African American
Related: About this forumopen/concealed carry
a bad idea for AA or not. An unarmed AA will still be executed by the ameriKKKan pig, I feel there is no difference in the pigs eye.
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CCW for AA, good or bad idea in this trump era | |
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(7,614 posts)For hunting or home defense, fine. Don't need one in McDonalds. Well, unless they serve you cold fries. Which should be a crime.
When someone is carrying a gun into a public place, they are basically saying "I will use this if I feel it is necessary." Sucks the fun out of whatever venue you are in.
(18,124 posts)10-4 On hunting and home defense strictly enforced. 300million privately owned guns, USA.too many. Yet, inevitable for an outdated wild west/Aryan/ non-inclusive view of society, expansion and dominance. Is it too late for change?
To be a victim of the state authorized crime/genocide that is trying to become the norm, a battle of wits has formed. Those intensely, hateful racist sites with nigger, coon, monkey AA.. I find non screaming, whitey, redneck, klansman/woman site. If anyone knows of one, send a link, please. Being armed becomes a personal choice. You're damned if you do or don't. If anyone knowing census can find reports on gun ownership NUMBERS for private possession. Military is another area, altogether and so far, only many millions and more.
Who invented gunpowder? I think we all know the answer. 300-million privately owned guns in USA. Here we are. Still the most lethally persuasive tools of holding a society together and influencing societal evolution, or as is currently, devolving to an earlier model of societal control.
Ownership. Personal choice.
No one has the right to summarily decide whether certain numbers of different races pose a threat and execute. First Native Americans proved genocide was the preferable choice as to threat posed by First American Nations to european settler order and expansion.
I will always look on 'buffalo soldiers with pride and shame. "The Indian Wars" 1867-70. Ever you think, look em up. I am a product of that traditional AA soldier/family say from 'Red Ball Express, or A Tuskegee combat pilots, NEVER lost a bomber. Korean Conflict-truman Vietnam War. Look it up don't take my word for it... Vietnam conflict on till this day.
radical noodle
(9,620 posts)no matter if you're black or white. It's like wearing a neon sign saying "shoot me first."