African American
"This is nothing new for America. The only difference is who the victims are.For those not well versed in American history, the current actions are somewhat surprising and abhorrent. How could a nation founded on principles, which seem to be the polar opposite of these policies, be so callously taking children away from their parents?
The explanation is simple. We have done it before as a nation.
The famous orator and anti-slavery advocate Frederick Douglass used the forced separation from his mother as a tool to drive his desire and eventual escape from enslavement. With the official ending of slavery at the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in December 1865, the march was on to find lost family members. Children would look far and wide for missing parents and other relatives. Mothers and fathers would desperately try to reconnect with the children who had been stolen from them."

(90,520 posts)Families ripped apart.
Ummm this applies as well .I posted it the other day.
Children and the Holocaust
We are in a crisis now, Blue. History is repeating itself.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)The constant repeats. This will end, too, because they always lose. To me, for them it's not just the accumulation of wealth but coupled with the sick enjoyment of suffering. For us, I just fear when it's over we'll fall asleep again only to allow history to repeat itself.
(90,520 posts)We can never fall asleep again. Forever vigilant.
I have to say, the young ones need to step up to the plate. I am getting old, the next generation needs to carry the mantle. We have done it for years. It is their time and I hope they are prepared. Unicorns do not exist.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)Ha! I'm getting long in the tooth, too, and feel the weariness creeping in. But still hopeful
(90,520 posts)A Brief History of People Using Romans 13 to Justify White Supremacy
God is even given as a reason why black people should stop resisting when they are shot by corrupt cops. Recently, Romans, chapter 13, was used to disparage the Black Lives Matter movement.
Despite the fact that Micah Johnson, who killed five Dallas police officers in 2016, was never connected to any organizations, Robert Jeffress, the head of one of the largest congregations in the area, condemned Black Lives Matter and said that he was sick of preachers disrespecting police because the New Testament says in Romans 13:4 that law enforcement officers are ministers of God sent by God to punish evildoers. (Coincidentally, this is the same pastor who said that NFL players should be happy they werent shot in the head for kneeling during the national anthem.)
Read More:
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)Thank you, Sheshe! I love learning something new and adding it to my arsenal.
Well, in 1956, King preached a sermon at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala., titled: Pauls Letter to American Christians (pdf). In the sermon, King imagines what he would have told Christians during his time. King told the church:
[A]s I said to the Philippian Christians, Ye are a colony of heaven. This means that although you live in the colony of time, your ultimate allegiance is to the empire of eternity. You have a dual citizenry. You live both in time and eternity; both in heaven and earth. Therefore, your ultimate allegiance is not to the government, not to the state, not to nation, not to any man-made institution. The Christian owes his ultimate allegiance to God, and if any earthly institution conflicts with Gods will, it is your Christian duty to take a stand against it [emphasis mine]. You must never allow the transitory evanescent demands of man-made institutions to take precedence over the eternal demands of the Almighty God.
MLK said it. Thats that.
But the irony of Jeff Sessions statement and the predilection of white people for justifying white supremacy with a Bible verse is the fact that Paul was beheaded because he wouldn't conform to the beliefs of the government."
Interesting. Well-imagined by Dr. King because of the fate of Paul.
(18,124 posts)clarity is always appreciated by me in trying to understand how these monsters use the bible to justify evil. Talk about contempt of human rights being biblically justified by these racist people in D.C.
(90,520 posts)
(18,124 posts)Last edited Wed Jun 20, 2018, 02:50 PM - Edit history (1)
IS creating many more problems that the country will be dealing with than people fleeing war, terror and rape ever posed to this country. And how many more enemies, I know the NPA aka GOP doesn't care and neither does the trump voter, but how many more enemies have this potus created for all of us? I would not want to be an american outside these borders.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)Bush II not to go into Iraq because it would create a many-headed hydra.
I wonder the same thing when this is over, how many more enemies is this fucker creating.
But then again, war has been and the name of the game for the powers of European and Euro-Americans. An insatiable need for loot that has to include unimaginable suffering. After 300 years of fighting each other they found fresh bodies to continue their war now on the world of brown people.
Funny how 45's grandfather escaped military duty from already his war-ravished town, invaded so many times by neighboring countries including Russia, to emigrate here. He, a progeny of chain-migration, is a complete and utter asshole.