African American
Related: About this forumamerika do we? because they are white. period.
I have asked myself this countless times and always end up with the same answer above.

(90,520 posts)Also the article shows that they are also male as gender plays a large part as well.
Race, in combination with class, is especially powerful at removing certain kinds of people from the scope of our empathy and interest, but gender can perform the same trick. Recall the time that the New York Times covered the gang rape of an 11-year-old Texas girl by a group of teenaged boys, and reflected the wonder of residents at how their young men [could] have been drawn into such an act, also taking care to quote some neighbors fretting about how the accused boys would have to live with this for the rest of their lives. The 11-year-old girl was depicted as having invited these young men to go astray: She wore makeup and dressed older than her age. Where was her mother? some local residents wondered about another subsidiary female, whose indirect actions surely also got these boys into trouble.
It matters because it shows us all the ways in which we live in a world made for and shaped around white men. And in aggregate, when the statues are of white men, the buildings and cities and bridges and schools are named after white men, the companies are run by white men and the movie stars are white men and the television shows are about white men and the celebrated authors are white men, the only humanity that is presented as comprehensible the kind that succeeds and fails, that comprises strength and weakness, that feels love and anger and alienation and fear, that embodies nuance and contradiction, that can be heroic and villainous, abusive and gentle is the humanity of white men. The repercussions of this kind of thinking? Well, maybe they explain some of what we see on the evening news.
(18,124 posts)is a reflection of white maleness. But never thought of the white male ego massaged by the thoughts that entail your last paragraph. I mean they subjugated the First-americans and relegated them to 'reservations, kept women, until relatively recent times in 'their place', pregnant, barefoot and in the kitchen. Enslaved many a generation of Africans in enforced slavery, then in enforced segregation and then a lifetime of racism continuing to this day. The oligarchy of the American white male has perpetuated sexism, racism, all types of negative isms in the name of white male supremacy. Now exemplified by a yo-yo called trump the potus. A treasonous POS leading the GOPakaNPAakaWNP and revelling in the fact that he can grab a pussy anytime he feels like it, can stand in the middle of 5th Avenue, kill someone and no one would care. It just goes on and on. This white male dominance that has fucked up this country and now as Russia's tool, the world.
You succinctly describe just what it is that causes the poor white mass murderer, the killer cop, the zimmerman type citizen to be humanized always and an unarmed black person, alleged to have run afoul of the law as some kind of recidivist beast-animal-threat, man woman or child to be shot down like a dog in the streets with no accountability by the cop-citizen killer(s).
Thank you
(90,520 posts)Especially that last paragraph which sums it all up.
Thanks for the post.
(18,124 posts)got distracted. It is pretty straight forward. Thanks.
(90,520 posts)That last paragraph brought it all home.
brer cat
(26,858 posts)They are white.