17:29 Usually, at the end of October there is a debate and it sort of wakes everybody up.... Donald Trump... got his ass kicked so bad in the last debate, he couldn't do this final debate...
so it's on the campaigns.
19:35 I want to give Kamala's team incredible credit... they built a strategy around closing strong with incredible frenetic energy to show this intensity that we're bringing here...
20:08 Our capacity to close is much stronger than theirs, meaning it's far more likely that we're going to move the election toward us.
21:21 I texted with Olivia Troy today, who's one of the President's of Republicans for Harris... she said she had people coming up to her at events in the last couple days -- Republicans saying, you know, I was kind of on the fence, but this behavior in the last week. I can't do it. I just can't do it... And if the pollster I was on the panel with yesterday is correct, she's seeking slow incremental movement toward Harris.
The likely scenario in the election was always going to be that at the end of the day a big chunk of republicans just couldn't vote for this guy because he is unacceptable; he is the most dangerous man in American political history. He is someone who not only wants to strip the rights and freedoms away from the women of America. . . but literally, Donald Trump is promising that he's going to rip apart and end the global economy that has made us prosperous; he's going to end the Western Alliance that's kept us safe; he'd going to end American democracy that's kept us free. These are the things that he's telling us he's going to do.
We've gotta win this thing for our families, our democracy, our freedoms and our future. . . . We've gotta close here with joy, and confidence, and strength, and power, and not from fear and worry. Fear and worry are what they want. What we want is we close this thing with joy and love of country and love of one another. These are far more powerful emotions than fear and worry.