African American
Related: About this forumTHIS is ameriKKKa
circa 1930-40-50-60-70-80-90-2000 and possibly 2018 if we don't get thousands of polling place monitors watching for this. I wonder are we headed toward violence in the voting place with trumps brownshirts everywhere now? These are extremely dangerous times for all americans, minorities especially, AA particularly.

(90,520 posts)The routine suppression of black voters is far-reaching and has devastating consequences. We cannot be silent about it
Thu 7 Jun 2018 06.00 EDT
The recent spate of whites calling 911 on African Americans for barbecuing while black, waiting in Starbucks while black, sleeping at Yale while black ad nauseum has led to a much-needed discussion about the policing of public spaces.
Yet, theres another important public space where blackness has been policed and we have been far too silent about it: the voting booth. And the implications are just as far-reaching and devastating, and, despite Chief Justice John Roberts claim, not some relic of a bygone past.
So true, heaven.
(18,124 posts)adds one of the reasons and points to the ongoing multi-faceted agenda(s) with those who are staunch ameriKKKan racists. Those, like trump, who perpetuate your quoted aforementioned actions in vote suppression et al; based on race, cannot be allowed to become normalized culturally and irrevocably in our collective lw, rw psyche and major media influenced areas. That's nationally and statewide and locally in townships, cities and commissions......
Those who try to dictate racist laws and pursue government vendettas against huge swaths of American citizenry, who choose not to hate on superficial criteria, and outdated eugenics studies, are sadly deluded. I say, give em the rope, let them hang themselves. It the us in United States that counts. No matter the weapons ARRAYED against US. Let them lie in peace and falsified and hypocritical dignity. This form of governing, will not stand, a reckoning is growing, worldwide. G7 animosity hardening, upcoming repercussions exacerbated by his royal clownishness with NAFTA, Paris Accords, internationally, s.china sea tensions/saber rattling. What's the status of NATO forces? There just are too many of us not to be taken seriously.
To try and racially magnify one's race, government and culture based, steeped in the genocidal blood of the First-americans and the blood of millions of Africans in 'middle passage' and in service to a slaveholder in the islands and mainland america, southern states predominantly but not exclusively. Steeped in the shoot-it-out in the nmiddle of the street, Wild West, Earp, Hickox, ok corral days, in the 'Untouchable'-Al Capone era's lore of murder, prostitution, gun and rum-running days, where Kennedy's and bush's made millions, later drug running and some say they still providing to the elite monied people, with jets, power, power boats, I guess, still. Miama Vice's type protected service of the elite and monied crime organization. Where the types like the jos. Kennedy, Rockefellers, and others made millions. Our elite. Now with trump's enabling, this attitude is growing/has grown exponentially again.
The attitude that white skin bestows, a natural superiority over ALL others is a height of arrogance. An exercise in stupid bluster, almost. The barbecue calls, the traffic stops for no real reason that ends in a hanging in a southern jail or just getting shot down in the street like some kind of animal, laying in the open for 8 hours or so as a message to the underclass. The backyard, Walmart, jaywalking, skittles and iced tea, wrong time and place to meet a psychopath neighbourhood watch person assuming the young black man did not belong there in that exclusive 'gated' community because he was wearing a fucking hoodie, a fashion item. Murder and summary execution, selling cigarettes on a street corner to get dinner money for him and his family, at the public park a murder execution that included an 11-year-old playing with his toy gun. This is how the Nazi party started in their calls on 'suspected Jewish people' circa WWI & II.
The way I see things possibly sliding to is the AA race slowly losing rights and privileges to LIFE, all based on a class and color scale, Johannesburg apart-hate(heid) model, thusly losing ground on rights as citizens. The elite in business and finance still need a large labor pool of economic slaves with commensurate wages to serve their slave wage business, so a new 'gilded age' going, going, going back into a dark age of serfdom, an indentured servitude, as it were, with notable exceptions.
Yet the 'authorities now will, just on their whim and the skin colour of their 'perp', turn the lights and sirens on. Always blows an ill wind of the racist white elite guiding all our fates as citizens with all supposed codified privileges and entitlements. And that's no matter how strictly curtailed the funding is for those 'american rights and privilege's, ect, P&E's.
I am glad, mostly, that I am just a visitor here, now. Sorry if too long-winded. America has finally shown it's racist cultural underpinnings. In colloquial English, "shown it's ass", hopefully, Nov will send a message?
brer cat
(26,858 posts)Voter suppression efforts may be a little more sophisticated than that now, but just as disenfranchising. The evidence is overwhelming that republicans have used every tactic possible to preclude AAs from voting, yet we keep falling behind in enforcement of the rights of people to vote. With trump packing the courts it will only get worse.
(18,124 posts)