African American
Related: About this forumwypipo are partly pissed
because of the historical truth that black people were also "superior beings" in historical FACT. And that means ALL HISTORY in creating just who we ALL are today. Not the fiction of the history that wypipo are still trying to depict, with black peoples not shown as MAJOR contributors to the social, artistic, and genetic makeup of that which is beautiful in our growth as the human race, but as a pox on the white history of human evolution.
And this being true in spite of a world racism against black people. As for this forum's purpose, we are the bulwark, finger in the dyke if you will, in these times of wypipo trying to shame, humiliate and destroy black lives through their hateful, malevolent, evil racism that wants black people murdered, incarcerated, executed and dead, we are the bulwark against the racist forces gathering strength in ameriKKKa.

(30,604 posts)to feel tall." Paramahamsa Yogananda
It is true heaven05. Black people are superior in so many many many ways. After the coup of 12/12/2000, I was so despondent and I heard Al Sharpton speak some time after that and for the first time I felt hope and knew if there was any salvation for this country it would be because of black people. Here's to Stacy Abrams and true progress.
(2,112 posts)And should not be allowed here
If a derogatory term based on race isnt a racial slur, what is it?
(18,124 posts)okay, if you say so and............
(3,137 posts)Is a mildly derogatory word based on the behavior of clueless privileged white people. Of which I can count myself at times but Im working on it.
Response to BBG (Reply #5)
YessirAtsaFact This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,137 posts)And wypipo protesting being called wypipo seems to be a great way to identify them as such. Objectively speaking, mind you.
(2,112 posts)Isnt racist?
To observe a behavior rooted in racism itself and remark on it being wypipo is calling attention to the behaviors racism. It calls out the racism and not the racist.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)The group in power can be racist, the group not in power can be bigots but not racists.
Basic common sense.
(2,112 posts)Would be funny if it wasnt so stupid.
Assuming Im Christian is another error-Im not.
I just object to any derogatory term applied to anyone due to their race.
Feel free to call a bigot a bigot. You dont have to coin a racial slur (wypipo) to do that.
(23,340 posts)Wypipo is not referencing all white people, only those that behave a certain way.
If you think it is racist, you don't understand the background of the word. For it to be racist, it would have to apply to all white people.
(4,523 posts)"Wypipo is not referencing all white people, only those that behave a certain way. "
but if I had a nickel for every time I heard the exact same argument about the n word.....
Just saying.. I get that one is attacking privilege.
(34,595 posts)However, PoC May refer to whites as crackers, honkies, red-necks and the newly-minted wypipo with impunity
Okay - I will give you red necks. But if the moniker fits - as most *I believe* black folks mean it to mean -
Racist inbred white person who waves a foreign Army's (Confeds) flag and wants to save the white race and make America white again -
Then it's appropo (short for appropriate - not some group of people).
You do realize that if I went up to my boss or my boss's boss and said any of those words in a general conversation I would be shit canned - right? I mean granted, one is Hispanic and the other is an Immigrant from China but you do - eh? Maybe you don't? :confused:
Moving on - 2nd -
Tell #blacktwitter a new day has dawned and on a go forward basis it shall be:
#NonAfrican AmericanAsian1stPeoplesAsian IndianHispanicLatinoJewishArabPEOPLE
Jiminy H Christmas that is one hell of a hashtag. #CrazyITellya
(18,124 posts)I heard the word nigger said by a neighbour's son recently. It actually hurt my feelings, at the time. That is until I realized HOW EASILY the word rolled off the lips of this young person. It was meant to describe a lot of people at a McDonalds where he and his wife and child went to. My neighbour had the phone on speaker. Direct quote, "hey I have to go to one FURTHER OUT, too many niggers inside and in the drivethru".
So you using the Nword is taboo, well it should be since it's been taboo since wypipo started using it to describe a whole race and used with a hateful message implied. When the WORD used to describe ALL AA in a negative sense is eradicated from the English language and usage by white people, then all people can stop using the WORD(S) you described that identify a SUBSET of white people, NOT the whole race of white people.
It is a white pride, privilege and entitlement mindset that has kept the word nigger as a description of a whole race of humanity just trying to survive the hate, ignorance and stupidity of a LARGE subset of another race, 66 million at last count for sure.
Rural white people are going to vote en masse for the likes trump no matter what term is used against them to describe the racists among them.
(1,045 posts)YessirAtsaFact
(2,112 posts)Im sorry Facebook sucks that way and dont have a good answer for it.
(1,045 posts)It'd do well for this to be acknowledged rather than the assumption that black folks would take on the ways of their oppressors.
What bothers me more than anything is the consideration that black folks would create a term that would encourage the route of chattel slavery and institutionalized racism.
Wypipo is bite-back against racism and policing within the online community.
Online interactions bleed into physical life nowadays and we need to be aware of it.
(18,124 posts)that Facebook is a creation of white people. And they like millions of other white people and organizations use the white privileges and entitlement mindset that has always been here in Amerikkka to disproportionally rule against people of color and those not of white culture who point out racism and bigotry of the white race. White people have always said and meant it that we white people can and will set the criteria for who can say what and when to whom they can say destructive and racist words too and when POC of color can't describe wypipo as racist. It has always been this way and sadly I'm afraid I won't see that bias and/or racism end in my lifetime.
(1,045 posts)The discussion has to be within accepted parameters. God forbid we are cynical or sarcastic. Anger is forbidden; I mean, how dare we.
Thank you heaven05, as always.
True Dough
(22,274 posts)when people disparage one race due to ascribed characteristics. It's equally unfortunate when people proclaim that a particular race is "superior" to others.
