African American
Related: About this forumWhite People Want Trump (The Root Article)
Okay - let's get this out of the way first since it is Democratic Underground and our Political Connects who HAPPEN to be White would rather take a hot poker and put it in one ear and out the other before voting for Trump but the fact remains - white voters want Trump.
White People Want Trump
10,706 Fales or Misleading statements or as we call it in our house -
White people dont care.
Yes, Virginia. There is a white vote.
In a June 12 national survey of registered voters, Quinnipiac University pollsters matched Donald Trump against the top Democratic presidential candidates: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg and Cory Booker. News outlets across the country including CNN, Newsweek and the Washington Post have reported on the resultsnamely, that Donald Trump loses against every single one of the candidates by a relatively large margin. But relatively few have mentioned that regardless of the presidential final round matchup, one thing remains true:
White people are going to vote for Trump.
YouGov / Economist Joint Poll referenced in The Root article:
*Most of Trumps support comes from white voters
*These voters do not hold a college degree
*White men in particular are in this category of Voter.
*Blacks, Asians, Hispanics - every single other 'category' would support any candidate other than Trump.
Now - I posted this in the AfAm Group for a reason. I don't vote in the Primary until June of next year.
I'm politically astute and pay attention.
As our Democratic White Allies push their candidates early in the race - take care to not attack the opponents or their supporters - also don't speak down to black voters.
Black Women Voters.
Tear your hair out, gnash your teeth, throw a tantrum - we are voting for the Democratic Candidate. It does not matter if he is gay, if he is in his 70's, she's the daughter of immigrants, she was a Republican in the 1990's, he or she has only ever been a Senator, she's a spiritualist, etc. etc. and so on and so forth.
We know - beyond a shadow of the doubt - that it was not economic anxiety.
It's the racism stupid. It was retaliation for Obama. They were 'left behind'. They were looked down upon. No one listened to them. Etc. etc.
Try being black or latin x or Asian, or a woman, or gay or on and on and on - then cry me a fucking river.
Retaliation is coming.

(3,498 posts)Dustlawyer
(10,521 posts)This white man agrees.
(28,290 posts)Seems it genetically attaches itself to whites - mostly men. We need a telethon.
(34,590 posts)

Do you think if I touch one - it will rub off on me?

brer cat
(26,858 posts)oasis
(52,103 posts)wasupaloopa
(4,516 posts)How many white people are there in the US? They all want trump? All but me I guess.
(34,590 posts)
Seriously though - there is too much time being spent on minority voters by white journalists at the Times, WaPo, etc. etc.
We should not be caught unaware ever again. If we DON'T discuss it and if black Democrats who DO read The Root don't share it with our fellow non-black Democratic Party members -
We are doing you a disservice.
Now - my questions for you are -
What purpose did your post have?
What is your interest in questioning my voice or - my - interest?
What do you gain from that?
How does it benefit you or your fellow Democratics?
We are having the Talk. No not 'that one'. However it is very similar. Stay aware of what the opposition will do if you do not keep your hands on the dashboard.
(4,516 posts)the writers know it.
I wonder what the motive is. It surely isnt to impart some knowledge or wisdom. It is about as honest as a trump statement.
So what is the purpose? To get reactions I would guess.
Who is the intended audience? What idea is trying to be communicated?
(34,590 posts)My reply is because these posts are bull shit and the writers know it.
My reply is because these posts are bull shit and the writers know it.
I wrote it, it was the topic of discussion at an Anti-Racism Coalition meeting this weekend, and was discussed on the Joe Madison show this morning.
I wonder what the motive is.
On a go forward basis - would you like me to get your permission first?
It surely isnt to impart some knowledge or wisdom.
That's your opinion. Your disruptive option. Regardless . . .
It is about as honest as a trump statement.
Let me be honest with you - Mother Fucker 45 is Inferior to Me. On every single metric. It is inferior.
It is a dimwitted, morally inferior racist. How DARE YOU compare a human being such as myself to Itself the Mother Fucker 45.
So what is the purpose? To get reactions I would guess.
Wow. You are blowing my mind with your intensity.
Who is the intended audience?
The African American Group at DU and our allies. I don't know if you are aware of that - so I'm going to continue to allow you to post and read here, as you might learn something.
What idea is trying to be communicated?
The sole purpose was to irritate you. I spent hours poring over the member list of DU and decided - I really really really want to ENRAGE whatshisface today - so I'm going to post this.

