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(686 posts)Car companies are massive capital sinks and need a certain level of volume to stay profitable.
The CyberTruck is a HUGE flop selling a tenth of what they forecast, sales of the other models are down by 40% or more in countries around the world.
For comparisons sake, all it took was a 30% sales decline in 2009 to push Chrysler into bankruptcy. And it didnt have the liability of having its cars viewed as MAGA hats on wheels.
(108,340 posts)Why would any one want to drive around in something that has such negative symbolism?
So, while his stock price is up a hair today, along with the DOW, I'm not so sure that's going to last....In fact I'd bet his stock price continues on its precipitous fall.
(686 posts)If Tesla has cash flow issues, the stock will crater fast.
(13,784 posts)And not so invisible, either.
(19,439 posts)Of Tesla, SpaceX etc. will take care of their "Musk" problems. He's become a liability to every aspect of his "empire."
(13,020 posts)Yet another victim of the Trump Curse: Everything and everyone who Trump comes in contact with ultimately experiences calamity.
(2,776 posts)It's actually probably still over priced considering the crash in sales numbers. It's current price is around its high where it was being traded for the 2 years after he slaughtered Xitter using his Tesla stock and before the ridiculous instant jump to nearly double the current price after FatAss got elected 5 months ago It's his fault. Fuck both of them.
Blue Owl
(55,577 posts)Why would they want to save Mr. Electric Car?
(900 posts)Trump and Musk now have a symbiotic relationship. They're like Siamese twins and MUST CLING ONE TO THE OTHER.
They BOTH stand to lose if Tesla tanks, and as we know, Trump will cut bait if Musk proves to be a liability, but for now it's to their advantage to firmly attach themselves to one another.