1st black priest in US, ex-slave, positioned for sainthood
Source: Associated Press
1st black priest in US, ex-slave, positioned for sainthood
June 13, 2019
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) Pope Francis on Wednesday deemed the first known black Roman Catholic priest in the United States to be venerable, positioning the former slave for possible sainthood.
The pontiffs designation of the Rev. Augustine Tolton as venerable, meaning the church intensely scrutinized his life and recognizes it as one of heroic virtue, puts Tolton two steps away from possible canonization, the Diocese of Springfield explained in announcing the designation.
Born to a Missouri slave in 1854, Tolton, his mother and two siblings, with help from Union soldiers, eluded Confederate guns and escaped across the Mississippi River into Illinois in 1862, settling in Quincy, a river city about 110 miles (177 kilometers) northwest of St. Louis.
Baptized a Catholic, the faith of his familys Missouri owners, Tolton studied for the priesthood in Rome because his race precluded his acceptance to a U.S. seminary.
Father Toltons story, from slave to priest, is an incredible journey that shows how God has a plan for all of us, Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the Springfield Diocese said in a statement. Father Tolton overcame the odds of slavery, prejudice and racism ... (and) carried his crosses in life quietly and heroically.
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