Anything else?
(4,516 posts)Surely you dont believe all white people want trump or do you?
What white people then?
And if you dont want me to post here so be it.
(34,590 posts)Bye
And if you dont want me to post here so be it.
Hostile, disruptive to the Group.
ETA for other hosts - full post -
16. Ok what does "white people want trump" mean?
Surely you dont believe all white people want trump or do you?
What white people then?
And if you dont want me to post here so be it.
(2,803 posts)every sane white person to keep it in check. Might not be all white people but it is the greater majority.
(8,951 posts)At least that is what I see and hear in Texas. I call the GOP the WPP (White People's Party). That has been the case since the civil rights movement in the 60's.
"When Youre Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression"
(4,516 posts)On what planet would that even be considered intellectual thought?
(8,951 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,590 posts)Just an FYI - that's one that has had a long history of disruption in the group.
Must have forgot I was a group host.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)And I've been scarce to see in DU lately
I'm glad to see you here though. Thanks for doing the housekeeping
(32,640 posts)
(2,387 posts)Hillary won the popular vote and, without election interference and voter suppression and God knows what else, would've won the electoral vote, too.
It's like saying Gore lost because of Bill Clinton. He lost because of Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, Palm Beach County, and the Supreme Court.
Maybe many/most white males are mouth-breathers who watch Faux News (not THIS white male voter) but there are enough of us educated progressives to win every national election---if all of our votes count and our election is clean. But I guess enough of them did vote for 45 that it made it easier for Putin's finger on the scale to not be as obvious as it should have been (ALL the polls were wrong?!?!).
(34,590 posts)As many votes as possible.
I'm hopeful this time as both MI and WI now have Democratic Governors.
(21,646 posts)The Mouth
(3,333 posts)to believe that the Russians hacked a few computers than that all those people really loved his message. The former is a pisser, the latter can make one suicidal.
(21,646 posts)what needs to be posted here from that article because its not just the Economist poll
So I will post again for skimmers of posts who dont click on your root link I hope thats ok
This from The Root-
Quinnipiac poll:
Among white registered voters, Trump beat Biden by one percentage point (46 to 47) which is within the margin of error.
But Trump won the white vote by six to ten points when matched up every other Democratic presidential candidate.
The Quinnipiac poll is not an outlier.
In a Politico/Morning Consult poll, Trump again landed within the margin of error when white voters were asked to choose between him and Joe Biden.
But he won the white vote with every other Democratic contender even though the majority of them disapprove of the job he is doing as president.
A poll conducted by The Economist and YouGov from June 9-11 shows that white voters would vote for Donald Trump versus a generic Democratic candidate by a margin of 10 points.
My point when posting yesterday was in response to how trump can win which imo is fear or some other manufactured trigger for any likely D white voters to pull back from dems or switch to trump on Election Day
The rest of us have to stay strong + not let anything divide us , grow our numbers even if the party puts its focus elsewhere
(34,590 posts)I probably missed it as and I tend to fly by DU now that its primary season. Was seriously brutal here in 2008 and 2016.
Glad it was posted in General Discussion.
And yes - those numbers are scary.
(21,646 posts)White people majority do want trump according to many valid polls
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)K&R.
(56,582 posts)Every last one.
(58,785 posts)wants Trump because he's white, but of course doesn't really, is a walking oxymoron. And no amount of agreement among blacks inclined to it will change that.
(13,797 posts)Look, 100 percent of all white people (whatever that definition is) may not want trump, but for some reason a lot of whote people do, and they are also the people who love racial slurs, or believe that browns and backs present a threat to them. No akount of "nt all white people" sophistry is changing that.
(58,785 posts)not noticing the OP was from this one. I like to leave people in special subforums alone to indulge whatever they're there for that doesn't belong in GD.
(34,590 posts)The author is speaking to the General Election.
GD Primaries maybe? However, I'm sure the responses would be much like this one - dismissive.
We've heard since 2016 it was financial insecurity. I watched The Deciders last night.
It was ignorance then, and it will be ignorance next year.
(58,785 posts)most reliably thoughtful and insightful forum are still here. But it is a great shame that others are no longer. I know I'm hardly the only one who often visited to learn what was being said here, and they are missed. Hopefully they'll someday rejoin those still here, at least those who can.
And now I'm out. Carry on.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)is obvious with this series of trollish behavior in this OP. You think it's we "blacks inclined" to agree with the OP though there are plenty of white posters in agreement replying in this thread and in recs. You really should be more careful where you post and continue to learn but not engage when you're just on a level of denial that's not conducive to your sensitivity and surely lacking in preparation when it comes to this matter.
It's good to know when you're licked. Carry on.
(34,590 posts)Truth hurts.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)What I said in a paragraph you've said with two words truth hurts.
(34,590 posts)We still discuss!
brer cat
(26,858 posts)Feathers got ruffled, but it needs to be said and you did it quite well, JAG.
(34,590 posts)In 15 years the Dominant Culture will not be kind in conversation or policy to the Trump Voter.
(90,503 posts)Good to see you posting again, JAG.
We know - beyond a shadow of the doubt - that it was not economic anxiety.
It's the racism stupid. It was retaliation for Obama. They were 'left behind'. They were looked down upon. No one listened to them. Etc. etc.
Try being black or latin x or Asian, or a woman, or gay or on and on and on - then cry me a fucking river.
Retaliation is coming.
(91,558 posts)common sense legislation passed which would improve basic things like education and health care. and dealing with gun control.
it's all rooted in racism and white people not wanting those "blacks and mexicans" to get free stuff and their wanting guns to defend themselves against the blacks/browns.
but we will continue to talk about economic anxiety and other bs.
even with polls showing democrats with large leads. the scumbag still gets over 40 percent of votes in the country and almost all of them are ....................................
(89 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,590 posts)