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Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,173 posts)Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)The 1961 film, which you referenced in your headline, was a feature film- I saw it on a Saturday matinee when I was a kid.
(69,330 posts)It was a whimper, not a bang, usually considered one of the worst of the form. Rock-bottom budget, tired, hackneyed, formulaic story, poor acting, and much of the running time filled in with stock footage. Released to theaters eight years into television's entertainment dominance, it was a sad ending to the genre.
(24,173 posts)now the shift again is to streaming . have a grand day.
(69,330 posts)It might be interesting to have a look at some of the better ones.
A locally-owned movie theater in Tacoma used to offer old, vintage Golden Age of Hollywood films, and would preface them with cartoons, newsreels, and a serial chapter, just like the old days. Saw a few of them there when I was a kid; the old Flash Gordon serials. Cheesy but fun.
They don't do that anymore. The theater I mentioned still exists, but now offers first-run films.
(16,286 posts)
(16,286 posts)I watched some Captain Marvel episodes yesterday and I see that they also have Terry & The Pirates, Flash Gordon, Green Hornet, etc..