African American
Related: About this forumFrederick Douglass
Last edited Fri Jul 6, 2018, 05:55 PM - Edit history (1)
was a powerful advocate in the fight for human dignity and rights. That fight is STILL continuing for AA's and other POC. When Frederick Douglass saw what Andrew Johnson, Lincolns successor, offered the newly freed slave as reparation for enforced servitude, nothing, he knew freed slaves were still slaves to white people. Slaves to their racist whims, notions and hate.
These newly minted americans, the freed African slave, of the vicious predatory capitalist society of the american system called a democracy/republic, were on their own.
In those days 1850's until until they assimilated among those of their SKIN COLOR, Germans and Irish Catholics, Italians and Jews had their introduction to ameriKKKan Bigotry and Racism 101, from other ethnic whites from Europe. When millions of acres of land were given out 'free' to whites in the westward expansion, the freed slave got not one parcel.
So while the German and Irish Catholic could apply and did get free land in 'land rush' days , as Dr. King so eloquently stated in one of his televised interviews, the AA, who whites still today derisively point to and spout the racist's lie, "they have to same rights, why can't they"'pull themselves up by their bootstraps"?
We didn't get any. We were not guaranteed bootstraps as a privilege and entitlement because of skin color, even when we asked and agitated. And still today, it's like we get 10 inch laces and gentrified the types of this 21st century land rush, get the 26-30 inch bootstraps. You want a metaphor, here, have at it .
Never received our bootstraps as other cultures had in the form of free 'homestead' land. NOT EVER.
Well the simple truth is, the German and Irish-american escaped their bigotry by virtue of being of the right skin color and could easily hide among their bigoted enemies until compromise was found or cross cultural assimilation was achieved. The AA could not escape the hate and racism of some segment of white society, who as a society continue to try to deny the AA an equal footing along with human dignity and respect.
Don't get me wrong gains have been made, with still much room for improvement in status quo sharing. This schizoid and OCD behavior/culture pertaining to skin color and status was gained by virtue of genocide, conquest, rapine, murder and plunder. This done by the European settler administration and surrogates. Some of who shamefully were the 9 and 10th Mounted. 24th 25th Infantry Regiments of 'buffalo soldiers' doing the European settler dirty work while being hated and subject to extreme racism by the white regiments. The 'buffalo soldier's' mission was ostensibly to protect' the first american nations from the goddamn settler. The slaughter that happened, to the First nations were genocidal in the wanton slaughtering of the red man, woman and child. Andrew Jackson's 'Trail of Tears' in his presidential tenure was the example of the curse humankind, from the very beginnings of our sojourn here as AA of many different African cultures, has faced living among many white European cvultures.
Frederick Douglass, like many an AA, would be saying the same today about the potus we face who is as hateful a racist as he faced in his day, Johnson, Lincoln's successor.
Here is another pig as potus.
Why is it AA, who have served and died in the armed services to prove our worth as americans, can't be allowed to live a life as a person recognized worthy of full citizenship in amerika with full opportunity as any immigrating from Europe? WHY?????????? Even the first AA Potus had his citizenship questioned by the current potus and first lady. WHY to virulent and continuing, genocidal level hate?
This is why.
donald trump, George Walker Bush, Ronald Reagan, Lyndon Johnson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, FDR, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, John Calvin Coolidge, James Polk, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson and other people called potus, to lesser degrees, who were devoted to the continuance of white racism under the guise of white supremacy ideology and religion..
President Obama is still an everlasting hope of equality and justice, as a norm, in a now torn society. There has to be a a common solution to achieving this hope.

(5,206 posts)Late in his life, Frederick Douglass said if he was asked to give advice to a young black man, he would tell him: "Agitate, Agitate, Agitate!"
(90,520 posts)Thank you.