Related: About this forumGlobal map showing only population density
Conrad Hackett :verified:
This map shows only people. It is a beautiful illustration of where people are concentrated.
If you squint, you can see Australia and New Zealand.
Map by Alasdair Rae
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(18,171 posts)I'm having a little difficulty figuring out "Visual Capitalist" mission. Almost looks like they are promoting exploitation of resources and (gasp) capitalism.
(189,259 posts)I read that a few moths ago and was astonished. Checked it out. Yeah, we do.
(71,865 posts)Per Worldometer, the US uses 20.3% of 97 million barrels of petroleum per day.
We've been around that same fraction for around 15 years.
(189,259 posts)Merry Christmas 🎄 Prof
(71,865 posts)Cooked surf & turf today. Ribeye and scallops. Safron potato puree & carrots with a bourbon/caramel sauce.
I was busy today!
(122,607 posts)within ten miles of a coast (in duscussing glacier melt, sea rise, and possible megatsunamis).
(5,977 posts)Nearly 2.4 billion people (about 40 per cent of the worlds population) live within 100 km (60 miles) of the coast.
The water represents emotion and it has that connection to the earth for people. Im talking jungian archetype sort of thing.
I have friends here who say they absolutely have to be near the water; wouldnt have it any other way.
(14,377 posts)Live within 100 miles of the US border.
(19,002 posts)aggiesal
(9,840 posts)Where did all the Canadians go?! Bring'em back!
(9,840 posts)progree
(11,691 posts)It is about 6 1/2 minutes long but you can skip the first 2 minutes -- the actual dot stuff begins at 2:00 and ends at 5:42.
To cut viewing time short, to see some interesting transitions, you can start at 4:10 just before the Mongols arrive in China, and watch China's population dwindle for 2 centuries.
Or you can start at 4:30 just before the Black Plague, and watch Europe's numbers dwindle.
Or you can start at 5:00 which is about 1600 A.D. while the population is still quite modest outside of India and China, and watch the last 42 seconds.
1 dot = 1 million population
As for "OLD" version, it is much better than the newer version - the newer version flashes the dots that are added, very distracting and obscures what this is trying to show.
What's interesting is that China and India were always relatively highly populated. I read that in China / East Asia's case, that's because rice farming feeds a lot of people per acre.
(1,996 posts)Thanks
(49,484 posts)cranks it up. Too bad our brains aren't growing fast enough to manage the challenges.
(39,220 posts)Is there, I think. Its the mechanism for rapid social change that is the problem, I think.
(49,484 posts)and India might be more to do with climate, but of course it is the climate that had to do with the abundance of rice.
(11,691 posts)
About 85% of China is south of 45 degrees N. While about 80% of Europe is north of it (just my eyeball guestimates).
And then S.E. Asia and India are even further south of China.
It has long fascinated me that latitude 45 deg N is the latitude of Minneapolis (my home town, I'm a short trudge in the snow from the 45th parallel) -- it is also the latitude of Venice, Italy (think sunny Mediterranean) and just 120 miles N. of France's Mediterranean coast.
(18,165 posts)KentuckyWoman
(6,951 posts)Great find. Thank you.
(71,865 posts)How crowded it it, nearly everywhere i went was impossible to not notice.
This map sure confirms what I remember.
(11,856 posts)bacteria or fungus growing in petri dishes.
(49,484 posts)FakeNoose
(36,846 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 18, 2022, 01:06 PM - Edit history (1)'s quite stunning, but too large to post here.

(11,691 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(103,220 posts)which gives a better idea of the concentration. And some things I'd never known about - it shows the huge population around Chengdu and Chongqing, in the Sichuan Basin in China, far inland. (Chongqing municipality - area about 32,000 sq miles - about South Carolina; population 32 million - more than Texas, giving a population density about the same as Rhode Island).
Or the south-west coast of the Mediterranean: the coastal regions of Morocco and Algeria are more densely populated than Spain or France to the north of them. Each country has about twice the population I would have guessed.