Whale poop contains iron that may have helped fertilize past oceans
The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet. It consumes enormous quantities of tiny, shrimp-like animals known as krill to support a body of up to 100 feet (30 meters) long. Blue whales and other baleen whales, which filter seawater through their mouths to feed on small marine life, once teemed in Earths oceans. Then over the past century they were hunted almost to extinction for their energy-dense blubber.
As whales were decimated, some thought the krill would proliferate in predator-free waters. But thats not what happened. Krill populations dropped, too, and neither population has yet recovered.
A recent theory proposes that whales werent just predators in the ocean environment. Nutrients that whales excreted may have provided a key fertilizer to these marine ecosystems.
Research led by University of Washington oceanographers supports that theory. It finds that whale excrement contains significant amounts of iron, a vital element that is often scarce in ocean ecosystems, and nontoxic forms of copper, another essential nutrient that in some forms can harm life.