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yellow dahlia
(1,817 posts)I hope that is okay.
BTW, it brought me to tears.
(2,854 posts)everything he said hit the target. I feel that, though he spoke of his colleagues on the Right as being good people, he really wanted to call them out as cowards, moral cowards, nervously and timidly supporting an attempted fascist-oligarchic takeover of the government.
I think more rants like Rep Larson's are needed, more expressions of honest outrage about the pirate-in-chief and the felon who gave him the reins of power. And these rants have to be followed by assertive action to stop what Musk is doing and reverse the very serious damage he has already done
It's tiresome and actually sad to hear Dems talking about winning over, convincing with reason and facts, Representatives of the Trump persuasion. Instead, the cowards and fascist conspirators on the Right need to be identified and called out by name, publicly, constantly, and loudly.
First the cowards, Repub Reps and Senators who really do not agree with Trump but are terrified of his anger and retributive meanness and cruelty. They are simply and shamelessly terrified of Trump's wrath and what his cruelty and meanness could do to them and their families. These craven Representatives and Senators, timid and fearful, will never change -- not as long as the government is run by the anti-American Barbarians who are working diligently to destroy it and crush their enemies. They must be publicly called to task for their craven support of Trump et al.
But more frightening are the conspiratorial Trump Reps, Reps who have bought in to the Trump dream of an oligarchic fascism. They won't change. They can't be moved because their minds are closed behind a wall of Trump's ---and Musk's --- ugly conviction that Democracy is dead and must be replaced by a dictatorship headed by a "strong man" -- like Trump. These Representatives and Senators are souls lost to the very ideas of freedom and democracy and will continue to be traitors to American values and principles, and willing accomplices of the devil no matter the persuasiveness of the Dems "reasonable arguments" in favor of democracy. They scorn the very idea of democracy and cannot understand why any government or person would adhere to the concepts of equality, fairness, and compassion unless there were profit in it for them and their leaders
The Dems err in thinking that the current Republican Congress can be won over to Democracy, period. They have to summon the courage to do battle with the Repubs, not by talking reasonably with them but, rather, by publicly attacking their efforts to destroy America.