All races are made up of individuals. Some of those individuals excel, some of them struggle, within every race.
To make sweeping generalizations does little good.
but wypipo have been making "sweeping generalizations" of AA since 1619. The minute 66million+wypipo are put into a group of truly racist aholes, everyone wants to use the generalization ploy. No, the hook will be ignored this time. This fish won't be hooked by diversion or a distraction from the point of this OP.
When are AA going to stop being n*****r americans and just americans? How long will it take?? Answer me that. 1619-2018, 399 years and, in the eyes of all wypipo, still just a n***** to be hated because of his/her skin color being different from wypipo.
True Dough
(22,274 posts)other than to tell you that African Americans stopped being considered the derogatory term you refer to many, many years ago -- generations in some cases -- for a lot of white people.
For "wypipo" there's no telling what will persuade them to change their views. It's frustrating and sad that they continue to be so bigoted and divisive.
But, I believe, two wrongs don't make a right. So for you to insist that one race is superior to another repeats mistakes of the past and the error that wypipo continue to make today.
(18,124 posts)to anyone. Keyword is "ALSO" a superior being for our contributions to the evolution of ALL human beings. I won't fall for that one. Also.
The white race has made wonderful contributions to all areas of human development to further knowledge of the human race. So has the AA race historically and in modern times. So has the rest of the cultures and races of america. I will NEVER say differently.
True Dough
(22,274 posts)Every race has made immense contributions to our world today in so many facets of our lives. If that's the essence of your outlook, I agree wholeheartedly. I was getting caught up on the word "superior."
Good day to you, heaven05!
(18,124 posts)is a tripwire.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)DEMAND you stop using ONE word while they shoot you in the streets for jaywalking.
(34,595 posts)#NonAfrican AmericanAsian1stPeoplesAsian IndianHispanicLatinoJewishArabPEOPLE

Eliot Rosewater
(32,746 posts)I dont know what to do if we cant even get the so called good people to recognize what is what.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)I've got Volumes I and II and had no idea that there is a Volume III until visiting the link.
Here's my first intro to hearing Bernal actually speak back in the day trying to understand the core of anti-blackness. Forgive me if I'm not telling you something new, but Bernal was on a series of interviews called For The People that my family watched religiously, hosted by Listervelt Middleton who unfortunately died way too young. There is so much that I learned and was a springboard forever for more learning from Middleton's shows, from the African origins of the Greek Sibyls to the African origins of Christianity itself and so much more. His guest list still astounds me: Bernal, Ben Jochannan , Diop, Van Sertiman - all before Bernal.
I remember Bernal thanked Africans and African-Americans for making it impossible for his colleagues to disappear his works. Bernal is rare among few truly brave academic allies like Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, Sir Godfrey Higgins, Basil Risbridger Davidson, my favorite Gerald Massey, and recently Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy.
Lol...sometimes I think that we do need a White History Month to identify precisely everything that whiteness has appropriated and plagiarized as their own from Africans and African-Americans and the castigation of their own people who dared to speak the truth.
(3,709 posts)Fascinating subject!
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)the first interview of him on For the People. This much shorter one is and it's just as impactful as the one above without callers' Q&A.
(3,709 posts)I wouldn't have discovered your OP If I hadn't done a site-search for "wypipo" . . . and,now, you've given me lots to think about and question. For instance: How is the Black Athena (Greek) related to the Roman Minerva? I ask because Athena became equated with Minerva (or was it the other way around?) at some point in history.
Whatever the case may be, I'm blown away by the fact that I posted a Letter from Limerick to Minerva (Minerva Luscinia, inventor of the flute) before finding your post. Coincidence?
Thank you for the link! I've bookmarked it for later.
Edited to add:
Here's a link to the Letter from Limerick:
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)The Romans borrowed Minerva from the Greeks who had borrowed Athena from the pre-dynastic goddess Neith or Net. As Bernal said in the 2nd interview posted, the further back in history the blacker the Egyptians are. Neith is a black goddess; one of war, weaving, creation of the universe who Plato insists Greeks called Athena. Also, her symbols include a shield and bows & arrows and known for her incredible wisdom.
Neith (also called Ath-neith, Ath-nath, or Asenath hence Athena) was originally an African goddess from Egypt. The worship of Neith was taken to the Greek islands during successive waves of migration of black colonists from the African coasts to Mediterranean islands.
According to the Greek writer Herodotous who is also called the Father of History:
How it happened that Egyptians came to the Peloponnese (southern Greece) and formed settlements there and what they did to make themselves kings in that part of Greece has been chronicled by other writers. I will therefore add nothing but proceed to mention some points, which no one else has yet touched upon.
For example the names of nearly all the gods came to Greece from Egypt, moreover it was only, if I may so put it, the day before yesterday that the Greeks came to know the origin and form of the various gods
for Homer and Hesiod, the poets who composed our theogonies and described the gods for us
lived as I believe not more than 400 years ago.
The Histories Book Two Herodotus of Halicarnasus (circa 530 BC)
(3,709 posts)I just read through about one-fourth of the page and my head is already spinning. So much to research and ponder. Another link to bookmark for later, of course . . . since I've been online much too much today/yesterday and my aged eyes need a rest from computer glare.
Again, thank you for the links. I sincerely appreciate your help in answering my questions.
All best!
(18,124 posts)Last edited Fri Jun 15, 2018, 09:24 AM - Edit history (1)
me off in the same manner. Afro-Asiatic interminglings, writer-historian Chancellor Williams, what our history truly entails outside the historical obfuscation.