African American
Related: About this forumI got exposed to Agent Orange
contracted cancer so that this orange POS called potus could sell out america's best allies for the likes of kim jung un and putin. Goddamn right I'm angry and say the 4th is shit to me. Along with the 'other' obvious reason(s) that it's a holiday for some americans to take pride in, not all.

(30,604 posts)and I'm still angry that you and others were treated so poorly. The guys in Iraq doing open pit chemical burning are in for some wretched health experiences too.
What sickens me is that there are vets who agree with the orange anus and are 100% behind him. After he destroys the VA, I wonder if they will still love him.
(18,124 posts)are starting to 'feel' it. Depleted uranium was in those pits. VA especially will not admit it. This because they turn down every request for compensation the first time and 80% thereafter on 2nd appeal, unless one is connected or just plain fucking lucky. They have turned me down, I have to appeal for more compensation. Amerika has a poor record when it comes to admitting military failure in how it treats it's vets.
We live and we learn, if we care. to you
(30,604 posts)and fight the wars of the rich with utter contempt. After WWII, the vets were given a lot. After Vietnam, not so much and successive republicons have done all they can to steal what belongs to the men and women who served.
to you my friend.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)I thank you along with so very many of us for your service and the life you gave for us. You're a beautiful man with a huge heart and I hope that you know we stand with you in everything you say and have done. You've got it right, as far as I'm concern.
Thank you so much. You are a gem
(18,124 posts)all we can do is keep fighting.
(5,362 posts)but we stand with you (3 of my 5 brothers are vets).
(18,124 posts)they and you all get a and a
if so inclined. GOTV
(21,091 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)I am in your bunker and got your back in any goddamn situation...
(21,091 posts)1st Sergeant (First Shirt) Retweeted truth diviner
Let this sink in, on our July 4, Independence Day anniversary, members of the GOP are in Moscow, pledging support for Putin. #GOPbastards #RussianCollaborators #TrumpIsGRU #TreasonousBastards #MARINESagainstTrump
Link to tweet
(30,604 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)always, to be fighting communism for as long as I have been politically aware. Now this. Communism/putin are still sworn enemies to american inspired, not yet totally realized, personal freedom(s). They want this country to become irrelevant on the world stage. The only thing they desire is THEY want to be THE worlds military, ideological power disguised as Socialism, sounds familiar, yet still, Marxist/Leninism. To you