African American
Related: About this forumThe point we're missing about 'BBQ Becky' and her sisters
Gonna X Post this to GD as well. Many more paragraphd them I can post here. The author is soeaking to the hastag names attached to racist white women.
snip..."...And yet, something about the viewing experience or at least the hashtag packaging of it was starting to bother me. So I called a few people to talk through why.
Its a really gendered response, offers Charles McKinney, a professor of history and Africana studies at Rhodes College. When white men engage in this activity, very rarely do we give them cutesey nicknames, he notes, with exception to the rare #CouponCarl. Theres an insipid inclination to downplay these instances when the perpetrators are white women.
McKinneys argument is that these incidents arent, generally, women simply being dopey or clueless. Theyre examples of racism, and the way that people of color can be harassed while going about their daily lives."
snip..."A minimizing of the profound power that white women have had in Americas racial history from the false accusation by Carolyn Bryant Donham that led to Emmett Tills brutal killing, to the wrongful conviction of the Central Park Five, which resulted in innocent boys spending years in prison.
In the post-Civil War South, white women were segregations constant gardners, as Elizabeth McRae writes in a new book about the politics of white supremacy. White women built the monuments to Confederate generals; white women harassed black children as they tried to integrate schools. Racist white men burned crosses and performed lynchings, but their rationale was often tied up in a twisted logic related to protecting the purity of white women.,"
sigh. These f-ed up white racist women are so f-ing dangerous in so many ways

(160,077 posts)irisblue
(34,851 posts)🤦🤦🤦
snip-"In the video, the woman, whose identity was not known, screams obscenities at the Spanish-speaking woman who was dining at the restaurant with her 7-year-old child and other members of her family."
snip-"But in a Facebook post, the restaurant condemned the actions of the harassing woman, saying she will not be welcomed back at the establishment.
"Thank you and we mean this with all the aforementioned respect that you rightfully deserve for never returning to Andys," the restaurant said on Facebook. "You are not welcome."
The FB post-Andy's
on Saturday
Words of Thanks to a Former Customer
Thank you for understanding that you have a right to express your venomous and vitriolic viewsno matter how odious and ignorantunder the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Thank you for feeling sufficiently comfortable in those views to express them, thereby making a spectacle of yourselfand allowing all who witnessed the incident on October 19, 2018 to understand what a vile and loathsome individual you are.
Thank you for disrupting the rights of others who were enjoying an evening of camaraderie in a confined public space.
Thank you for strengthening our belief that all people have the right to pursue happiness, which is what they were in the process of doing when you chose to regale them with your idiotic values.
Thank you for using profanity in expressing your views.
Thank you for providing the employees of Andys with an opportunity to demonstrate the precepts of the common law behind that First Amendment, which indicate that although you have the right to declare your despicable views, you also have the obligation to bear the consequences for speaking them.
Thank you for showing usthrough your actionsthat all people have the right to be respected.
Thank youand we mean this with all the aforementioned respect that you rightfully deservefor never returning to Andys. You are not welcome."