Scientists find mysterious new 'molecular bubble' in space
It's only the second time that astronomers have discovered such a bubble related to the "outflow" of material from a developing star
By Web Desk February 11, 2023

A three-color map of the bubble's structure. The blue corresponds to hydrogen, the red to carbon monoxide, and the green 250 μm observations. Duan et al., ApJ, 2023 via Science Alert
More than 450 light-years away, in the centre of a dense cloud of gas and dust, is a recently discovered structure that is the physical representation of a pair of young stars undergoing star formation.
In the Taurus molecular cloud complex, an astronomical team has discovered a bubble at the centre of a stellar nursery known as Barnard 18 that was likely carved out of the surrounding gas when two developing stars therein developed and expanded.
By Web DeskFebruary 11, 2023
A three-color map of the bubbles structure. The blue corresponds to hydrogen, the red to carbon monoxide, and the green 250 μm observations. Duan et al., ApJ, 2023 via Science Alert
A three-color map of the bubble's structure. The blue corresponds to hydrogen, the red to carbon monoxide, and the green 250 μm observations. Duan et al., ApJ, 2023 via Science Alert
More than 450 light-years away, in the centre of a dense cloud of gas and dust, is a recently discovered structure that is the physical representation of a pair of young stars undergoing star formation.
In the Taurus molecular cloud complex, an astronomical team has discovered a bubble at the centre of a stellar nursery known as Barnard 18 that was likely carved out of the surrounding gas when two developing stars therein developed and expanded.
It's only the second time that astronomers have discovered such a bubble related to the "outflow" of material from a developing star. Scientists may be able to understand more about how the environment affects stars as they grow, thanks to the recent discovery.
Chaotic and complex
Star creation is a chaotic and complex process. A dense, chilly cloud made up of tiny dust grains and gases, including hydrogen, is where it all begins.