African American
Related: About this forumRacially profiled because I am not black. I know my rights as a Trump voter
I came out of a gay club and your driver is racist against gay people, Ortiz said during one of the calls. I called the police to protect myself because I know my legal rights as an American citizen that voted for Trump.
Ortiz also vowed to make Lettmans night a living hell, and, on a video call with a friend, can be heard saying, Yo, Boo, tell me why Im in a Lyft and the nigga fucking pulled over.
The niggas recording me without my consent, because I asked for music, he said.
(Fun fact: New York is a one-party consent state, which means that its not only legal to phone record someone anytime, you can also video record people without their consent unless they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Given that this was Lettmans car and a share ride, were going to say Ortiz didnt have that. #TheMoreYouKnow)
Seems really upset his complexion is not black??
Claims the driver is aggressive but the dude is very calm @9:23 if you just want the Trump rant
Black lives matter rant follows near end

(664 posts)Mr Lettman, the driver, was suspended by Lyft until their investigation is completed...
(21,646 posts)As for Ortiz, Instinct reports he lost his job at CityMD after the video of his self-entitled antics was posted. Anda lesson for next timebecause Ortiz dropped his number during the video, he was besieged with a flurry of less-than-flattering voicemails. According to Instinct, Ortiz was forced to change his phone number
(11,023 posts)Someone should also make it clear to that asshole that the word is spelled "ASK". Not "AKS".
The s is before the k, not after.
(59,261 posts)He even told the a-hole about the sign on the door that passengers are recorded, yet the fool passenger kept up with the false accusations that he was being recorded without his consent.
There are a lot of idiots out there and you never know when you might have a run-in with one of them.
(6,961 posts)Gay Trump Supporter? Geez!
Mr. Lettman was channeling the Buddha. I could not have had that much patience!
I'll wait for the groveling apology from Mr Ortiz blaming his behavior on alcohol. Probably more substances than alcohol if you ask me.
He can save the apology.