African American
Related: About this forumtrumps enabling
and encouraging of gestapo tactics has hit 'our' streets in a big way. Uncalled for and an crystal clear example of hateful white people(wypipo).

(12,608 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)angry hateful idiots on a power trip
$ue - it is the only thing that gets attention of authorities imo
Fired? They just move on to another town and do it again
(90,520 posts)Obfuscatio: philosopher at large
6/29/18 10:23am
Of course hes going to fight or run. Hes black.
P.S. We felt threatened.
... and he had a weapon. Maybe.
It was dark out. Err... too bright out.
The wind got in my hair.
The Lord Jesus came into my soul and told me to.
I was triggered. (Yes, the irony.)
My Daddy beat me.
It was a Thursday morning. Everyone at the station knows Thursday mornings are too boring. Needed a bit of entertaining, and whats more entertaining than lighting up a n-?
My astrologer had me on edge with warnings about compliant people.
Couldnt wait around for him to figure out how to cross his legs and keep them straight out at the same time. Clocks a-tickinand thse donuts arent getting any fresher, dont ya know.
(18,124 posts)called USA is really a disgustingly sad place to reside these days. And especially for minorities, AA especially. And once trump gets that SC judge , civil, human rights? Out the window. Women, especially that 54% that voted for the current dictator will find out just how much love this potus has for them or anyone for that matter. Trumps heart, just like the hearts of all these aholes shooting innocents, seriously infected with hate.