to be missing erstwhile "liberals" like Nixon, Goldwater and Buckley? Paraphrasing what PJ O'Rourke said about HRC and finding it much more germane today: "Wrong about about almost everything, but at least they were wrong within normal parameters."
(18,124 posts)Last edited Mon May 7, 2018, 08:29 AM - Edit history (2)
the GOP has been HIJACKED by some of the worst elements(TEA PARTY) and the list of hijacker groups, racists, sexists, homophobes, white supremacists/nationalists all have hijacked the ship of state BIGTIME. And has grown exponentially since the adoption of Tea Party principles and members. If I remember correctly, paul ryan identified with them.
(2,678 posts)fiscal issues, no? Well not exactly. They DO care about bathroom issues, they DO care about denying a womans right to her body, they DO care about what we use as medicine or as a relaxant. Just ask Congressional Freedom Caucus.🙄🧐
(282 posts)and believed. That is what destroys my desire to remain a citizen of ameriKKKa. RW is a destroyer of worlds....
Ferrets are Cool
(22,099 posts)wrong with this admin.
(18,124 posts)As long as I live, I just hope, we the people, can prevail.
(28,307 posts)Does ANYone know a RWshithead who isn't a racist?
She hated the things he was saying and doing during the election, yet voted for him because she thought his "business background" would be good for the country. Every other RWer I know IS a racist, even though almost all think they aren't.
(18,124 posts)people like this who are duly chastened by their choice for POTUS. I have a 'Goldwater' republican in one in my circles of life. She and I are friendly, respectful of each other and I have one barely able to cork his hate of minorities when around the holiday barbecues, around me. Then there is L. and W. on my immediate left, facing east. Two true liberals in every definition of that word. We are agreed trump bad, we shoulda done a better, job against the RW. Water under the bridge. Now, change gotta come. As a liberal, I have my bias both individual and personal. I just try not to let them be my only criteria for judging another human being, whomever. So we do live and learn, hopefully.
(4,642 posts)got what they wanted, someone who could destroy everything good, so damage it that it will never be good again.
(18,124 posts)that the reactionary fascists, the homegrown racists that makeup 29% of our republics citizens and it's political Partys, will remain in power, either overtly or covertly. To make a choice that clearly has endangered the world and smile about it is the way of fascist. I now know how 1933 citizens of Germany must have felt when looking upon the little corporal as I now experience with our hateful schoolyard bully.
Well, let's hope history has given us guidance on how to possibly stop the fraying of our national fabric.
(1,879 posts). . . Or words similar to that were said by a customer of mine at a former job. The man had been working for the Obama campaign in 2008 and he had racked up overcharges on his phone bill.
Despite his dismay about the costs, I could hear the pride and awe in his voice as he told me that he had a young son and until the year of that campaign, he didn't even imagine that we could have a black president in his son's lifetime.
It was a sweet victory, and Clinton's campaign ended in a bitter loss. But we're learning. We're growing.
I like to believe (perhaps foolishly) that the increased and intensified racism and overall hatred that we are seeing these days from certain segments of society are like the behavior of wasps at the end of summer.
Their time is at an end. They feel it by instinct, even if they do not understand what they sense. As a result, they become more hostile and engage in aggressions dangerous to themselves as well as to others.
I'm not a viewer of Game Of Thrones, but I understand that the phrase, "Winter is coming" is intended as a warning. Well, winter IS coming, and the change in weather will be the death knell for "wasps" of many different sorts.
Maybe their hatred won't be completely frozen out in my lifetime, but I will go to my grave believing that it will happen.
(43,493 posts)K & R the OP, right on target about the distress we're in now, God awful what's happening in this nation.
(90,726 posts)You are right about the wasps and white people. They know it is coming. White people according to the census will lose their majority around 2043. They are terrified and lashing out.
Sort of like Bonnie and Clyde going on a killing spree, knowing the end is near they are going to tear it all down before they are.
(18,124 posts)I have hope also, but most days it is a forlorn one.
(53,410 posts)I came away with the certainty that it could easily happen here. It was easy to come to that conclusion because it was during the Civil Rights movement with MLK. The backlash against them was the shameful proof that this country has a fascist underbelly.
If we Americans dont stop it, the same thing will happen here. Its easy to see that now.
(22,060 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)with all associated with trump money is their god and hate is their demon.
(90,726 posts)How the hell sick is that? Faux News has the presidents ear. Dear Goddess.
Vote as if the future of this planet as we know it is in jeapordy and it is. Vote as if your life, all our lives depend on it. because it does.
Thanks, heaven.