He and his creepoids are gonna use any excuse to use the Insurection Act to activate the military and declare "Martial Law".....
And THAT will be the start of the Dictatorship.......
He is just sitting there salivating, with his tiny woody, just waiting.................
At that point, we will find out just how deeply the MAGAots have infiltrated the U.S. Military, National Guard, and Local Police/Sheriffs across the entire U.S.
I think it is fairly safe to assume that the entire Border Patrol, and the thousands of U.S. Military already along the border are just "Standing Back, and Standing By" for his orders already.............He brought them up to Portland during the Black Lives Matter peaceful demonstrations. They will use their own MAGAots, dressed as rioters, to commit acts of violence and vandalism to make it appear that the PROTESTORS are violent, just like they did in Portland and other locations across the nation.......Giving the Media and the soldiers justification to show the protestors as the violent ones............
Trump has already warned of a "Blood Bath", and that all his insurrectionists and seditionists, and Militias should "Stand Back, and Stand By"
It is already a COUP, and at that point it will become a Military Coup............the trademark of a Tyrant........
He has already tested the water by sending thousands of the U.S. Military to the southern border.....and to his glee there have been no protests of that act. The Posse Comatatus Act, to him, is just a worthless piece of paper. Along with it being said in the past, that the U.S. Constitution is just an antiquated piece of paper........