Related: About this forumOK, I WANT A CIGARETTE!!!!!! Damn, I quit in 2005, and watching some movies......
I want a smoke sooooooooo bad. Annette Bening in “The Grifters”. I want a smoke.

(10,078 posts)don't watch Tippi Hedrin in "The Birds." The most cirarette-friendely movie ever.
(15,359 posts)when you smelled cigarettes all day every day. He smokes everywhere. Seeing that is kind of a turnoff. It doesn't take very long before a cigarette doesn't seem like a good idea.
(6,883 posts)I quit in 2006 (July 18th, to be exact), and I still think about them once in a while.
Boy, not like those first days though, I DO NOT want to go through that again.
a kennedy
(33,027 posts)I used a drug for calming the brain down, Wellbutrin. A gift, because I was a freak if I could have a drag, this drug just calmed me down enough to quit smoking. But these movies of old, really have me wanting a puff or three.
(28,722 posts)it was like a magic bullet for me. I kept smoking a bit longer on it than you're supposed to but one day, 16 years ago, I got up and said "If I'm going to quit, it might as well be today." (I had noticed that if I did smoke I only burned about 1/3 of the cigarette).
Best part with this drug, no cravings. I missed the hand to mouth motion for a while but that was it.
(12,771 posts)toughest thing I ever done. Probably be dead if I hadn’t quit. I was a two pack a day’er.
(39,286 posts)Not 2 packs , but the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
A Kennedy, Maybe it’s a good idea to not watch such movies at this point?
Lots of other stuff to watch. Protect your investment. You’ve come too far to throw it all away.
(2,274 posts)And yes..... my COPD is so bad I'm on oxygen. I take the tube out and turn it off to puff and only smoke 2 whole cigs a day (spread out over the day, little bit here little bit there)
My favorite genre of movies is Film Noir so.... lol...... whenever I see Bogie light up I'm ready to go.
Just read this before posting....... its beyond pitiful to be so beholden to something killing you isn't it?
a kennedy
(33,027 posts)Don’t beat yourself up…….
(2,274 posts)And I HAVE cut way down too. 2 1/2 to 3 packs a day for 50+ years down to 2 a day max. All things considered I think I'm doing ...... ok. I'll quit for good before spring!
Thank you for the support
Xavier Breath
(5,403 posts)and each time a character lit up it was sort of jarring, even though that was the world we used to live in. Now the only time I see someone smoking is when I go to a retail establishment and there's invariably an employee on break out front trying to kill me with second-hand smoke.