Related: About this forumHow Do Octopuses Control 8 Arms? Scientists Discover Strange Segmented Nervous System
20 hours ago
Theyve termed the spatial map of its suckered arms the suckeroptopy.
Writer & Senior Digital Producer
Maddy Chapman
Never challenge an octopus to a popping and locking dance off, thats what my grandad always said. With eight worm-like arms, they exhibit extraordinary dexterity and control, and now scientists have uncovered a curious feature of their nervous systems that makes it possible. With segmented axial nerve cords that link up to individual suckers, octopuses exhibit a spatial mapping system for their arms never seen before, one scientists have named the suckeroptopy.
If you're going to have a nervous system that's controlling such dynamic movement, that's a good way to set it up, said Dr Clifton Ragsdale, Professor of Neurobiology at UChicago and senior author of the study, in a statement. We think its a feature that specifically evolved in soft-bodied cephalopods with suckers to carry out these worm-like movements.
Octopuses have eight arms and each arm has its own, extensive nervous system, which, combined, contain more neurons than are found in the animals brain. They are concentrated around the axial nerve cord (ANC), which encompasses all the suckers as it winds across the limb. Exactly how the ANC was connected to the musculature wasnt clear, so a team studied the California two-spot octopus, Octopus bimaculoides, to find out.
By looking at thin strips of tissue samples taken from their arms, they observed how the neurons were packed into segments separated by gaps, known as septa. They also saw that each segment connected to a different muscle region from the next. It sounds weird, but it makes sense when you consider the arms all need to operate with local specificity while also moving synchronously as a whole appendage.

(13,906 posts)I fell in love with these creatures. It gave me a deeper appreciation of their intricacies and intelligence and that of all life on the planet. I will never take them for granted again.
(11,397 posts)snot
(10,969 posts)Many plants' ability to grow toward light can be viewed as a sort of intelligence that can distinguish between light and dark and perhaps even detect edges including silhouettes. And this intelligence is distributed throughout much of the plant's body; and many plants can be grown from cuttings, with the new plant exhibiting the same intelligence as the "mother," growing toward the light. (And I think octopi can re-grow an amputated arm, although as far as I know the amuptated arm can't re-grow the rest of an ooctopus.) And we know that plants actually detect many other things, such as gravity, desirable nutrients, and in some cases, harmful predators that the plant needs to mobilize against, etc.; and many if not all those functions seem to exist in many parts of the plant, instead of being concentrated in particular sense organs and a brain.