Related: About this forumWhat's your favorite movie ending that's wrapped up in a bow?
For my movie dollar it doesn't get much better than the original "The Karate Kid". Daniel goes from risking further injury and a humiliating defeat to getting the trophy, the respect of his adversary, the girl, and a nod from his sensei in the span of 30 seconds (I timed it).
Does that ever really happen?

True Blue American
(18,437 posts)hlthe2b
(108,400 posts)lapfog_1
(30,706 posts)Shermann
(8,871 posts)Not quite a bow to be honest, it's more of an intentional anti-climax after the climax.
(13,140 posts)Full disclosure
I just put over one hundred pcs of my own art into climate controlled storage and it felt like this.
(34,556 posts)And Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.
They embody hope.
(18,438 posts)BeyondGeography
(40,330 posts)mucifer
(25,061 posts)Shermann
(8,871 posts)I haven't seen it though.
(20,856 posts)Throughout the movie, there were these little interviews with happily married couples, then the last interview was Harry and Sally talking about their wedding.
(15,030 posts)together at the end in what you call a nice wrapped bow. Lots of "A" list actors..
(4,485 posts)Although, I always watch it through tears. Such a mixture of intense grief and exhilarating joy.
(9,640 posts)Shermann
(8,871 posts)SaveOurDemocracy
(4,485 posts)...was so inspired by Nicholson's, RP McMurphy, that he found the courage to break free of his fears and finally leave in a fashion that would have delighted 'Mac'. Before leaving he freed Mac from the effects of the punitive lobotomy and the clutches of Nurse Ratched.
(8,871 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,625 posts)Karadeniz
(23,963 posts)MIGuy
(36 posts)The shoot out between the feds and mobsters is perfect
(33,643 posts)Shermann
(8,871 posts)Another movie which has something very different from the "bow" ending.
Think "The Karate Kid", not the Holocaust.
(33,643 posts)But the ending, to me, is bow-like, between Schindler's speech (pretty much a made up part) and the survivors visiting his grave in the present day.
(15,891 posts)tblue37
(66,283 posts)SCantiGOP
(14,377 posts)No loose ends left at the end.
That movie (albeit great) ended in nuclear armageddon.
That's the opposite of what I'm looking for.
C'mon DU, you aren't even trying!
(25,138 posts)in line with the themes of the movie would have the Kid lose his bout but take pride in giving it his best. The movie wasn't supposed to be about winning. It was about hard work, discipline, and trying your best. This was a typical Hollywood ending. If he had lost he could still get the girl, get an appreciative nod from Sensei, and would have earned the respect of his adversary.
(8,871 posts)In 1984, if Daniel gets his shit ruined, Johnny gets the girl. Johnny also gets to high-five his sensei and give the finger to Mr. Miyagi. In 1984, you were either a winner or a loser. It was a true dichotomy back then.
(25,138 posts)the Tao, where one can see and deal with every shade of black and white without fear or favor. What does "winning" mean in that context? It all comes down to compassionately loving the world and learning to avoid the traps of blind attachment and obsession. There was no indication that the girl would choose the bully. If she did, then she was trapped in a world of hate and violence. You see the world in very simplistic terms, my friend. Martial arts take the world as it is and deal with it with equanimity.
(4,485 posts)If you desired just happy bows you could have designated that in your OP.

(8,871 posts)The phrase could be interpreted to mean that all loose ends are tied up, but the ending isn't necessarily picture perfect.
I see no need to be exclusionary in my thread. Keep 'em coming.