Related: About this forumHumans continue to evolve with the emergence of new genes
New research is shedding new light on the evolution of modern humans a process that continues, millions of years after the evolutionary split from our primate ancestors.
Researchers have now added to the existing body of knowledge to create a genetic map that compares human beings to other vertebrates, finding that a host of newly identified genes are entirely unique to humans.
Additionally, scientists say these findings could help them better understand the role that genetics play in certain diseases.
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Much more study needs done but I find this fascinating. I remember my senior year of High School and our science teacher told us that one day, our small toe would not be needed thanks to evolution. Quite a surprise then, it was a catholic school but it did open my eyes that there is more than the bible to explain how we got to where we are. Maybe I am an odd one but I think there is room for both. Being open minded is a good thing IMHO

(3,190 posts)It was easier to teach science in the Catholic school than semi-rural (edge of suburbs of Dayton) Ohio.
Those who know the Bible, know it was never meant to be a science book. It is a book about how to live. Ask any Jewish person you know and they will tell you that BOTH of the creation stories are meant to be allegories. Only a handful of evangelical Christian sects want to use the Bible as a science book.
My Jewish friends would likely agree with this paraphrase of Rabbi Hillel's summary of the law...Do not do anything to anyone, that you would not want done to you. All the rest is commentary.
Throw in Micah's "Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God" and you have a pretty good way to live and a good society if you understand that justice is everyone gets what they deserve...a fair wage, a place to live, forgiveness of burdensome debt, etc. Unfortunately, the very vocal evangelical sects who scream over what real people of faith do not believe those things and certain don't live them.
Addon...had two school board members in 1999 want to fire me for showing the National Geographic documentary about the Lucy fossils (members of the local Baptist Church). Superintendent told me to cool it. My response, tell them if they fire me over this, 75 years after the Scopes monkey trial that when I win the wrongful termination lawsuit I will turn both of their homes into homeless shelters to live out Matthew 25. They backed down from their threats and I happily found a better paying teaching job somewhere else. That would NEVER happen in a Catholic school.
(1,996 posts)I agree on your perspective on the bible, a book as to how to live, especially the New Testament (Minus some harsh chapters in the Old Testament such as Leviticus).
Evangelicals are some of the biggest hypocrites today but they are not alone in that. The teaching of do unto others as you would have them do unto you or love thy neighbor as thyself has been lost for quite a long time. For myself, the teachings in the Gospels are a not just a telling of Jesus and redemption but also as you said instruction on how to live a good life and treat others kindly.
I will be honest, I do not know many Jewish people where I live but I do not understand the rampant anti-semitism in this nation. Jesus and the twelve apostles are/were Jewish and I have not a clue as to why that is not considered before people malign, slur them or worse.
That is also interesting about the school board and I am glad you pushed back. I am grateful for the catholic education I received but I always, then and still now, ask questions and speak out when something does not make sense or is not right.
(8,931 posts)from Religion and I don't miss it at all.
(17,757 posts)Most Christians do not grok what the Christ legend was about...
(27,472 posts)One lost his spine and the other evolved into a walking talking piece of shit.
(27,445 posts)we collectively became human. Au contraire. We are probably evolving faster than ever these days.