African American
Related: About this forumThe Police *report* on the Phoenix couple's not lost on me - the cops didn't have their body cameras on.
No cameras? Then nothing they say is the truth.
Wouldn't a dash cam or store video show underwear being thrown out a window?
And then they *thought* the couple were reaching for weapons?
How did the infant the mother was holding get *dead arm* and injured if officer Christopher Meyers was so polite as to offer to let the mother place her child in shade?
This doesn't make sense. Their police report doesn't make sense.

(34,755 posts)the driver followed all instructions, still thrown against the car, kicked, hit, and screamed at.
police report said they were "combative"... they clearly were not
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)for Maricopa County Tax payers to foot.
(34,589 posts)Police Officers should be licensed and have to carry insurance.
I don't care how, what obstacles are in the way, how it's anti union blah blah blah.
Put the financial burden on the individual.
(902 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,589 posts)Need a very specific malpractice insurance. It goes beyond the gun. Eric Garner was choked to death.
I didn't sign up for a job that requires me to put my hands on people.
That responsibility carries a weight beyond the individual.
When a cop chokes someone in a black neighborhood in NYC - the neighborhood pays the settlement too.
I'm sure there is a wink and nod among the Union of - don't worry. You aren't personally financially liable.
I can't imagine a top tier hospital has that same wink and nod among heart surgeons - who also signed up to use their hands for the greater good.
Police Officer Malpractice Insurance is doable - General Population is not.
I would also like to see people start suing the police unions when it's found they have protected a repeat offender who ends up murdering someone.
(16,573 posts)This has nothing to do with Maricopa County...this is all on the City of Phoenix!
If it was the sheriff's department, then the county taxpayers would be footing the bill...but Phoenix PD is in this all by itself!
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)to bust your statement but,who do you think pays Phoenix PD,the friggin Taxpayers of Maricopa County as well as the state of Arizona via Property and Sales Taxes. Most likely they have a Catastrophic Self Insured plan that most likely has a Per Time Dollar Cap. All those folks in Phoenix get ready for Special Tax added to their Property or Utility Bills.
Nothing changes until these Bullies with Badges get their sorry butts fired and are not allowed another Job in Law Enforcement. Said this before,sorry to say,all the Bad Apples from up North end up here in the Southwest.
(14,674 posts)in that any means justifies the end. There's a corrupt mindset that the status quo must be protected for the overall good of the people, so malfeasance is covered up or disregarded. That disease may apply only to an individual cop, or may be spread throughout the entire department and even the city government.
Regardless, it's still corrupt thinking and contrary to fair justice.....
(35,157 posts)That is where the buck stops. Only elect those that run on police reform to save your tax dollars.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)asking a question as to how these bad apples get new assignments in other Cities. Understand the Police Union is very successful in sealing discharged persons files and the Hiring people only get name rank and number,and the baggage is buried never to be seen.
Same for disbarred Lawyers and Accountants.
(35,157 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)tried his best to get rid of a dirty Cop but, he ended up a Suicide victim instead. Once the power players got wind of the who what and where. The Crap got so intense and the result was a twenty year Guy did himself in.
(3,100 posts)What is the point of body cameras if they can turn them on and off whenever they want? It's complete and utter bullshit how this situation was handled. A pregnant woman holding a baby, seriously come on now? And to the pathetic person that called in the report, it's absolutely ridiculous. It's a good thing people were out and about filming it. Sad but true.
(230,279 posts)
(6,956 posts)Another they were reaching for weapons my life was in danger so I had to use excessive force bullshit excuse. GTFOH!
Dream Girl
(5,111 posts)locks
(2,012 posts)If they actually shoplifted underwear and a baby doll and have to pay back two dollars to the dollar store they will get only $9,999,998 plus (we can only hope) an apology from the Phoenix police.
(24,492 posts)marble falls
(63,821 posts)Hulk
(6,699 posts)...and the union backs these thugs up no matter how awful they are.
Really gives unions a bad name.
(14,399 posts)Uh....I quite clearly heard her more than once cry out that she couldn't put her hands up because she was holding a baby.
(34,589 posts)That report is gibberish.
(18,470 posts)That report is horseshit.